

Ichigo pressed her hand against her forehead, breathing heavily. "Ichigo?" Gray walked up to her, nudging her leg gently. "Gray, i need you to tell me something." Gray looked up at her and nodded. "Is this really all real?" Gray squinted. "Ichigo, i know this all seems very unbelievable, but you have to believe me. You are in danger, and you have to stay cautious. Please, princess." Ichigo sighed and straightened herself. "Okay, Gray. Its not like I have a choice."

Later after, Ichigo decided to go for a walk to clear her mind, a take all this crap in. But it didn't seem to be working. For some reason, she couldn't seem to shake off the feeling she was being followed. She thought that if she kept walking, and suppressed the feeling, perhaps it would go away. But it only grew stronger. Eventually, she couldn't ignore it and stopped. She looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of her pursuer. She had stopped by a mysterious alleyway. Strangely the place seemed almost deserted-there was no one in sight. It was as though the world had paused to take a breath. Ping. Ichigo swiftly turned around, attempting to locate the sounds creator. Whoosh! In a split second Ichigo was grabbed forcefully into the alleyway just as she was about to be kicked in the head. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Ichigo was searching franticly around the cramped alleyway. Her saviour was unidentifiable. The person pulled out a key and traced what looked like a star pattern on the empty brick wall. The traced star began to glow and opened a portal. Instantly she was pulled inside, and before she knew it she was somewhere else. She had to shield her eyes from the intense light. "where.." Ichigo looked up to see the hood of her saviour had fallen. It had revealed a tall slender boy, with scruffy blond hair and a black symbol on his right eye. His eyes were black and endless, and they almost seemed.. Dead. Who was this boy? Ichigo gasped and slowly arose, staring at the beautiful land ahead of her. Soft green grass blew in the light breeze, causing a planty smell to arise. "where are we?" she asked. The boy turned toward her, eyes wide. "it's you, it's really you" the boy said, gazing at her. "all these rumours.. I never thought they were going to be true.." "huh? Rumours?" Ichigo said, staring back at him. The boy shook his head. "ah, I didn't think so. Never mind." Ichigo bent down and sniffed a flower. "you didn't answer my question." she said. The boy glanced around. "listen here, I answer questions when I feel like it." his eyes lowered, causing his face to wear a completely different look. He sighed. "I'm actually not that sure right now" he said, fingering a leaf from a nearby tree. "Where ever we are, it sure is beautiful though." he added. "I've never seen so many cherry blossom trees in my life." Ichigo said, arising. "pfft, their ugly things if you ask me." he shrugged. "Well, I think they're pretty." Ichigo said, snapping a branch off. "Then why are you killing it, then?" he asked, clearly uninterested. "Because, they're pretty, as I said. And I'm not killing them, I'm just taking a limb as a treasure." The boy raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like killing it to me" he said. Ichigo fumed. "plus, it's probably useless to bring that thing along anyway." Ichigo sighed. "You gonna tell me your name, know it all?" she smirked. The boy looked down at the ground. "My name is.. Dante. Yeah, let's just go with Dante." 'I can't tell her my real name..' he thought. 'Because if she really is who I think she is, she'll kill me, no doubt."