
Dreams, or something like that

Ichigo had been known to daydream. In fact, countless times her friend Stella would have to nudge her into reality during class. Of course, Ichigo was grateful for this, but sometimes she would be annoyed and perhaps give Stella a little flick, or quite commonly a "hey! ". Most of the time Ichigo would go into her little dream world during class. Which was why she was often sent to the principals office, like she happened to be now. "I expect you do not know why you are here, Ichigo." The principal said. "No sir." Ichigo replied. The principal sighed. "Ichigo, me and the staff had a meeting today." Ichigo squinted, confused at what this had to do with her. "About your daydreaming, Ichigo." He said, as if reading her mind. "The teachers say that they are constantly having to punish you, and nothing seems to be working." He said, resting his hands on the desk. "Which is why we have decided to suspend you for a week, Ichigo." Ichigo's eyes grew wide. "You're going to suspend me???" She was shocked. "Yes, Ichigo. Your parents already know and have agreed that this will be good for you. Now, please go home."

Ichigo walked down the street, watching the few cars slither by. She kicked a stone as she walked past her school, unable to make eye contact. "Suspension! Really! I barely did anything!" Ichigo said angrily. "I mean, what's a little daydream?" She sighed dreamily as she thought of living in her dreamworld. "Things would be so much better!" Ichigo continued down the street until she came across a dark alleyway. Cautiously, she stepped closer. She heard a rattle from the dumpster, which made her spine tingle. She prepared herself to fight or even run, when an adorable Grey tabby cat jumped out from inside.