
Marie suddenly started thinking of when she seemed popular. She and Alisha had been friends. Her hair was blonde, since then she had it dyed brown. Her eyes, blue, well, they still are, but anyway. She hid her wings then too. The color didn't seem right to show. She had hung out around of group of girls, 4 were normal, one had a sort a unicorn horn, one a cat, another had hair made out of tree branches, and another still, had gills. Of course the gills girls was on the swim team. That was when she was a freshman. Then it happened. She missed sophomore year, and was now a sophomore. She was always younger than the people in her grade anyway. It had something to do with her birthday, they'd be 14, she'd be 13. If she thought about, the group of students who were in her grade now, are really the students she was supposed to go to school with.

Alisha stared at Marie. She made sure she was glaring. Marie had disappeared last year, before school even started. Alisha wouldn't lie. They were enemies. But only because of a betrayal. Alisha wouldn't lie. She missed Marie's friendship. Now she seemed like the depressed normal teen. Normal was not like her. Alisha would make it a point to make Marie's life worse. Alisha couldn't believe she ever was friends with that chick.

Cooper got to his first class. It was a free period class. Everybody had to gather in a class in the beginning of the day, for attendance, and to hear any announcements the school might need to make. Other than that they read or worked on homework or something. If you got an awesome teacher for first period, like Cooper did last year, they let you play games. Cooper also remembered his freshman year first period. He hid. He did not have a reputation then. The teacher barely even noticed him, which was actually kind of sad. That was when he had decided that in his sophomore year, he would become one of the cool guys. During his freshman year, Marie had been one of the only people who would talk to him. He was amazed at that too. Her friends always ridiculed her for being his friend, but she hadn't cared. She disappeared sophomore year, Cooper hadn't seen her since, he guessed she moved. It sort of hurt him to think about it, considering she didn't tell him. He actually kind of, maybe had a thing for her.

Marie came up with a new motto for her to live her life by, "trust no one, live in the dark, dream small." Ambitions were so overrated. Marie entered her first period. She remembered Freshman year, that since first period could be mixed, there where only four other freshman in her first period. This year, she was quite surprised, and afraid to find ten Juniors, mixed in with Sophomores, Freshman, and Seniors. Cooper and Alisha were also there. She didn't feel like explaining anything, and quickly took a seat in the back of the rooms. "Shadows," She whispered, for no reason what so ever, "conceal me." Maybe if she was lucky, she could make it through the school year with out them noticing her.

Alisha was actually surprised. There he was. The god himself. She decided to introduce herself.

"Hi," She said walking up to Cooper, "I'm Alisha, don't know if you know! We're in the same grade."

"Hi, and yes I knew your name and existence," Cooper said, he had watched many times as a freshman as she and Marie had talked.

Alisha blushed, "He knows my name," her mind was screaming. "So, uh," She said, "you moved her last year, right?"

Cooper face-palmed.

"Ahem, students," The teacher said, "May I have your attention, I have a very important announcement to make."