Left With Questions

I sit on the floor in my new living room as I stare at my large Koi in their new larger home. It took up the entire wall between the kitchen and living room and was filled with large rocks, large wooden logs, and real plants. Sigh... were they seriously not going to do anything? Was there really nothing that can be done?

I push myself up and turn to find Chip staring out of the large windows. I smile and say "I'm going to go for a walk around the house, Do you want to come?" Chip quickly runs over saying "Yes, yes, yes!" I giggle a little as we make our way out.

Alec and Nero said they placed wards around the house as well so I would be fine walking around the house but the idea of not being able to leave when I want has me on edge. Makes me want to leave even if I don't need to.

As we walk we come across a small creek that has nearly dried up. Fall was right around the corner and it can be seen in some of the leaves as they begin to change colors. Chip chases a flying bug by the creek as I slowly walk behind him lost in my thoughts.

If everything they said earlier was true... what was going to happen to our world? I think about the families... children and small animals like pets? My frown grows deeper as my thoughts spiral out of control. I suddenly hear Chip hiss and a bird screech.

I quickly look up to find Chip holding a bird down with a black paw. "Chip? What are you doing?" I ask as I quickly walk over. "This bird tried taking the toy I found!" Chip says as he leans in closer and growls at the bird.

The bird was genuinely frightened as it struggled with everything it had to get away but nothing it did could help. Chip wasn't a normal cat and was even ten times stronger then myself let alone a little bird.

"Okay Chip, you've made your point. Let the poor bird go." I say walking up behind him. Chip snorts and lifts his paw. The bird quickly flies away squawking the whole way in fear. I look back down to see Chip spinning a small turtle on his back.

"Chip! What are you doing to the poor turtle??" I push Chip's paw away and pick the little turtle up. Chip looks like he wants to pout but still says "I wasn't hurting him... just playing." I give him a look as he begins chasing another bug.

I look back to the tiny turtle and smile. It was so cute! No larger than a silver dollar. "What are you doing out here little guy? Winter is coming and all your water is gone... how do you expect to survive huh?" The turtle just looks at me with golden eyes as he stretches his little head out.

Hmmm... "Do you want to come home with me? I have some insider information that the world is about to come to an end... might be better with me." The little turtle turns it's head as it watches me but otherwise doesn't do anything. "I'll take that as a yes," I say as I start walking back to the house.

Chip quickly catches up as he says "Are you really taking that thing home?" I look back to the little turtle chilling in my hand as I say "Sure, why not? Winter is coming, the water has dried up and the world is coming to an end. If the world doesn't come to an end I can always release it next spring."

Chip nods his little head and says "Okay that works but I'm still second in command." I nearly trip at his words but manage to keep my footing. What in the world went on in his tiny AI brain... "Sure, sure," I say rolling my eyes. Whatever makes him happy.

I walk into the house and smile when I hear the automatic lock on the door behind us as I make my way over to the kitchen. I grab a plastic bowl and place the little turtle in it as I walk over to the computer. I bring the turtle over as I begin my research. Come to find out, the little guy was a Mississippi map turtle and they don't get very big.

They were aquatic as well so the little guy really wouldn't make it without the water. "Looks like you will be staying with us for the winter," I say looking at the little guy in the bowl. I cock my head at the turtle while saying "We should really name you... Hmm... how's Thor! Yes, Thor is now your name." I nod in satisfaction as Chip nearly falls out of his cat tree.

"You can't name it! You'll become attached to it if you name it!" Chip says with panic. I smile as I begin loading up my online basket with Thor's needs. I'll make sure the little guy has everything he needs. Chip smacks his face saying "Too late... But why would you name the thing after the god Thor!?" My smile grows as I pay for everything and say "Why not, he looks like a Thor to me."

Chip makes a face as he says "Sure... a Thor that was going to be eaten by a bird..." I can't help my giggle as I walk over to my Koi tank. "Alright Nicko, Jelly bean, Otis and Zen, This is Thor and he's going to be your new roommate. Don't eat him!"

Chip watches in disbelief as I drop the tiny turtle in the tank. The little turtle quickly begins swimming as he takes in his new home. The Koi look at him but ultimately ignore him as they continue to swim. I smile in delight as I begin making plans to build the best tank for the little guy.