"Have you thought about what you're going to do for your birthday?" Asked Bruce.

Alex, Bruce, and Richard were on the garden house; Alex was sitting down at the table drinking tea and eating cucumber sandwhiches.

"I don't know," said Alex, staring at his cucumber sandwich in his hands quizzically. "I'm, bored, bored, bored, bored..... boredy.. bored bored."

"I'm sorry to hear that," said Bruce.

"Yeah, me too." Alex picked up a thornless red rose from the vase and began to pluck off it's petals.

'She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me," thought Alex, while plucking the petals off the rose. 'She loves me, that's absolutely revolting,' thought Alex.

"Ever since I've stopped doing my special hobby, I've been so bored, there's nothing to dooooo," said Alex while he let out an exaggerated.

"Master, what's your 'special hobby?' What, masturbating?" Asked Richard.

Alex gave Richard a disgusted look.

"Hey, I did it when I was your age," said Richard.

"You don't know when to stop do you?" Asked Alex annoyed. "Just leave."

Richard shrugged and left.

"I saw a woman she kept giving such bizarre looks. I went up to her and asked for her name.... it was....." Alex tapped his fingers on the table in thought. "It was Marcie..... K. Marshall."

"Mr. Gordan, if I dare ask.... why are you telling me this?"

"I want to have a chat with her. I don't plan on hurting her."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do, Mr. Gordan."

"As you should."


"Do any of you guys have any news about Heira?" Asked Bobby.

Alex, Ben, Bobby, Finnaire, and Jacklynn were sitting in their usual spot in the woods. Bibby suspension was over so he was able to join them.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Alex?" Asked Bobby.

Alex took Bobby's head in his apologitcally.

"I'm so sorry, Bobby but I haven't heard anything from anyone. But just know they are not giving up on Heira," said Alex with an exaggerated frown.

"Thank you, Alex. That means so much, Heira means so much to me," said Bobby.

"Oh, we know how much Heira means to you," said Finnaire, teasingly.

Bobby blushed.

"Man, when Heira was around I used to be more cool and stuff, but ever since she went missing I've been more emotional and stuff. Man, I just want things to go back to the way they were before," said Bobby.

"Well, I have some good news!" Blurted Alex.

The group gave Alex surprised looks.

"Uh... what is it?" Asked Finnaire.

"Next Wednesday is my birthday!" Exclaimed Alex, excitedly.

"Oh, cool, Alex. How old will you be?" Asked Ben.

"Fourteen!" Exclaimed Alex, excitedly.

"Cool, Short Stuff. Got any plans? Maybe we can go surf some waves?" Asked Bobby.

"I don't have any plans, but surfing is not really my forte," said Alex, while he admired his pedicured nails, looking uninterested in the conversation.

"Alex, you're turning fourteen, you can get your permit, which is a huge milestone," said Finnaire.

Alex simply shrugged.

"Oh, come on, Alex, Finnaire has a point", said Jacklynn.

"Mmm... k," said Alex.


"So, when do you expect everyone to arrive for the party- bro- Uh, Master?" Asked Richard.

Alex, Bruce, and Richard were all in the dining room, Alex was sitting down at the end of the table.

"When they do," replied Alex.

"Mr. Gordan, would like me to bring out the food?" Asked Bruce.

"Mmm.... no, not yet. Not until everyone has gotten here," replied Alex.

"As you wish, Mr. Gordan," said Bruce.

'I'm so lucky to have such an obedient butler', thought Alex.

"Do you have any news on the where abouts of Marcie?" Asked Alex.

"Yes, Mr. Gordan. It's quite amazing what you can find-", answered Bruce.

"Yeah, yeah, stop your rambling. Did you arrange a meeting for us?" Asked Alex.

"Yes," replied Bruce.

"Good, I'm very pleased. Does doggy want a treat?" Asked Alex.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gordan?" Questioned Bruce.

"Come on, doggy boy, you're not getting a treat until you play dead," said Alex, tauntingly.

"Dammit, I've had up to here, with your behaviour; you're nothing but a spoilt brat!" Yelled Bruce, while his face turned into a deep red.

Alex and Richard were taken a back about Bruce's outburst, Bruce even was surprised about what he said.

"Wh-what did you just say to me?" Questioned Alex, in disbelief.

"You heard what I said, I am your legal guardian, you will listen to me!" Exclaimed Bruce.

