
"Where... is... he...?" Ruviena threatened the maids as well as the butler Yoran who never thought that a human woman can be so intimidating. The middle aged looking man was having a sweat at the side of his temple

"Mistress, the master is out training the empire's soldiers. You mustn't—-"

"He mustn't rummage through my stuff! My sword and knives are missing! They where pure silver! And I've had them for four years!" Ruviena after waking up alone in her husband's bed, went back to her room only to find out her Hunter items where confiscated! Now wearing a dark blue and white kirtle that hugged her frame. She was gripping her skirt as she stomped on her heel walking towards the courtyard.

The courtyard that Noir had noticed the odd scent from the battle field was concentrated in that area. Now she knew why it had that smell since the General that led the battle himself resides here! Speaking of which, she hasn't seen Noir since last night. He must've been stuck being pampered by Reilyn back in town and took his precious time

"Oh dear husband~!" She called out as she was nearing the area since she could hear the clashing of metal to metal. Her sweet faux call had all the vampire soldiers turn their head on a Silver beauty who was faking a smile with rage in her ocean eyes. Yoran who was catching his breath a few steps behind her looked worried and he was giving eye contact to his master who was partially in armor.

"Good morning my love, What do you need from your beloved husband?" Xerion teased, and it was early in the morning for Ruviena to be pissed off. It felt nonchalant for her as those who used to piss her off in the morning was her half sister Angie just to demand useless orders.

"Where is it?" Her fake smile almost threatening instead of portraying a sweet one

"Where is what?"

"My stuff!"

"They're in your room"

"My silver stuff..."

"You do not need them. I am your husband I will protect you"

"I do not need your protection as I am capable of what you can do" She puffed her chest that was showing a little bit of cleavage during her pissed off manner

"Are you?" He asked with his scarred eye brow raised

"Lend me a sword, Dear Husband - General Xerion Hellsworn, I challenge you to a duel. For the right to my belongings to be returned to me"

His fellow soldiers stood in bewilderment and some of them chuckled as if the Lady jest. Some where concerned for her physique as they knew the General was best in battle.

"My word is absolute in my estate but seeing as my wife is so eager to the point of challenging the General. Then I accept. I will go easy on you"

"By all means please don't" she smirked.

"We can hold the duel after you've changed into an attire suitable for battle" The general was about to turn away from her and resume the training but Ruviena insisted

"General you under estimate me" She said and swiftly unarmed one of his soldiers. Stealing his iron sword before giving it a whirl on her hand to feel its weight and balance

"This will do just fine!" As soon as she finished her sentence there was little time for the general to block her attack as she started with a lunge forward aiming for his abdomen. Taking him by surprise although fortunately for him he was faster, it was just that he thought she would be more sensible in preparing properly for battle.

Ruviena's agility caught the attention of their servants and soldiers. Amazed that she could keep up with the General's swordsmanship. The sword on her hand made it seem like fighting with the general was easy, back and forth they where with the battle and one not sparing the other to rest. It came to the point that the two where pressing their iron swords at each other to see who would kneel.

The General didn't break a sweat, but he didn't know how she managed to not break a sweat either. She was human and a step behind vampire abilities let alone the strength of a pure blood. The General added a slight pressure on his sword pushing her own weapon right beside her cheek. Ruviena gritted her teeth in annoyance and purposely swung both of their swords to the side throwing the general off position before she lunged forward once more.

"You are being easy on me!" She hissed

"I do what I want" He grinned as the two clashed metal

"Then let this be a warning not to" When she read his attempt to stab his sword forward, Ruviena lifted her long skirt and twirled it around the general's sword while sidestepping to avoid the pointed tip. With the sword now wrapped in layers of thick expensive fabric trapping his hand in it. Ruviena pulled him down by his sword and gave him a blow to his abdomen with her knee. Even thought she was originally aiming for his balls but decided not to

Hearing him grunt in surprise made her smile in victory. Finishing off the match where he mistakenly under estimated her, She had twirled infront of him and before he knew it, he was flipped in the air with only using her one arm as momentum pretty much made the battle of big and small even. As soon as the general was laying dumbfounded on dirt, Ruviena's heel stomped on his chest to keep him there and had positioned the tip of her sword on his adam's apple.

Everyone was in utter silence to what they had just witnessed. Did the General let her win on purpose? But the General would never lose even if he was taking it easy, he was always one step advance. But today under grey cloudy skies. The vampires in the estate witnessed why she was called the silver Huntress.

"My things, if you would be so kind. Sweet Husband" She flashed her sweetest smile at Xerion before dropping the sword at the side of his head.

"I expect them in my room in 15 minutes" Ruviena removed her heeled foot from his strapping chest and turned on her heel before walking back inside the fortress with Yoran and a few maids bowed to be excused from their Master and follow their Mistress. A few steps from the practice grounds she heard the cheers and laugh of men including her husband's

Xerion was delighted with himself by marrying a very capable bride.


Only a minute left and Ruviena was tapping her foot impatiently in his quarters. She changed from a dark blue kirtle into a peach and white one, as the previous one was damaged during her match with Xerion.

At the last second, Ruviena was about to storm out of the room and charge at her husband again when the door clicked open.

Xerion was still in his black semi combat attire without the armor. In his hand where her retractable silver stakes atleast three, one of her silver daggers and her long slim chevalier sword.

Her face relaxed in relief as her goods looked like they where undamaged. Her small hands stretched out to reach for her weapons before Xerion yanked them away from her reach.

