
Gray the tabby cat

"Oh, its just a cat." Ichigo relaxed and continued walking. Crash! Ichigo turned around to find the cat, who had been following her, had knocked over a trash can. Ichigo sighed and looked around to see if anyone had saw. "Now, little cat, you can't go doing things like that" Ichigo said, straightening the bin. She stood hands on hips facing the kitten. "Its also rude to follow people without their permission." The cat seemed to mew in protest, and rubbed against Ichigo's leg. Ichigo shook him off. "Go. On, shoo!" She said, attempting to shake off the cat. But it stood still, unphased. Ichigo sighed. "You can't come with me. I haven't anywhere to put you." She said. The cat hissed, flexing its claws. "Okay, okay, don't make a scene. I'll take you home." She said, almost scared the cat would attack. The cat seemed to mew in delight and walked ahead. I turned back to Ichigo as if saying "well, are you coming?".

When Ichigo arrived home she knew she'd have to find a place to shelter the kitten. But where... "Ichigo!" Her mother snapped. She came angrily down the hall. "I'm going off to work. Someone's being an idiot. Stay home and cook dinner later, won't you?" Ichigo nodded as her mother walked out of the house, totally ignoring the kitten. Ichigo looked from the door to the cat, clearly confused. She picked him up and headed up to her room, locking the door behind her. She placed the cat on the bed and looked it dead in the eyes. "I feel like I know you.. " Ichigo said, studying its features carefully. "Well, I would be quite disappointed if you didn't remember me at all" a small voice squeaked. Ichigo froze. She frantically searched the room with her eyes. "Who.." "I did" Ichigo looked down at the cat, who appeared to be looking up at her. "No.. No way.. I'm going crazy.. " the cat frowned. "I certainly hope not. That would be of no use." The cat said. Ichigo paced the room, rubbing her forehead. The cat jumped down from the bed. "Oh, don't do this, dear Ivie." He said. Ichigo stopped. "Ivie?... " The cats eyes went wide. "Oh, don't tell me you've forgotten who you are!" The cat whined. "Well, who are you?" Ichigo said, placing her fists on her hips. The cat was shocked. "Why, you've even forgotten me!" He sighed. "My name is Gray, you're faithful servant and mentor." He said, bowing. He looked up at her with big blue eyes. "Princess Ivie"