
"Hey Finna, can you help me with something I've been planning for over a week?" Asked Alex.

Finnaire was standing at her locker, getting her textbooks together.

"Hmm? What is it, Alex?" She asked, turning her head towards Alex momentarily before turning back to locker.

"Can you help me give these invitations out to the school?"

Alex lifted the plastic bag in his hand up filled with fancy invitations.

"What's it for?" Asked Finnaire.

Alex explained the situation to Finnaire.

"Oh, Alex! That's a wonderful idea! Oh, I'd love to help!" Exclaimed Finnaire, excitedly.

"Love to help, what?" Asked Ben, quizzically, while he wrapped his arm around Finnaire, making her blush slightly.

Alex explained the situation with Ben.

"Oh, that is a great idea," said Ben, enthusiastically.

"Would you mind helping?" Asked Alex.

"Of course not," said Ben, while detaching himself from Finnaire. "I'll do ANYTHING for you," he said, while gently stroking Alex's chin.

"Oh, how, fun. You guys are having a little threesome," said Bobby, sarcastically.

The three turn around to see Jacklynn holding up her phone on a facetime with Bobby.

"Jacklynn," said Alex, aggressively.

"You want to slap me up side the head again, so I can become mentally disabled as much as physically?" Asked Jacklynn, dryly.

Alex pulled down on his collar nervously.

"I have to go," he said. He then stormed away, handing the plastic bag to Finnaire.

"Little bitch," said Jacklynn.

"How dare you lie about Alex slapping you! He's a very nice person. You can't just go around making stuff up like that! Yelled Finnaire, angrily.

"I'm not lying," said Jacklynn.

Finnaire told the situation with the two of them about why Alex had the invitation, making Bobby's eyes slightly soften.

"H-he really is trying to help, Heira?" Asked Bobby.

The warning bell rang.

"I have to go. Let's talk during lunch, including you too, Bobby," said Finnaire.


At lunch Alex, Ben, Finnaire, and Jacklynn who was face timing Bobby were all sitting in the cafeteria on a lunch table bench. Kids around the cafeteria were being loud, obnoxious, running around, throwing food at eachother, and etc.

"You know, regardless if your helping Heira to be found. (Which I'm not disregarding by the way.) You still haven't apologized for slapping me ALEX. You know, you can come across as this 'nice guy' but it's just a front," said Jacklynn.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of medication your taking, but do you think someone who is helping find a missing person would slap a disabled person. What kind of monster do you think I am, hmm?" Asked Alex, passive aggressively.

"I-I,- you're avoiding the question! You didn't even answer it!" Shouted Jacklynn.

"Jacklynn, calm down, there's no reason to shout. Alex wouldn't slap you," said Finnaire.

'As long as you're not Richard; Alex treats Richard like a rag doll, he probably treats Bruce the same way. But... I can change him, for the better, I know I can,' thought Finnaire.

"Maybe she's right, Jacklynn.... maybe he wouldn't slap you. Have you been taking your meds?" Asked Bobby.

"What?! Now you're taking their side?! I thought you were with me! I-I-" Said Jacklynn, tears had begun to well up in her eyes.

"Oh, come on... don't cry Jacklynn... dry your tears," said Alex.

"I have to go," said Jacklynn. She grabbed her phone and wheeled away on her wheelchair.

"Did you really slap her, Alex?" Asked Ben.

"No, of course not," said Finnaire, defensively.

"Excuse me, is your name Alex?" Asked Ben.

"No, but I-", said Finnaire.

"No, it's Finnaire, so shut the hell up bitch; who even names their kid Finnaire anyway?" Asked Ben.

"My dad wanted me to have a name no one else had," answered Finnaire.

"So he names you after a airline? Granted there's no 'e' at the end of- Damn I'm getting off topic," said Ben.

"Why are you being such a- such a- as- jerk to me Ben?! What did I do, huh?! Finnaire shouted.

"Oh, Little Miss Perfect almost cussed but caught herself at the last second, what a relief," said Ben, sarcastically.

"You know sometimes I think, 'what the hell is wrong with you, Ben?' I don't understand your behavior," said Finnaire, before she stormed away.

"Damn, everyone is so on edge today. At least that leaves the two of us alone," said Ben, while stroking Alex's chin.

"Mmhm, right," said Alex, uncomfortably. He tried to pull away Ben's hand, but Ben held onto Alex's chin aggressively. He looked around the cafeteria for help, but no one was paying attention to them.

"Did you slap Jacklynn? What kind of guy puts his hands on a girl if it's not in self-defense?" Said Ben.

"She's not even sure if I slapped her. There's probably something mentally going on with her, you know?" Asked Alex.

Ben let go of Alex and a apologetic expression appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, Alex, I'm going to go find Finna and apologize to her," said Ben.


"Finna... hey," said Ben, softly.

Finnaire was sitting in the woods, crying.

"G-go..... a-way-way, B-Ben," said Finnaire, between her tears.

Ben sighed and sat down next to Finnaire.

"I'm really sorry, I don't really know what's gotten into me... I. God, I hate talking about my emotions," said Ben.

"You've been really cruel, Ben. I'm not sure if I really want to be friends with you anymore."

"Just give me one more chance.... won't you?"



"You know I was in the PURGE," said Mr. Merril.

Mr. Merril, Finnaire, Tommy, and Bobby sitting at their black rectangular dinner table eating mashed potatoes and steak.

"We know, dad," said Finnaire, annoyed.

"The year was nine-teen-ninety, I was sixteen-" said Mr. Merril.

"Dad, just STOP," said Finnaire.

"Do you have anything better to talk about?"

Finnaire told her dad about the jubilee.

"Well, then you better go and get ready," said Mr. Merril.


"Hello, everyone my name is Alex L. Gordon," said Alex.

Alex was wearing a purple colored suit, standing on a black stage on top of it was a banner in big purple letters that read 'Flower Foundation,' on the stage were pots of purple lilacs, beside the stage were bright purple coloured balloons and a large poster in red letters reading 'MISSING' with a big picture of Heira's face. Below around it was in a big ballroom with nearly one thousand people. The ballroom was appointed with crystal chandeliers and it was a brilliant golden color.

"As you all know a girl named Heira Stella Rogers is unfortunately has gone missing. So, I'm co-hosting this jubilee with the founder of a nonprofit organization called Flower Foundation, which helps find missing children. So I am holding a fundraiser to help find Heira the proceeds will go to the foundation," said Alex.

The crowd clapped and cheered. Alex nodded his head and smiled, then he handed the microphone to a older Caucasain woman with blonde hair tied up in a high bun with blue eyes, wearing a blue paint suit and black heel shoes.

"Hello everyone my name is Rosalina Carter the founder of the Flower Foundation and I...," said Rosalina.

Finnaire started spacing out and stared at the picture of Heira. After Rosalina finished her introduction everyone began conversating again and Alex came down to Ben, Bobby, Finnaire, and Jacklynn.

"Hello, friends I'm very pleased you all could make it out this evening," said Alex.

Finnaire swung her arms around Alex and held him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're doing this, Alex. You're such a great guy," said Finnaire, sweetly.

Ben pushed the two of them embracing eachother apart.

"Okay, that's enough you literally just saw eachother a few hours ago," said Ben, annoyed.

"I-I, really do appreciate what you're doing. Even if Heira never gets found or shows up dead... I'll be forever grateful," said Bobby.

"Eh, there is no need to thank me-" said Alex.

"He's right Alex. You're doing a great thing," said Jacklynn.

'Alex is such a great guy,' thought Finnaire.

Alex smiled with pride. "Well, thank you everyone your compliments pleasure me."