When Teutsui Met the Federation

Scene: The misty fogs near dock 34 of the Spirit Realm start to thin only slightly as the day wears on. Fuba is standing over the mysterious gull's boat, alternating between looking attentively inside and glancing behind him for any sign of his senpai: Lieutenant Donka.

Unbeknownst to Fuba, a small ibis is inconspicuously watching his episode from afar as it sits on one of the dock pilings.

"Oh man, I'm freaking out over here. I only graduated from the academy last month and already they put me on guard duty? 'Powerful magic' is what the stone told me... what if this thing wakes up and tries to kill me? I mean, I could TRY to run, but then everyone would be disappointed in me... they'd never trust me again. That's IF I could even get away! Oh man..."

Suddenly, Fuba's heart kicks up to 11 as his vision is blinded by a flash of light.

"Wha? Ahhh! The gull is waking up! HELP!"

Fuba's screams are quickly overshadowed by a thunderous wave of sound. The spectating ibis turns its head to glance up at the sky as a portal opens up.

"Shugaru!! You bastard!" screams Teutsui as she free-falls out of the portal and toward the water below. As the curses leave her lips, so does Buddy's fire collar. The ibis notices this and immediately takes to the sky, skillfully snatching the fire collar in mid-air and sailing back to its observation post before Teutsui even hits the water.

The bedraggled Fuba becomes even more bedraggled as a wave of water rains down on him, causing his eyes to slap shut. With his pelican knees knocking together in fear, he gathers the courage to look out in front of him. For a moment, he starts to calm down as he spots nothing of interest; indeed, the gull still sleeps in the boat.

"Ahh!" Fuba yelps as he spots Teutsui pop her head out of the water with her fur looking quite like a rat that had been to the bottom of the sea and back. Fuba maintains an uneasy stance as he attempts to make his uniform proud, but the sight of Teutsui's suspenseful climb from the water and onto the dock was making this difficult for him. Somehow, perhaps due to being frozen with fear, Fuba remains stationary as Teutsui approaches him and looks him square in his pelican eyes.

"I am Teutsui, the great ruler of Fish! Who are you and where am I?" Teutsui says with wild gesticulation.

Fuba looks into her eyes with his beak hanging open and manages to speak as if he were recalling a script from memory.

"Uh... I-I am ensign Fuba of the Spirit Legion. We are a division of the Federation of Air Realms and serve to uphold law and justice in the Spirit Realm."

Teutsui looks at Fuba with a blank stare.

"Okay… so I am in the Spirit Realm, I gather?"

"Y-yes, that's correct."

The gears begin to turn in Teutsui's head as she questions further, "Tell me, this is an air realm, isn't it?"

"Um, yes that is correct. This realm is aligned with the Universal Pool of Air Mana."

Teutsui turns to speak to herself, "Grr, what? How did Shugaru- ? DUFF! Of course, that sneaky ice dragon... he's buddy-buddy with Karen, who is the lover of... Darren... who is the God of... AIR! It makes perfect sense... yes..."

Fuba looks concerned, "D-did you say 'Darren'? Do you know the-"

"HEY! I wasn't talking to YOU, pinhead!"

As Fuba cowers in fear a voice shouts out from distance, "Ensign Fuba! Just who do we have here?"

"Oh! Captain Pikadu!" Fuba's eyes are almost filled with tears of joy as we watches the group walk towards dock 34. The small rat, Pikadu, is flanked on one side by Donka the pelican and on the other side by an upright-walking panda bear armed with a katana; all three of them wearing the same blue uniform that Fuba wears. Teutsui's face starts to paint a picture of apprehension.

"My, my, Lieutenant Donka, this is not a gull, my boy. Do I need to schedule you a vision test?"

Teutsui, feeling cornered and compelled her to demonstrate her might, scowls at Pikadu and remarks, "Insolent rat, I am no gull..."

She places her paw to the sky, claws extended, "I am Teutsui, the great ruler of Fish! I call upon the Great Water Pool, lend-"

Pikadu immediately turns to the other figure and issues a command, "Commander Watashi, nullify!"

"Yes, Captain", says the panda bear as he holds his paw out in front of him. Teutsui continues her summoning, unaware of the purple aura that was surrounding her.

"-lend me your mana as I summon: Tsunami!" yells Teutsui with her eyes clamped shut. Pikadu and the other Spirit Legionaries stand silently waiting for Teutsui to realize her situation. Finally, after a long pause, she opens her eyes to survey her opponents.

"Uh… I call upon the Great Water Pool, lend me your mana as I summon: Tsunami!" she tries again, to no avail.

"I think you'll find that you cannot summon at the moment", says the small rat, "Teutsui, is it? My name is Pikadu, and I am the captain of the Spirit Legion, a division of the Federation of Air Realms that was established to protect the beings of the Spirit Realm" Pikadu continues as he looks up at Teutsui, "Ruler of Fish, you say? Let's see… ah yes I remember, that realm is part of the Ice Kingdom, is it not? Ruled by Duff the Ice Dragon?"

Teutsui, still in a fit of rage, tries to 'will' her enchantments into play; first trying the ice floor magic she used on Shugaru and Dandan just moments before being flung into the Spirit Realm. However, she soon finds that nothing happens except the seer stone around Commander Watashi's neck begins to glow.

"What magic was that, Commander?"

"Looks like it was", the panda pauses to will the information out of his stone, "…it was ice magic; specifically a water enchantment that would have coated the dock's surface and surrounding area with a layer of ice."

Pikadu chuckles as he turns to meet Teutsui in the eye once more, "I should have been clearer: You cannot summon, nor can you will any of your enchantments at the moment. You see, my Commander here has placed an enchantment of our own on you which-"

Teutsui brings her claws down in three powerful whacks onto Captain Pikadu's face. Watashi immediately holds his paw forward, "Sleeping target now, sir."

The purple aura around the cat demi-god intensifies as she falls backwards and asleep. Watashi turns to his captain with great concern.

"Captain, are you okay?"

"Oh, I've had much worse", Pikadu says while rubbing his eyes, "Commander Watashi, how long until her sleep and nullify wear off?"

Watashi hovers his seer stone over Teutsui to confirm, "…odd, while I was intending to sleep her for an hour, Sage-net is estimating that this enchantment will only hold for about 30 minutes. The nullify duration is around the same."

"Ho-ho, this is one strong-willed cat, I'll give her that much. Regardless, please escort her immediately to the holding cells and we can question her later."

"Yes, Captain", Watashi says as he picks up Teutsui and throws her over his shoulder and makes his way off of the docks. While Fuba is looking like he is going to be sick, Pikadu turns to Donka and asks, "so what about this gull you both found?"

The ibis, still watching from afar with Buddy's fire collar in its mouth, takes off high into air and flies away from the docks.