Chip's New Body Part Two

"Oh, that's right! I wanted to ask you something... a little personal." I ask looking at him but he just smiles as he says "You don't have to ask me to ask a question. If you want to know something just ask." He then sits on the couch waiting.

I clear my throat and decide to stay standing "Are their others like you?" I ask getting straight to the point and I see his smile falter a bit. Hmm? He quickly fixes his smile and asks "Why do you ask that?"

I narrow my eyes but decided to play nice. "I'm asking because I have a feeling this hacker isn't just a simple hacker..." I let it hang in the air as he completely loses his smile. He pushes off the couch and is in front of me in the blink of an eye causing me to slightly jump.

I keep forgetting he's... well different and it keeps startling me. "You think he may be like me? What makes you think that way?" He says truly concerned. I step back and out of his hold and walk over to the computer with him following closely behind.

I pull up the images and say "I originally thought it was you but when I found out it wasn't it doesn't make sense. The windows are sealed and the door was guarded. I even had Chip pull up the ventilation system and confirmed no one can come or go through those. There are no other openings so unless he crawled out of the toilet..."

Alec was now ignoring me as he reads the report and quickly loses himself in his thoughts. "Is it possible that there are others like you out there?" I ask in a soft voice bringing him back. His dark eyebrows are drawn together as his eyes flash back and forth in thought.

He then looks at me with a complicated look before saying "I don't know if there are others but it's not impossible... This curse can afflict others as well. This... I need to talk to someone and clear some things up before I can tell you any more. I don't want to tell you something wrong..."

He turns and begins to leave before abruptly stopping. He looks back at me with concern... and fear? "If something happens... anything, I want you to call my name and I will come immediately okay?" I look at his dark black eyes and see that he genuinely worried so I nod my head.

He gives me a grateful look before quickly placing a kiss on my forehead and disappearing. "Eh!" I reach up and step back but he's already gone. I sigh and shake my head as I look back at the pictures.

So this person really could be like Alec... and others in this world could be like him as well... Are there other supernaturals as well? Hmmm... like Vampires and stuff? I quickly shake my head and clear the photos. Now I'm just getting carried away... but my gut was telling me otherwise.

Should I look into moving now? I bite my lip and decide that it wouldn't hurt. "Chip, While I'm making your body, I need you to start looking for our new home. Somewhere remote and isolated... pick a few that will work for us and what we need. I'll go through them once I'm done."

Chip beeps and says "Yay! I love new houses! We always get to upgrade everything when we move." I smile as I pick my tools up. Chip really did love it when we moved. I begin working and forget everything else. I want to make sure that Chip's new body is perfect so I needed to focus.

I'm not sure how much time had passed but my neck, shoulders, and arms were killing me but Chip's body was complete! "What do you think Chip?" I ask stepping back with a smile. After half a minute passes my smile fades and I begin to worry.

"You don't like it?" I ask with uncertainty but Chip quickly says "I LOVE IT!!!!!" My eyes go wide with his words and I look back to the body of a sleek black cat. "Really? You like it?" I ask with a smile and Chip quickly says "Yes! I love it! When can I use it??"

I chuckle and say "As soon as I insert your core. Here, let me do it." I walk over and say "Go to sleep Chip and when I turn you back on, you'll be in your new body." Chip doesn't even beep before he begins shutting down.