"Did you want them back desperately to protect yourself from me, my silver vixen?" He leered down at her with a straight face. Why was he so serious now?

'Is it just me or am I starting to think he's bipolar'

"Whatever I plan to do with them is none of your business" She said and attempted to reach for them again only to find herself bumping on his hard chest. He smelled of musk but it wasn't disturbing. She was used to sweaty men during her huntress training but Xerion let out a distinct fresh scent.

"We're husband and wife, what's yours are mine" His free hand held her chin up to have her lock eyes with him

"Tsk! You are so... annoying!" She pushed him lightly and took a step back

"No body ever told me that" His lips finally went back to it's mischievous form by smiling suspiciously

"Who cares what people tell you! If they call you devilishly handsome or great at whatever! I don't care! So give me my items back like we agreed in our match that I fairly won!" She hissed at him

"I'm handsome?" His eyebrow raised when his face made a genuine look of confusion. Ruviena blushed at her own words. He was testing her patience, and she was loosing it so fast.

She took a few steps forward and held his free hand. Her husband keeping an eye on what she was about to do, expecting that she would hip throw him or something of the sort. Instead, he did not expect for her to place his palm on one of her breast. The generously sized flesh somehow fit on his palm perfectly, and by all means his hands where not in a regular size either. This gesture made him flinch in surprise and Ruviena caught an opening, she quickly snatched a handful of her belongings and dashed out the door.

Leaving her husband staring at nothing for a few seconds. He'd been had... AGAIN.

"Ruviena Hellsworn..." He growled to himself and smiled in a pissed off manner with the same hand that groped her soft mounds just now earned pale knuckles as he clenched it into a fist.


Ruviena ran as fast as she could and entered her room, she rushed in and turned to lock the doors to her room. When the locks made a click sound, she sighed in relief and soon followed by a small giggle. She finally got her silvers back, and it felt like they where pleased to return to their master's hands. Ruviena turned on her heel to give them a good waxing at a small table near her window until she suddenly stood frozen. Xerion was right infront of her!

"O-Oops?" She stuttered batting her eyes as if she was an innocent little girl.

Meanwhile Xerion didn't return the humor. Looming over her as she was backed up to the door, slamming a hand beside her head.

"In my defense, it was your fault to begin with?" She tried to flash him a smile, but his expression was dead serious that made her lower gaze nervously. If it was her old self, she'd point one of the weapons at his chest. But oddly enough, she felt overpowered by the man glaring daggers down at her. She was petrified

The sudden invasion of strong thighs that ran up between her legs had her gasp in surprise, precipitating her to drop her silvers on the carpet floor and shot her hands up to cover his face as she still didn't dare to look him in the eye, much less presenting him her blushing cheeks.


His covered lips licked her palm on his mouth that made her jerk her hands back. Slim wrists found themselves locked above her pretty silver head by one large hand, the other moved to grope her breast. This time her husband thoroughly held them through the fabric of her dress. His thumb caressing the bite wound on the top of her breast. Ruviena gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tight.

"I was just.... taking back what was mine...!" She whimpered when the fabric covering her breasts where yank down, out bounced her obscene pair of flesh.

"And I'm taking what's mine." Xerion's lips caught one of her pink buds and sucked greedily followed by Ruviena's whispered moans. Her nipples could feel his fangs and the playfulness of his hot tongue. Hooking her legs on top of his free arm. His strong hand slithered to her ass and gripped it, driving her damped core up his thigh till she was tip toeing with her other foot while at the same time this gesture pressed her breast up towards him.

Something was poking on her belly, and that alone aroused her thoughts unwillingly. Ruviena was melting in her husband's arm and he knew it, that's why he let go of her wrist and as expected, he noticed she loved to run her fingers on his jet black hair. He continued to enjoy the taste of her and every now and then nipped on her bud. It earned him her soft moans that she tried so hard to hold back, it was rather cute

What wasn't cute was he couldn't control himself any longer. Releasing her now sore nub. He trailed kisses up to her neck while he pressed her sex against his hard member. His Fangs once again protruded in it's extended length.

-knock knock-

"My Lord" Yoran's voice came from the other side of the door. Ruviena held her breath, surprised at what she ended up doing and shrunk her tiny hands to rest on his shoulders instead

"It can wait" Xerion's hid the lust in his voice as he spoke with her lips inches away from Ruviena's neck.

"I'm afraid not, My Lord... It's—-"

A feminine voice called a descent distance from where Yoran stood.

"Xerion Baby! You promised me tea today~!"

What the fuck?!

Xerion-baby... her husband, raised his head from her neck and faced his confused wife. He had a woman to mess around with and here he was making another lust for him.

Ruviena's expression quickly made a hard turn from drunken in pleasure to rational and serious stage. She mouthed him with un interested cold pupils


Xerion twitch an eye, and gave the Lady some distance. Ruviena wasn't looking at him afterwards and wrapped her arm around her chest and patted her skirt. She was so quick in grabbing the opportunity to be rid of him, and this pissed the General off.

"Right on time, Lady Olivia. Let us head to the garden" He replied to the woman outside the room, Xerion opened the door that would hide Ruviena from their sight. Luckily his bulge wasn't so obvious with his black trousers and he had it covered with his belt scarf that bore the Hellsworn insignia at the edge of the fabric.

Ruviena just listened to their footsteps and soon disappeared from her hearing. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Confused why she was feeling... envious? Even though they didn't really know each other that way. Yet her heart stung

"This is troublesome"