Festival announcement

"There is going to be a Fantasy Festival this year," The teacher said, "How exciting, right? Multiple schools around the world will be competing, eight people from each school, both fantasy, human, and not. There are prizes that reward the winners, which can be up to four people allied together, individually, as well as benefits given to the school. We will be choosing two people, one male, one female, from each grade level, if you would like to compete, you must get an appointment with the vice principal, to state your case on why you should be chosen, I urge you all to try!"

Murmurs and whispers of excitement flew around the room. Fantasy Festivals, held every four years or so, where always looked forward too, and where even broadcasted around the world.

"I'am totally in!" Cooper said.

"Me too!" Alisha said, more interested in the fact that Cooper would be there.

"Maybe she knows what happened to Marie," Cooper thought. "Alisha," he said, let's go get appointments right now!"

"Yes," Alisha said, "Together."

Meanwhile Marie was in the back of the room, "I can make this up to you," she thought, "by doing this. And I know I already have a guaranteed spot." She was talking about her wings. It gave her an advantage over other people. She could fly. And having wings was quite rare as a genetic mutation. She went to the bathroom, with her teacher's permission, and pulled off her sweatshirt, than cut slits into her shirt underneath, and shoved her wings through, once again folding them to her back, she replaced her sweat shirt, and went to make an appointment. So many people had already signed up for time slots. She noticed that Alisha's and Cooper's were next to each other. She also noticed that it almost seemed as if they were being sweet to each other in first period. "Interesting," Marie thought, "Its as if they have been friends a while. Maybe they have been? Maybe more... Boy, Cooper sure has changed."