
The next morning brought gloomy dark skies but if I were to tell the truth.. I liked weather like this over sunny days. I grab a water and go down a floor. As I walk through the door the room lights up, revealing wall to wall screens, which were currently completely black.

I walk over to the only bench by the door and place my water bottle by a towel and begin to stretch. "Chip, run program 318." Chip beeps and the walls begin to change. In order to stay in shape and to stay my best, I have Chip create programs that I have to fight against.

It's never the same and will always challenge me in different ways. Tonight I will be going back to get my bike so I want to be nice and warmed up for it. I have a feeling it won't be easy. From what Chip tells me, Alec put my bike IN his home.

Chip can't find out anything else because the man doesn't have any cameras in his home... I wonder if that's a normal thing for him or if he disabled them just for me. I finish the workout covered in a layer of sweat. "Chip.. get ready to go. We move as soon as the sun goes down."

"Alrighty!" Chip says and I hear the excitement in his voice. I smile and wonder how far he'll continue to grow. Being an AI he has the ability to grow and learn just like any other.. to develop into something new and I'm allowing it.

He likes when we go out. He gets to see the world through my eyes and the cameras around us. He's come a long way from talking to the toaster. I walk back up to my living area and take a long hot shower as I try to think of how wrong tonight can go.

The man is smart and sharp.. I have to be smarter.. sharper but I must NEVER try to kill the guy. Right now I feel like this is all a big game to him but if i were to actually try and kill him?... I feel like I would be digging my own grave. I grit my teeth and cut off the water. I look to the window and see the sun setting... I smile and roll my shoulders. Looks like things will get interesting tonight.


I look at the dark sleek bike sitting in my living room and smile. I take a swig of whiskey and enjoy the burn as it goes down. It will only be a matter of time before my little Kitten makes her way here to retrieve her bike and I'll be here waiting.

I look over to the large windows and see the blinding sun setting. I feel my eyes shifting and I feel the monster within uncoiling and stretching. I make sure he knows who's in charge and he snarls. I finish the whiskey and snarl back.

Something tells me she'll be here tonight... My beast rumbles in desire that matches my own. I would have never slept with her but something about her is different.. something that pulled me and my beast to her.

I always did enjoy playing with fire.. And I feel that she's just that. A fire that can and will consume me if I'm not careful... or maybe that's just what I want. My beast rumbles again in agreement. She was coming tonight.. I can feel it and I will give her more than just her bike.