
I kept expecting to see Alec or the other man named Nero but they never showed so I spent the next several days prepping the house and making changes. I even began building a bigger body for Chip but it would take a while before it would be complete.

I filled the basement with all the food and water along with all the medical supplies as I did my best to stay away from the computers. Alec told me to stay here where it was safe but I was having a hard time listening especially when the house was completed.

Chip was scanning the news and keeping an eye out for anything unusual so I wouldn't have an excuse to be on the computer but I was nearing the end of my patience. I needed to do something and sitting on my ass and waiting wasn't it.

Plus I felt like everything I've worked hard for was all now going down the drain as everyone begins taking advantage of my absence. I lean off the edge of the couch as I stare at everything upside down. If I rush out there and this guy really is waiting for me or I somehow get caught up with him.. I would be screwed.

What if Alec and his friend had to come to save me!? The horror! Noooo... I groan and close my eyes. I hate this... Thunder rolling in the distance has me opening my eyes and looking out the window. Everything was still upside down giving me the perfect view of the dark clouds moving in. The large treetops began swaying from the wind of the storm quickly moving in and I suddenly feel uneasy.

Where was Alec? What was he doing? Was he trying to find the book? Sighing I close my eyes again as I say "Lights off." The lights lower as thunder rolls again. "Maya... Something is happening." Chip says causing my eyes to snap open.

I wiggle off the couch and quickly crawl over to the computers pulling myself into the chair as I look at the screens. Chip pulls up a news station and I watch with worry as the report on the bottom of the screen says they are Live at a shopping mall as someone inside goes insane killing people.

I unmute the Live feed as I watch several people running out of the mall in panic behind the lady on the screen. "Reports tell us that there is actually a group of people inside the mall killing other people in cold blood. Authorities are now making their way in as we speak to apprehend the suspects. We are doing our best to find out the details of this event as we speak but chaos has broken out making it difficult to find out the details at this time."

I frown at the screen as I mute the feed again. Was this an "end of the world" thing? Or was this a normal... well normal crazy thing. Suddenly a number of smaller screens began popping up on the multiple screens until they covered all the screens with news of killing, rape, and other violent things.

I stood up quickly causing the computer chair to fly backward as my eyes watched the screens in horror. I have been sending out multiple warnings to everyone's phones, email, TV's in a lame attempt to warn everyone but it seems like I did something completely useless. No one would believe me...

They would just ignore it or laugh it off and now... I look back to the female reporter as someone attacks her knocking the camera over in the process. The feeds begin dying off one by one as even the news stations begin breaking out in chaos.

I bring my hands to my hair as I watch the few remaining feeds... let this be a new drug... please let this be a new drug that has everyone going crazy. "Chip... what can you tell me?" I ask quietly as thunder rolls again.

"I know as much as you do at this moment, Maya. I'm scanning the internet as we speak but so far nothing is of any help. Just more reports of 'chaos'." Chip says as he closes his blue eyes. I begin to nervously pace back and forth as I wait. I hated waiting but what else could I do?

Where the hell was Alec!? I bite my lip as I twist the end of my hair and do my best to relax but it wasn't working. I quickly walk over to the kitchen and pull out a water bottle as I down half of it but I quickly frown. Shouldn't I be saving this?? I replace the lid and shove it back into the fridge.