Chip's New Body

The parts did indeed show up the next morning... at the butt crack of dawn to be exact. I push all the boxes to the workroom table and flinch when I see my reflection in the window. I look like the walking dead...

I grumble all the way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. Once out "Chip, I'm gonna go get breakfast, do you want to go?" Chip instantly beeps and says "I'm going!" In my ear. I give a small smile and head out.

I walk to the old donut shop right at the end of the block but hesitate when I go to pay. The homely woman behind the counter looks at me strangely before I laugh awkwardly saying "Sorry, it's so early in the morning I'm still not awake."

She gives me a knowing smile and says "Isn't that all of us?" I give her my best awkward laugh while internally cringing. I'm going to kill this guy... if he wanted my attention then he's definitely succeeded. I can't even buy my donuts without worrying about him popping up...

I take my order and hightail it back home. Once inside I devour my donuts while I begin unloading all the part. Once I have everything out I crank up the music and get to work. Only an hour in and I had already changed into a tank top and piled my hair on the top of my head in a messy bun.

Another two hours in and Chip finally breaks down and asks "What kind of body am I getting? This seems to be kind of small..." I smile as I complete one of the legs. "I'm not telling, you'll have to guess but I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out here soon." Chip remains quiet and my smile grows.

I pause for a second and wonder if Chip won't like it... I bite my lip and keep going. I will do my best and if he doesn't like it I can always try and make something else. "What are you doing?" Alec says behind me nearly giving me a heart attack.

I put the soldering iron down and say "Chip, turn the music off." Chip beeps and the music stops leaving us in complete silence. "What did I tell you earlier? You can't keep popping in and out like this!" He gives me an evil grin before walking around me and looking at the parts on the table.

"What is all this?" Alec asks as he reaches out to one of the components. "Don't touch me!!" Chip says loudly making me jump yet again. Alec freezes, then pulls his hand back saying "Calm down Chip, I won't touch you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't know this was... you." He says the last part while looking at the pieces on the table.

Alec then turns to look at me as I try my best not to smile. "What are you doing here?" I ask changing the subject. He looks at the stuff on the table one last time before walking over to me saying "Have you found anything else on the hacker who's messing with you?"

I look at him in surprise and say "Well... not really but I do need to ask you something..." He then walks over to my refrigerator, making himself at home but frowns when he sees it empty. He looks back at me with confusion before saying "I highly doubt that you do... but if you need money for food I can give you as much as you like..."

My jaw nearly hits the floor and I find myself taking deep breaths to calm myself. Did he think that I didn't have food because I was poor!? I give him a hard look before saying "Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do but my fridge being empty has nothing to do with money..."

His frown grows "If it's not because of money..." I give him a hard look before rolling my eyes saying "The hacker thinks it's funny to mess with me so I couldn't buy food yesterday... I'll go out today or tomorrow when I'm not busy."

He continues to frown while trying to think "How was he messing with you?" I sigh and say "He was trying to pay for my food so I walked out. Now it's your turn, what are you doing here?" His eyes flash with anger before saying "I think our hacker is someone from South Korea..." through his teeth.

For the second time, I look at him in surprise. South Korea? Do I know anyone over there? No, I don't know anyone... but this was a lead. One I can definitely use... "What are you thinking?" Alec asks moving closer to me and breaking me out of my thoughts. "I'm thinking I'm one step closer to finding this bastard."