
Dante and Ichigo start a journey together

"so are you going to tell me your name?" Dante asked. Ichigo smiled. "My name is... Ivie" Dante's eyes widened. Ichigo squinted. "um, Dante?" Dante cleared his throat. "Do you.. Remember years ago.. When the demon clan sealed the Goddess race in Heaven?" He asked, his words kind of shaky. Ivie, or Ichigo, looked down at her feet. "No, not really, actually" Dante grunted. 'so she doesn't remember me' "Why do you ask?" Dante recovered from his thoughts. "Oh, no reason." he said. Ichigo squinted confusedly. "Dante, no one asks those sorts of questions for no reason." Dante smiled. "remember, I answer what I want." he said, walking off into the cherry blossom trees.

"HEYYYYY!!! WAIT UP!" Dante sighed and turned around to see Ichigo running up to him, waving her arms in the air like crazy. They had arrived at a small town, and had found themselves a nice little diner to eat at. Dante sighed. "Come on, Ichigo, we have to get going!" he yelled. She ran up to him, stopping as she reached him. She was huffing, completely out of breath. The two continued inside the diner and found a place to sit. Ichigo was squirming in her seat. Dante raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Ichigo.. Are you OK?" he asked, watching as she jumped around. "yeah, just making myself comfortable." she replied. She sighed. "I wish Gray was here."

"How long does it take for that girl to clear her mind?!" Gray swiftly jumped down from each stair, and walked out the cat flap to the deserted streets. "Ichigo! ICHIGO!" Gray yelled. He found himself stiff and still as he reached an alleyway. Across an empty wall space was drawn a picture of a star. "Portal key" the words seemed to tumble out by themselves, as Gray approached the star. "The Princess must have come through here somehow" Gray pawed the wall and the bright light glew, recreating the portal entrance. Swiftly, she jumped through it, leaving Ichigo's home behind.

"Ichigo" Dante said, as he watched her slurp a milkshake. "Hmm?" she said, putting her drink down. "Have you ever heard of something called the winged sword?" Ichigo almost jumped in her seat. "you know about the sword?" she tried to ask so casually, but it came out more worriedly sounding. Dante flexed his hands. "so you do know?" Ichigo nodded. "after all, it was my mother who created it."

Dantes eyes went wide, something Ichigo had never seen before."so you are Princess Ivie!" Dante reached across the table and hugged her tightly. "uh, Dante.." "call me Daku."