The Next Eleven Years and Being Reunited

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Izu's P.O.V.

Me: EEEHHHHHH?????!!!!!!!

Mommy: Calm down Izuku, the doctor will explain everything when he gets here.

Let's Start the Story!

3rd P.O.V.

After Inko finished her sentence she had to try to keep Izuku calm so Izuku doesn't freak out too much.

Time Skip 10 minutes

The doctor came in calmly, as she came in it caught Izuku's attention, then the doctor starts to explain everything to Izuku which catches Inko's attention.

Doctor: Well let's start off why you became female. To make it short it is because of your quirk manifesting and that was the way your body adapted to it. And before you ask, no you can never become male again.

As soon as she head those words, it made her kind of sad that she wouldn't be a boy any more. But, she wasn't going to let that stop her from being number 1 hero. Plus she was mostly excited that she got her quirk.

Izuku: What is my quirk?

Doctor: Well your quirk is extremely powerful, you have elemental manipulations, you have the most powerful form of all psychic type powers, like telekinis, the ability to levitate your self and others ect. Finally you have all the abilities of a fox along with enhanced physical and mental abilities.

Izuku: Everything makes sense except, Why the ears and tail?

Doctor: Well right now your powers have many limitations, but as you get older you will start growing more tails and with them you wil unlock more of your power along with possible new abilities.

Izuku: Yay! And I feel better now so mommy cam we go home now?

Inko: Yes. But tomorrow we are buying you a whole new wardrobe.

Izuku: M'kay.

Time skip to at the Midoriya Household

Inko: Izuku, sweety, I think we are going to start homeschooling until highschool.

Izuku: Why mommy?

Izuku's ears and tail drop down, she puts her knees up to her chest and she begins to cry.

Inko: I'm sorry, but, with your quirk I don't want anyone to try to come hurt. Or you accidentally hurt someone else because you can't control it yet.

Izuku: *sniffles* O-okay Mommy.

Time skip 5 years

Katsuki's P.O.V.

God damn that deku, today is July 15th and today would be his birthday. And I keep asking the old hag why no one has seem him for 5 years. But the old hag keeps saying I'll see him soon enough. But, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!!?? Then I saw half and half walk up to me and asked.

Half and Half: Bakugou has your mother tell you on the where abouts of Midoriya?

Me: All that old hag told me some crap about we'll be seeing each other again very soon or some crap like that!

Half and Half: Okay Bakugou.

Izu's P.O.V.

It has been 5 years since I saw my best friends Shouchan and Kacchan and today is my 9th birthday. Just a few more years until we can be back together again. But I have been training really hard for the past few years with All Might and now I have his quirk now..... He offered it to me the day we meet because, one day when i was six a sludge villain tried to attack me but, I captured him using a bottle after freezing him. That knocked him out then all I did was unfreeze him above the bottle then manipulated his body into the bottle. Then All Might came saying.

All Might: Do not fear! For I am here!

Me: *Fangirl screams * All Might!! I can't believe it is really you!

Then I gave All Might the bottle. And continued with.

Me: I'm sorry I used my quirk in public, it is just that he was trying to kill me.

I then point at the bottle in his hand, then he said.

All Might: As long as it was in defense. But I need to go drop this guy off at the police station! Goodbye, Young Midoriya!

Time Skip 5 Minutes

I heard large explosions in the distance and I turned around saw a large fire in the distance. Then, I teleported there instantly and I saw..... Kacchan being held hostage by the sludge villain I caught earlier. Then my legs started moving on my own and I pushed my way through the crowds and the heros in my way. And they kept shouting, "Do you have a death wish!", and,"You're going to get yourself killed!". But I ignored them and ran straight at the villain and he said,"Come any closer and I'll kill the kid!". And that made me snap and I started running at him at an inhuman speed, I pushed my hand in the gooey substance and grabbed Kacchan's hand then pulled him out, and held him close to me while I started to absorb all the fire in the area. Then screamed,"Hell's Flames!!!". And I Shot a pwerful Bluish Black Flame at the villan causing him to explode, and the shock force changing the weather to make it cloudy, then rain.

All of them stared at me mouth's agape. And then soon after the heroes praised me and Kacvhan for such powerful quirks despite being ao young. Still, thank god Kacchan didn't recognize me. But after all the commotion, I began walking home Again but only to be stopped by All Might, then I saw him in smoke and turn into a scrawny man. Then, he told me his backstory and offered me his quirk and that he would train me for a couple of years to get my body ready for it. I agreed then after that we trained until I was 8 and he passed his quirk down to me. And now I am 9 I have mastered 20 percent of one for all.

Oh I also forgot to mention I have two tails now, and it had my quirk become way stronger. Also I think I am going to keep doing this as training until the UA entrance exam.

6 Years Later

Izu's P.O.V.

I wake up to the All Might alarm clock I always have then I remember the Yuuei entrance exam are today! Then I scramble out of bed change into my work out clothes which was a black V-neck, green mid thigh shorts, which was kind of difficult putting on considering now that I have four tails and my red high-tops. Then I sprinted to the bathroom to brush my theeth. Then I combed my hair into a high ponytail with a red bow in it, and grabbed a peice of toast and ran out the doors yelling to my mom.

