Dreamless Night

She was furious, knowing she didn't have a chance to reject him completely in the first place, now knowing that the considerate master of the fortress she thought she was temporarily residing in was the general Hellsworn's property! It's as if the moment she stepped foot in Froxenheim, she had triggered a trap.

The maids had her hot bath ready for her. They helped her undress her bloody garments only till she was wearing her corset and underwear with matching white garter belts and stocking.

"I'll take off the rest myself" She ordered with her stepping back from them with her hands guarding her underwear before they could put their hands on her lingerie

It would be embarrassing if they where to see a huge stain of the evidence from the soirée. Even though there was a slight stain on the lower area of her corset that can hardly be seen which she thanked the God that her apparel where white. The maids then got out of the bathroom to give her her privacy.

She stepped in the pool with steaming warm water that had rose petals floating on its liquid surface. She leaned her head on the ledge and closed her eyes. This was gonna be her new life. Luxurious yet agitating. Raising her left arm above her head, she stared at her ring finger. There was a black ring that looked like it was inked on her skin, she flipped her hand to see the other side of the ring on her palm. A small insignia was visible on the black ring that was inked in red. And beneath it lied a very thin script

Hellsworn Xerion

"Right..." She muttered to herself. "Vampires don't hold wedding traditions like humans and say their vows infront of the God in church. They didn't believe in one" A sigh left her lips and she closed her eyes once more. Her finger tips lingered in top of the bite marks on her flesh. They stung in the water but it was bearable.

She really didn't think things through when she took her sister's place. All she knew was that she was fit for the role compared to Reilyn who was meek and the fear of losing her sister's life was greater than her pride. It was fine, now that Reilyn can taste the freedom her sister once had, all she could think of now was survive.

Survive and live her life carefully, perhaps one day she could visit her family. Even though fate had given her a future that was not what she wished for. A tear fell in the side of her cheeks. She cleared her throat and decided to head to bed.

She slipped on a baby blue silk chemise that was provided for her by the maids and padded her foot towards her bed. The General seemed to have no plans for the rest of the night that made Ruviena sigh in relief. If her husband was capable of doing the things he did at the soirée, what more behind private quarters?!! She cocooned herself with thick blankets as if to protect herself, now that they where unexpectedly married, she had hoped it would atleast take a month to let her adjust to her partner. But they where beyond adjusting, and she could only be a sitting duck.

"This was not the view I was expecting" A low husked voice tuned beside her ear. Surprised by the General's sudden appearance. She accidentally rolled off the bed


"Ack!" Ruviena found herself trapped in her own cocoon as she wiggled on the carpeted floor

"What exactly are you doing?" Xerion peeked from the bed as he layed there with his large physique supported by his elbow and rested his jaw on his palm. He wasn't sure if that was the same woman that seduced her during the blood red night. It was new to him seeing her flustered and clumsy. It was quite adorable

"Stay away from me!!! I do not wish to consummate the marriage! Do not dare come any closer! " Well... she only protested so much because she was completely vulnerable trapped by her own protection she made for herself

"For hell's sake woman, You already ruined the mood by evolving into a giant fat worm." He drew his eyebrows together when he never knew she could be so loud when vulnerable. Despite her vocal threats he picked her up and heaved her on his broad shoulder like he was carrying a sack of potatoes.

"I said stay away from me—-"

"One more peep out of you and I will rip off the worm outfit and take you here in the hallways" This made her seal her mouth for a good amount of time and she swore she heard him chuckle. He was carrying her back to his quarters. God knows what he had in mind but she didn't wanna be part of it, it was too early!

A few more steps, and she heard him push heavy doors open, and soon found herself falling on thick mattress that made her go 'oof'

"I swear if you—"

"Or what? Obviously you where at a disadvantage from the beginning my wife" He said in a boring manner and sat on his bed before laying beside her. She had noticed he was wearing his shirt open all down till one could see his chest and the upper portion of his abs.

"What do you want? You gave me a room, I am obliged to use it alone" She stated at him. Her eyes where reflected by the moonlight that passed through his giant glass door to the balcony.

"We are going to sleep together obviously"

"But I'm not ready to consu—"

"You are ready when I tell you you are ready, but do not worry. Not tonight, I've drained a descent amount of blood from you and if I where to fuck you now, oh how I damn wish I could right now, I'd be draining more than you can handle and might kill you in the process, understand?" He wrapped a thick arm on her worm state and brought her closer to him to cuddle. He did like doing that even on the first night they met

"I wish to hit you" She mumbled, and her husband just gave her a chuckle.

Her eyes became heavy after a good 20 minutes of cursing his fake sleeping. She fell into good dreamless sleep herself and she felt so relaxed the further she slept.


A black mist like creature whispered on his master's ear. Baring him the evening's news as to which idiot married the human

"General Xerion never seizes to surprise me" The particular master was a selfish pure blood. His two years of planning to build his own empire had been postponed because half of his pawns where captured and turned into ashes. The empire couldn't interrogate them because they themselves didn't know the true identity of who they where working for. He had plan to kill the General one night by anonymously hiring a good for nothing hunter who lost his tracks. And now the Emperor is making his dream come true for a disgusting co existence with the low life humans

"Send a message to my colleague to keep an eye on this silver wife. If the opportunity arises, kill her" He said to his minion as the minion made a hideous low sound before it deteriorated into thin air.