"You... are my fucking BUTLER! You will talk to me with respect; how dare you talk to me like that!" Screamed Alex. He picked up a glass cup and threw it on the floor, the shattered glass made Richard jump.

"Come with me, Bruce, up to my bedroom. There's a punishment waiting for you in there," said Alex, in a surprisingly calm demeanor.

"Mr. Gordan, please, I'm sorry," pleaded Bruce.

"Big Gay," mumbled Richard.

"What was that?" Asked Alex.

"Uh, nothing," said Richard.

"Whatever, come on, Brucey boy," said Alex.

Alex and Bruce made their way to Alex's bedroom and Alex had Bruce sit on the bed, while Alex rummaged through his draws.

'Where is it?' Alex asked himself.

Finally Alex pulled out a needle and thread.

"Remember this?" Asked Alex.

Bruce nodded his head slowly.

"Since you talked back to me, I have no choice but to do this, I'm very sorry, Bruce."

Bruce sat completely still as Alex took the needle and plunged it into Bruce's upper lip, Bruce rapidly blunk to keep himself from crying as the skin on his lip was getting torn apart and his blood squirted on Alex's face. When Alex was down stitching Bruce's lips shut, Bruce's chin and lips were caked in blood.

"You know Bruce, it brings me no pleasure in doing that to you, but when you talk down to me like that you must be punished. This is the second time I had to do this, dont make it a third," said Alex, while he exaggerated his pouted lip.

"You will get the stitches removed in one week, like last time there are little spaces in between the stiches so you can drink water and use mouth wash. The spaces aren't wide enough for you to blend up food and consume it that way, if you feel a little faint because of lack of food.... WWEEELLLL... fucking deal with it."

Alex smiled at Bruce and then Alex lifted up Bruce's hand and put it to the left side of his chest.

"I do have a heart, Bruce.... You don't think I'm bad person, do you?" Asked Alex, desperately.

Bruce slowly shook his head, making Alex smile.

"Thank you, Bruce..... Now, go get yourself cleaned up, I'll be downstairs, take the rest of the day off and get some sleep."

Alex went back downstairs and sat down at the end of the table, then he heard the doorbell ring.

"Richard anwser the door, Bruce is cleaning himself up, and taking the rest of the day off" said Alex.

"Uh, okay, man-uh, Master," said Richard.

Richard left the room. And then came back with Finnaire, who was wearing her hair down, was wearing a yellow sundress, makeup, and sandals; in her hands she was carrying a cake container.

"Hi, Alex, happy birthday!" Exclaimed Finnaire, happily.

She placed the container on the table and ran over to hug Alex, then she sat down next to him.

"Where is everyone else?" Asked Alex.

"Oh, they'll be here later, they said we could eat the cake without them because they're bringing over a second cake," anwsered Finnaire.

"Oh, okay."

"Hey, where's Bruce?"

"He's taking the rest of the day off."

"Oh, well, okay, then, it just uh, seems out of his character to take the day off."

"Well he needs the rest."

"I'm glad your showing Bruce your softer side."

Alex shrugged.

"Well, I'll be right back."

Finnaire grabbed the cake container and went into the kitchen.

"I wonder what she's doing, Master," questioned Richard.

"Only time will tell," answered Alex.

A few moments later Finnaire came out of the kitchen with a circular cake with blue icing covering it and in blue icing read, 'Happy 14th birthday, Alex!' There was also a little mini figurine of Alex on the cake, including 14 litted birthday candles.

"Happy birthday to you," sang Finnaire.

Alex body froze, he stared at the candles in horror his pupils dilating. Images of a red headed girl's body burning flashed into his head. Her screams calling out to Alex as the skin melted off her face like candle wax, burned into his mind.

'I'm sorry I couldn't save you,' thought Alex.

Just as Finnaire was wrapping up the song, Alex ripped the cake out of her hands and threw it to the ground; the cake and icing putting out the flames from the candles.

"Alex, why did you do that?!" Exclaimed Finnaire.

Richard stared in shock.

"Because I don't like burning candles! I hate them, I hate them, I HATE THEEEMMM. Just get out!! Leave me alone!" Screamed Alex.

Finnaire dashed out of the dining room and out the front door.

Alex began crying.

"Uh, are you alright Mr. Gordan?" Asked Richard.

"Does it look like I'm fucking alright?! I hate fucking burning candles! Those fuckers! Carry me to bed, Richard. I need to lay in bed... and wait for the voices."