Izu: Bye mom, love you, see you after the exams!

Then I slammed the door shut running to the train station thinking, 'I hope I see you this year in Yuuei.... Kacchan, Shouchan. Also I need to remember to only use the fire part of my quirk so, I do not scare anyone. Plus they will se the rest of it if they test our quirks.'

Time Skip right before the fighting portion of exam

'I really should thank that girl for catching me earlier' I thought as Present Mic said, "GO!" Then I sprinted off melting robots left and right with my blue flames, while singing. And I was to focused to hear what present mic was saying. Then I saw everyone else race in taking down robots like I was. 8 minutes later.... I heard Present Mic Shout.

Present Mic: 2 minutes left!

Then all of a suuden I felt rummbling and heard things crash to the ground then I saw a huge zero pointer that looks to have been at least 20 stories tall! Then I saw everyone running but saw the girl that helped me earlier under a pile of rubble. Then, like all those years ago my legs moved on their own into a sprint, I then used one for all through my whole body and jumped eye level to it and shouted.

Izu: SMASH!!!

Then with 80 percent of One For All I punched hard enough to send the robot flying back and break into peices. Afterword, I floated myself down safely to the girl and tossed the huge piece of rubble off of her and picked her up bridal style and carried her then I heard a yelling Present Mic saying,"TIMES UP!", after that I went to where I saw The Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl, approach the large group of teenagers and ask.

Recovery Girl: Is anyone hurt

And I saw her give some of the others gummies, then I silently walked up to her lady the unconscious girl on the ground and walked away to go home.

Time Skip to Midoriya Household

Me: Mom I'm Home!

Mom: Okay, Honey. How did you do on the test?!

I walked into the kitchen and saw her cooking and remembered 'I never looked at my score!'

Me: I forgot to look at at my score!

Then, she made her tails drop.

Mom: Oh it's okay, I'm sure you did great!

Mom said while smiling.

Time Skip 2 weeks

I have been so stressed waiting for the past couple of weeks for the letter from Yuuei. Then my mom slammed my door open panting saying that my letter from Yuuei was here. My mom gave it to me then, closed the door scared to open it, but then I did.

It showed a hologram of All Might and he said sorry for not telling me that he was going to be working at Yuuei and that I had the highest score in Yuuei history giving me 524 villain points and 99 hero points to give me a total of 623 point all together, and I was accepted and he welcomed me to the Hero course and that to be in classroom 1-A this Monday!

Time Skip brought to you by Izuku crying tears of Joy

'I can't believe it I'm in front of the best hero school in the world' I thought to myself. I then walked through the gates and was meet by a lot of stares, I think it is because I'm ugly.

Everyone else's thoughts

'She's so pretty/hot'

Izu's P.O.V.

I finally found class 1-A and I immediately her yelling from the other side, the i slide the door that looks like it is fit for a gigantification quirk open. Then everyone's eyes were on me, then I looked around the room and saw a familiar hot-headed boy, and calm yet cool boy. Then I Yelled at them, while crying.

Izu: Kacchan!..... Shouchan!

Then everyone looked at me like I was speaking some foreign language except they yelled in unison.

Shouchan/Kacchan:Izuku/Deku?! Why are you girl's uniform and look like a girl?!

Then all of them looked at them than at me. And screamed.

Everyone Else: WHAT??!!! You're lying! You have to be!

Then they started shouting things at the two boys until I spoke up.


Then they all did so, I continued with.

Me: They are right, last they saw me I was male. But that was before my quirks manifested

Everyone: Quirks?!?!

Me: Yes I have multiple quirks, but don't go telling others about it. But back to explaining, my quirks manifesting caused my body to adapt to them causing me to become biologically and physically female. So, I have been female since my fourth birthday.

Everyone then nods. Then some purple haired boy and came up to me.... Then he brought his hands up and started to squish my breasts in hid hands and yet had the audacity to ask.

Purple hair: How big are your boobs?

That is when I got even more angry.

3rd P.O.V.

Izuku then turned red from embarssment, and both they guys and girls looked ready to pummel Mineta. But Izuku proceeded to levitate in the air to get out of his grasp then, shot him into a wall using her right hand, afterwards using her left to freeze him to that wall and continued by summoning vines from the wall and wraped around him like chains

Then everyone looked at her with mouths agape. Then floated herself to the seat that was next to Shouto's and behind Katsuki's, like nothing happened. Everyone snapped out of it as, what looked like a yellow caterpillar came in, stood up unzipped what everyone now knew as the bright yellow sleeping bag and said, "I am Shota Aizawa and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years." In a monotone voice and looked at the wall with a frozen Mineta and proceeded with.

Aizawa: Who ever did this undo it now."

Izuku now back to her shy and timid self.

Izu: Yes A-aizawa S-sensei.

She then put her right hand up and made the vines recede and walked up to him and melted the ice and returned to her seat.