
"Of course.. can't you just leave that one alone?" I ask looking at the information on our next target as I quickly send information to the police about the location of the missing children and the information on all the sick bastards who were planning on buying them.

There were only a few police officers I actually trusted and they were the one who I always sent my "Findings" to. They of course don't know who I am and it's gonna stay that way. One cop.. Chase Peterson.. he has tried VERY hard to find out just who I am but he's never gotten close so I keep him in the loop. Anytime they get a little too close I cut them off.. leaving the "trail" cold.

"No, I'm not. I need to know everything about you Maya to keep you safe.. you know this." Chip says as the little robo vacuum cleaner makes it's way around my feet. I make a face but know he's telling the truth.. I do know this.. I just don't want to talk about it.

I pop some bubblegum in and sigh.. "Fine.. Like two years back him and I.. you know..." Chip cuts me off and says "Had sexual relations." I cringe and say "Yes... It was a one time thing and at the time I was extremely intoxicated and I had no idea who the guy was..." I say chewing extra hard as I hack into the local police database.

"And that guy is..." Chip asks as his little computer face pops up on one of the extra screens. I look at him and say "The underworld gang leader, Alec.. Alec Sloan. The number one guy I don't want to brush up against. In a way.. this is his city and I moved in.. uninvited and I've been stepping all over this guy's toes. I can't tell you how many times I've come close to coming face to face with him and it was terrifying."

"There were at least two times I went in for a kill only to realize that he was already there and had either already killed them or was in the process. The man is terrifying... I would rather off myself than let him settle a score with me. I've seen what him and his men are capable of..."

"I see.. I will place him in 'extremely dangerous' category... In the future if I see him in the surrounding area I will notify you immediately." Chip says going all business. Sometimes AI's were better when it came to awkward conversations about past relationships...

"Incoming storm.. The information on the storm is on your screen." Chip says as he goes into "hack" mode. I look at the radar as I hear thunder roll. Looks like we will have quiet a few nasty storms tonight. I let Chip take over on gathering information as walk over to the large windows taking up the entire side of the loft living room area.

As I walk over I say "Lights, ten percent." The lights immediately dim and I reach out to touch the glass. I run my finger across them and they begin to lighten. The once blacked out windows were now crystal clear leaving me clear a view of the night and the storm rolling in.

I don't know why but I feel like running into Alec set something in motion.. something I'm not going to like. I need to get my bike back and I have a feeling he isn't going to make it easy. The lightening lights up the sky and the thunder follows soon after.. just like meeting him... Thunder is sure to follow.