The Awakening

3rd P.O.V.

         Today was started off as any other for our little cinnamon bun Izuku Midoriya except today is his fourth birthday! And today he goes to the quirk specialist to see finally find out when he gets his quirk.

Izu's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to my All Might alarm clock going:

Do Not Fear! For I am Here!

'All Might is the coolest.' I thought getting up.

Then I remembered ' Today's MY BIRTHDAY! I'm finally going to find out today when I get my quirk.' Then I jumped out of my bed and yelled , "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! It's my birthday!"

Inko then said, " Okay, Izuku, now go get ready for your special day.", She said in a soothing voice.

Time skip to Hospital

3rd P.O.V.

Izuku and Inko are awaiting Izuku's test results from the doctor in the examination room. Izuku was getting more excited by the second.

Izuku said, " Mommy, I hope my quirk is just as cool as All Might's so I can be number 1 hero!". Just as he finished that sentence the doctor burst through the door making both Izuku and Inko jump.

Inko asked, "Why did you burst through the door like that for?"

Doctor: I have incredible news Izuku should manifest his quirk some time today.

Inko: I understand that is exciting but I didn't understand why you needed to burst through the door right now.

Doctor: Thatt wasn't the whole thing though the exciting part is his quirk his quirk will be very powerful and i believe it will be one the world has never seen before.

Inko: I revoke my previous statement. But did you hear that Izuku? And do you want to go see your little friends at the park?

Izuku: Yay! I can be number one hero now! And yea I want to go tell my friends.

Time Skip 'Cause Author-Chan is lazy

Izu's P.O.V.

'This is so cool' I thught as we got to the park. But when we got there my head, tummy and back started hurting but i tried to ignore it. Then I saw Shouchan and Kacchan playing and I ran up to them and takled them into a hug.

Izuku: Hi Kacchan and Shouchan!

Shouchan: Hello Midoriya.

Kacchan: Hey Deku. Now get the hell off of me!

Izuku: Fine... But I found out im getting my quirk today!

Kacchan: Then let's see it the Deku!

Shouchan: He can't yet he has not yet got it yet Bakugo.

Kacchan: Who the hell asked you half and half!?

Izuku: He's right Kacchan a-and p-please stop being mean.

Kacchan: Shut up deku! Or I'll blow your fucking face off.

As Kacchan said that my back, tummy and head started to hurt even more and started getting really angry.

Izuku: I-I said s-stop it K-K-Kacchan!

Kacchan: DEKU!!!

Then Kacchan, sent an exsplosion to my face I shut my eyes to wait for it to hit me but it never hit and my eyes shot open. But as he did another exsplosion was aimed at my face but again it didn't I just saw it get absorbed into me. I am so confused.

Kacchan: What The Fuck Deku?!?!

As he said that my whole body felt like it was on fire and getting crushed. This is 

the worst pain I have ever felt. Then I currled up in a ball and started screaming as loud as I could non stop. Everything is getting all fuzzy and all i can hear in the distance is,"D.....KU...M...IYA...LP....US", then i blacked out

3rd P.O.V.

Shouto and Katsuki started screaming for help after their bestfriend passed out then, all three of there mothers came running up asking what happened and both boys explained everything. Thet all understood and Mitsuki (Katsuki Bakugo's mom) called an ambulance while Inko kept a close eye on Izuku. While Rei (Shouto Todoroki's mom) stayed with the other two boys trying to calm them down.

Time Skip

6 hours after arriving at the hospital...

Izu's P.O.V.

I woke up in a big white room with mommy holding my hand crying. I felt really bad.

Me: Mommy why are you crying?

'Wait why does my voice sound all high and girly now? Actually that doesn't matter right now.'

As soon as Inko heard those words come from her now daughter's mouth. She sprung and Izuku in a tight embrace.

Mommy: I'm so happy your okay my baby.

Me: Of course I'm okay mommy why wouldn't I be?

Mommy: How about let's have you look in the mirror first, sweety.

Me: Okay???

Then I got up and mommy held a mirror up to me and I see a little girl with long green/black hair with big fox-like ears embeded in it; big, green, and sparkly eyes with long eyelashes and a long and fluffy geen/black tail swaying slightly behind her. And well, an adorable look over all is what I thought.

Me: Mommy who's that? (Points at mirror)

Mommy: That's you sweety.

Me: EEEHHHHH?????!!!!!!!

Mommy:Calm down Izuku, the doctor will explain everything when he gets here.