So We Just Wait?

"So you're telling me that we can't do anything? That all we can do is wait??" I ask in disbelief. Alec and Nero share another look before looking back to me in worry. "If we could do something we would... Our hands are tied." Alec says with bitterness.

I scoff and ask "If these things were so dangerous why wasn't it better hidden!? Why not destroy them both!!?" Nero shakes his head as he begins to pace "That's just it. My father and his clan's men tried everything in their power to destroy the book and demon heart but nothing they did would work. They ended up agreeing to have them hidden and guarded."

I sigh and say "That worked out wonderfully..." Nero stops to look at me before saying "The ones who took them and hid them were also part of our clan but it was kept a secret for a reason. Only my father and one other were actually aware of who had them. That was years and years ago so there is no telling who the book and box ended up with."

I instantly freeze upon hearing his words... Wasn't that book and box with my Grandfather? Wait... what does this mean? I quickly look back to Nero to find him and Alec giving me a pointed look. "My Grandfather was normal... my parents were normal," I say in a soft voice as I begin going through my memories.

Nero softly says "I'm not saying they aren't, At this point, none of us truly know why they were both in your Grandfather's possession but with you being a Charmer on top of everything else... I find it hard for all of it to be a coincidence." I bite my lip as I try my hardest to find any clues I may have missed but my mind keeps racing.

"I will look into it later but for now I want to get to my new place." Alec doesn't look happy but he nods his head saying "Lead the way..." I grab the last box but Alec quickly grabs it. I give him a look as I reach up and grab Chip.

It took a while to finally get to the new house with it being so far out and normally I would have enjoyed the ride but this time the car was packed with an AI and two cursed men... it was odd. The ride was quiet and uncomfortable so I just turned the music up and chose to ignore them.

As soon as I unlocked the door Chip flys in and heads straight to his large cat condo. I grin at the sight as I walk to the large open kitchen. I place the keys in a glass bowl on the counter as Alec and Nero take everything in.

Alec nods as he says "It's bigger than your last place and much brighter." I arch a dark brow but bite my tongue. Nero walks over to the closest wall and places his hand on it before looking back to me. "I'm going to place some wards on the walls so the other man can't come in here okay?" I nod my head as I watch with interest.

I don't know what I expected, maybe a magic wand or fancy words but nothing like that happened. All he did was place his hands on the walls as a few markings begin glowing red before turning black. I look over to find Alec doing the same on the other walls, windows, and doors. Everything was marked...

I rub the back of my neck as I try my best to be okay with everything. As I've said, I've learned quite a bit in prison and listening to my gut was one of them. All of this was me listening to my gut... quite honestly none of this made any sense. And I don't really know if I can truly trust them but MY GUT tells me I can... Sigh.

I walk over to the fridge and pull out a cold water bottle. Why did my Grandfather have the book and the demon heart... why? What if he came across them from someone else? What if he didn't even know what they were? A memory brings me back to the day he died and the things he said... he knew..