
Alec storms out and slams the door behind him causing me to jump. I stare at the door and sit in confusion. I look over to see Chip watching me with his pink tongue sticking out as he pauses mid lick. "Am I wrong?" I ask uncertainly.

Chip lowers his paw and pulls his tongue back in as he says "Well... I'm not human so I can't say for sure. Humans are emotional creatures so... I'm just going to sit this one out." He jumps down and walks to the window and acts busy.

I sigh and lower my head on the desk. Am I wrong? I think back to what he said and frown. If I were to put myself in his place... I'd be pissed too. Shit. I groan as I start replaying everything. I had been avoiding him with work but to be completely honest, I'm scared.

I don't like the idea of not being able to keep myself safe. I don't like being at the mercy of anyone else so I buried myself in my work and if I were to be completely honest, if Alec started living with another woman I'd be pissed!

I groan again as I bang my head against the table. "I screwed up Chip... the thing I hate more than screwing up? Admitting that I screwed up... how am I suppose to fix this?" When Chip doesn't answer I pick my head up and look to the window.

"Chip?" I call him but he ignores me as he stares out the window. I frown and push away from the desk. I quietly walk over and look out the window to see the creepy creature that snuck into my room watching Chip and now me.

"Shit..." I say reaching for my gun but when I see it just sitting there watching I pause. Was it not going to attack? "It has been watching this window for several days now but it hasn't done anything," Chip says in a low voice.

I look to Chip then back to the creature. I tilt my head watching the thing but freeze when it tilts its head in the same manner. I frown at the creature but shake my head looking back to the door. "I need to go catch Alec before he leaves. Keep an eye on that thing." I say to Chip as I walk to the door.

I walk out to find everyone gone except Remi. "Did they all leave?" I ask looking to the hallway. Remi looks to me before nodding and saying "Yes they all left... is everything okay? Alec looked pissed..." I flinch a bit but say "Everything is just peachy... I'll be in my workshop if you need me." Remi looks confused but he nods his head and asks "I'm making something to eat, are you hungry?"

I shake my head and close the door as I begin working again. I need to go talk to Alec but in order to do that, I need to finish this so I can make it in one piece. I spend another two days working on Chip's new body and my suit but when everything is complete, I can't help but smile.

"Are you ready to try out your new body?" I ask turning to look at Chip. He turns away from the window and jumps up next to the new body. His eyes glow as he takes everything in with excitement. "Oh, I'm so ready..." He says in anticipation.

He closes his eyes and shuts down as I carefully remove his inner core. I carefully place it into his new, bigger body and watch in wonder as he begins to reboot. His new body was much different than his old one though and hopefully, it will give us both an edge against the creatures.

He was now the size of a large jaguar well... probably a little larger but he was the perfect size for me to now ride if needed. All his parts have received upgrades and are now nearly indestructible. His entire body has been made with Titanium because even though Tungsten has the highest tensile strength of any natural metal, it's brittle and tends to shatter on impact.

So Titanium it is. His teeth and claws are equipped to give off electrical shocks, with the ability to take down entire cities. I don't want these guys getting back up. Chip's eyes open and I smile when I see the familiar glowing blue.

He pulls his lips back and the growl that escapes his mouth has my insides shaking. Damn... he's terrifying. "Do you like it?" I ask leaning forward. "Oh, I love it... I can't wait to try these out..." he says showing me his sharp wicked looking teeth.

Sparks lightly run down his long incisors giving off an ominous feeling. My smile grows as I reach out running my hands along his soft fur. "This is going to be so much fun..." I say as I get up to get ready. I needed to clear things up with Alec and now was the time.