Not Okay

The things I ordered for Thor began arriving the next day so I then started building onto the tank. I set up the proper lighting and space for him to get in and out of the water when he needed and lined up the food and snacks for the little guy.

I looked down to find Chip glaring at the tank as his black tail swished back and forth. "We need to talk about your Mother Teresa moment... Why are you suddenly saving the turtle?" Chip asks with annoyance as I walk over to the computers.

I look up to find Thor enjoying his new home as he happily swims around in delight. "What are you talking about Chip? I saw a turtle in need so I helped, what's so wrong about that?" Chip narrows his eyes as he jumps up on the computer desk.

"I feel like this is more than just about a turtle in need Maya. This is about what Alec and Nero said isn't?" I look at Chip but I don't say anything. "Everything you've been doing for the past few years has been to help people in need and to save the innocent and now that you can't you're freaking out," Chip says without looking away.

"Maybe, but I really did just want to save the turtle Chip. Are you jealous?" I ask tilting my head as I look at his blue eyes. Chip scoffs and says "Of a turtle named Thor!? Don't make me laugh! All I'm saying is that instead of playing Mother Teresa you could be out saving people."

I grit my teeth as I say "And how would you like me to do that Chip? You've seen what Alec can do, you've seen the guy pinned against the wall by a pole like a freaking bug... how do you expect me to go up against something like that?" I push away from the computers as I begin to pace around in anger.

"I don't know where to find that guy and even if I did... how do you expect me to get the book back? I'm completely out of my league Chip and it pisses me off! I can't do anything!!" I yell as I look back to Chip. Chip continues to sit on the computer desk without moving.

I take several deep breaths as I run my hands through my long hair. "Sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you I'm just... I just don't know what to do." I say feeling myself suddenly grow tired. Chip nods his head and says "It's okay. I wanted you to get it off your chest. Your stress levels were becoming dangerously high so I wanted you to vent."

He jumps down from the computer desk and walks over to the couch. He jumps up and sits on the couch as he says "Just in case, I've ordered several years worth of food and other necessities. If the world as we know it is really going to come to an end then we should be prepared."

"The things I've ordered should be arriving today and tomorrow. The indoor garden in the back can be used as a greenhouse. I've also ordered several large water tanks that will connect to the natural wells here. The house is also set up with solar panels and with my help, we can have everything we need to survive." Chip says leaving me in open shock.

"You're being serious..." I say in disbelief and he nods his head. "It's okay to not be able to control things that happen to you in life Maya but you can control how those things affect you. We may not be able to stop this so the best thing we can do now is to be prepared." Chip says in a low voice.

He seems like a child at times and then at other times, he seems so wise... I look to the windows as my mind races at the things he's said and I make my decision. I look back to Chip and say "You're right. Thanks for snapping me out of... well, whatever that was. Let's get this place ready for the end of the world. Oh and Chip, Order some newer, bigger and stronger parts for you as well as things for the home defense."