
"Well... from what we know it means our kind is attracted to you but more specifically, your scent. As the name Charmer implies, we are somewhat Charmed by you. Just being around you is calming and it allows us to be in more control of the beast." Nero says taking the lead.

"The other beast are going to be drawn to you, in the same way, making it difficult for you to move around unnoticed. It would be best to stay here where it's safe." Alec says as he looks me in the eyes. I try my best to be understanding but I'm having a hard time.

"I have a feeling this isn't all..." I say looking at both of them. They exchange a quick look before Alec sighs and says "The Charmers are the only ones who can carry our... offspring." Alec clears his throat while looking at everything but me.

I arch a dark brow and begin to laugh but it lacks any true humor. "Chip, I think it's about time you and I did some much-needed upgrades." Chip walks over swishing his black tail back and forth "I'm ready when you are." he says while glaring at Alec and his men.

I give them all a look one last time before I storm off to the workroom with all the equipment. Carry their offspring!? Hah! Fat chance... I pull out my work chair and get to work. The people carrying the curse are incredibly strong making it almost impossible for me to handle but they aren't invincible.

I just need to add a little more juice to my suit and weapons. I look to Chip and decide to do the same for him... it would be a little tricky though. I'd have to make it so he didn't short himself out but it wasn't impossible.

I ignored the guys as I locked myself away working and before I realized it a full week had passed. A knock at the door has me pausing and saying "Come in!" Alec opened the door and leans on the door frame.

"I won the leadership for this City..." he says while looking at Chip's new bigger body. I put my tool down and say "I know, I heard. Are you heading out?" He frowns and pushes off the door frame. He closes the door and walks in. "I want you to come with me... I don't like the idea of you being here alone with Remi. We don't really know him..."

"I understand what you're worried about but I have Chip watching him so it'll be fine," I say looking into his dark eyes. His frown grows as he runs a hand through his hair. "Are you doing this intentionally?" he asks irritated.

This time I frown as I ask "What do you mean?" He looks me over before saying "I thought we were a thing... I thought we were dating... or did I think wrong?" I look at him with confusion before I say "No, we are dating... I don't understand why you're getting so upset."

He looks to the ceiling as I watch his jaw muscles jerk. He looks back to me in anger and says "You've locked yourself in here for nearly a week. You've barely come out and I thought that maybe you needed space so I backed off but I need to leave and yet you don't even seem concerned... You see nothing wrong with staying with another male while your boyfriend leaves for the City?"

I blink several times as I process what he says. I mean... I look to Chip but he quickly looks away while he begins grooming himself. Did I mention he wasn't a real cat and doesn't need to groom himself!? I look back to Alec as I try to figure out what to say.

What could I say? I didn't want him to leave but I know he has to... and Remi and I are just friends... was there really a problem? Seeing how angry he was I found myself at a loss. "Remi and I are just friends and you know that. I... " I'm quickly cut off with a wave of his hand.

"You know what? This was a mistake... you obviously don't care as much as I do. Don't worry about it." He then turns around and storms out leaving me frozen. Was I wrong!?! This is why I avoid people!! I run my hands through my hair and pull at the ends.