Trap part.1

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Sea of bloodlust eyes gleamed at the silver woman's figure. Some appreciate her beauty while some secretly began to fantasize about the general's wife. She was immeasurably gorgeous now that she was without a mask since the last time the crowd saw her. The distinct shimmer of silver strands where mind embedding. As much as they thought she was as beautiful, the majority despised her existence. A mere human woman on a high horse and dared to assault their father's concubine that where of same kind

The judgement printed on the crowd's face that studied her every step was so obvious that made Ruviena partially regret her actions though at the same time-- amused

It was a slight entertainment for herself while her husband was away. Leaving her in a lust-aired room.


Surprisingly, After a few minutes Xerion had left with the Emperor to enter a somewhat private space. The woman that had instantly went to Ruviena's direction to greet her was still clothed unlike the majority of the crowd that was now once more busy with their heated mingling and feeding.

Ruviena gave a displeased smiled at the woman with curled dirty blonde hair in baby blue— REVEALING— fabric. Almost like the ones that flirty concubine wore, although not red but instead a shimmering white sheer see-through. There was a wide golden belt hugging her slim waist. Although her nipples where basically visible through the fabric, the dangling jewelries on top of the material that embraced her bosoms did their job in covering them... barely.

"Olivia Waylin, The ancient one" Ruviena gave a light bow of greeting at the sneering Vampire. Ruviena was not wrong though, the vampires where basically at the age of fossils for human years, that— but mostly she just wanted to tease her husband's ex lover and somehow found joy in seeing Olivia going red.

Olivia's knuckles turned paler as she gripped her dress skirt, holding in chaotic rage towards the silver beauty who was still a mere human and yet was brought in to a private soiree by Olivia's beloved General. Her General... She had loved him for four hundred years ever since he brought their kin to the land of the mortals yet this human just snatched him away in just one night. How dare she! Olivia then swallowed the lump of rage forcefully down her throat and started

"Enjoying the party?"

"No." Ruviena's eyes not even gazed to the person who was talking to her as she was uninterested and was actually looking for that 'normal' drink she thought of searching for a while ago. This action was making Olivia lose her patience. Then the pretty silver head turned to face her, still phlegmatic about conversing with someone she really didn't want to talk to.

"With all due whatever respect I have left for you Ms.Waylin, what is it that you wish to accomplish with your approach?"

The two ladies stared down at each other, spark of challenge between one another where exchanged. Ruviena was impatient and literally thirsty, where as Olivia... Who knew whatever it is she wanted to say— parted her lips to speak, although hesitant and upset, she heaved up her jewellery showered chest and—

"By Gods... It really is you!" A different, High pitched and joyous voice where showered upon the two. Ruviena and Olivia turned to see who was the one who densely interrupted the women who where obviously emitting hostile aura to each other.

She has a petite figure, shorter than the two women. But she did not lack generous curves, Her hair in a form of golden locks, eyes in the brightest of hazel brown. Her in a white silken dress that fit perfectly around her physique as the dress exposed her lovely pale leg, the slit of the dress was much like Ruviena's but it did not cut all the way up too high. She was surprisingly one of the most decently dressed. Most of all, her energy of innocence and purity overwhelmed wicked Olivia and headstrong Ruviena. What was a woman like that doing in such a sinful party.

She was accompanied by two lifeless facets of imperial vampiric maids.

Then it hit the two ladies... Recognition of the angelic figure. It was one of the emperor's most beloved HUMAN concubine.

Lady Charlotte Eins. Once was a village woman, no title. Not even an aristocrat's daughter. She was a humble child of a commoner who manage to snatch the emperor's attention with her purity and child like beauty. In fact, ever since she became the emperor's concubine, it was rumoured that the emperor had a witch lengthen her youth. Not to the point in becoming immortal, but for sure... at the very moment her appearance is that of a nineteen to a twenty year old woman. Where in fact her real age was about the same age as Ruviena's mother.

Olivia's eyebrows furrowed at the concubine, they where never considered royalty... alas, she is still the most favoured by their great father, Olivia gave her respects in a bow with her right palm pressed upon her upper left chest.

"Lady Charlotte"

Ruviena on the other hand, once more merely nodded. Similar to the action she had done towards the emperor. And once more the vampires that had noticed their little circle despised her lack of greet. But she didn't care... She was not born to please everyone.

"What can I help you with, Lady Charlotte" Ruviena faced the lovely human concubine that was beaming in delight. Lady charlotte mindlessly caught Ruviena's fair pale left hand, calloused from years of sword handling fair-pale hands was held between surprisingly soft ones. The motion caught Ruviena off guard and made her slightly flinch

"I am very ecstatic to finally meet the daughter of Anne! I never got a chance to see you during your welcoming soiree! I apologise for that!"

Ruviena's eyes shot wide in interest

'She called her "Anne"? Are they perhaps close? My mother and a Royal concubine of a Vampire?'

"You knew my mother?"

"Oh! heavens yes! And I have heard alot about you ever since my beloved emperor mentioned that Anne had daughters! Especially one being a huntress such as herself!"

Lady charlotte's excitement was one alike to that of a child that met her hero. Ruviena wasn't sure if she was feeling awkward or flattered.

Olivia cleared her throat, Concubine or not. The human Lady had a poor manner of interrupting two individual that where in a middle of a 'conversation' before

"Oh! Pardon me" Charlotte retreaded her hold on Ruviena's hand.

"I misbehaved. Forgive me Lady Waylin! It was just... It was so so nice to see you Lady Hellsworn. But uhmm... to compensate my interruption. I'd like to invite you both to private space where... non of THIS is going on around. I'll have drinks to serve with as well?"

'Well that's a perfect timing?'

The drinks sounded good but above all Ruviena thought it would be pleasant to not see another naked vampire arse everywhere she looked, Regardless of that matter, Xerion was within reach just in case... so might as well. Charlotte interrupting was probably the first good thing that happened for the early evening they where having

Olivia puffed her chest in annoyance, though she did not dare reject the pleasant idea of being in closed doors instead

"I take it that's a yes?"

"We'll follow" Ruviena confirmed

"Wonderful! Right this way" Lady Charlotte practically sang in joy as she twirled to the direction for the private quarters.

As they followed, Ruviena recalled her purpose for coming. To be bait. The over done scene by choking the other concubine gave her the opportunity and attention she needed. Letting everyone know— especially letting her attacker know that she was alright, unscathed and fierce. Making their blood rush in anger, she had hope she would definitely be attacked tonight by the suspect they wish to discover.