Making the case

Alisha waltzed into the room when it was her time. She tried to look as calm and as strong as possible. She took a deep breath and waited to be addressed.

"Alisha?" The vice principal said.

"Present," Alisha replied, formally.

"Have a seat," he said gesturing towards a chair.

Alisha did.

"Okay, so tell me why we should ever, in the name of god, choose you?" He was obviously looking at her very non-muscular complexion. Alisha could sense he was trying to be offensive. She couldn't figure out if it was because he wanted her to argue her worth, or if he was tired of talking to all the useless kids, who wouldn't make it.

"I am Alisha," Alisha said, trying to say everything as she had rehearsed, " I have a genetic mutation that makes me cat-like. I can always land on my feet, can climb things quickly, and have built in weapons," she held up her claws, gleaming, having been freshly sharpened, " I have leverage above other girls from my family name, and my brother sometimes tests me by 'fighting' with me, he trains me. I believe you would know who he is."

"Thank god he graduated last year," The vice principal blurted, "always getting into fights that brother of yours..."

"Ahh, Cooper!" The vice principal said when he walked into the room, "Haven't gotten into any fights this year have you? No problems?"

"None so far, sir," Cooper said, respectfully.

"I'm not going to lie to you," The vice principal said, both smiling and frowning, "There is no sophomore who could contest you, and any who could or dared, you beat last year."

Cooper smiled, proud of his accomplishments.

Marie watched as both Cooper and Alisha came out, they met up with each other, and as far as Marie could tell, both said, "I've defiantly made it!" Marie shook her head. "And so have I," she thought. Her trial was next. Interview if you'd prefer.

"Marie?" The vice principal said as she walked in, raising an eyebrow, "when did you come back? Haven't heard much about you-or from you, for that matter."

"I am Marie, yes," was all she said.

"Okay than," the vice principal said, both annoyed at her dodging his question, and intrigued at what she was trying to achieve, "go ahead, make your case."

Marie stared at him.

"Well..." he said, "aren't you going to say something?"

Marie stood up, and pulled off her sweatshirt, making sure her back was away from him. She than faced him, and continued to stare.

"Umm... Marie, I don't get it, what are you trying to show me?" The vice principal said.

Marie spread her dark wings wide open. With them fully extended, she could almost touch both walls of the fairly small, fairly large, office. The vice principal was speechless. Marie stood like that, her gaze strong, willing, almost scary. She then folded her wings to her back, and replaced her sweatshirt. Then left.

Cooper and Alisha were still there. Only Alisha noticed her. Marie pretended nor to notice Alisha's gaze.