New Toys

After suiting up and putting on my earrings and contacts Chip and I walk out to find a very startled Remi. "Wha... what happened?" He asks looking at Chip with worry. I smile and pet Chip's head as I say "Chip and I will be going out but I need you to stay here and hold the fort down."

Remi looks from Chip and I before quickly nodding his head. "Sure I don't mind but do you need me to go with you?" I shake my head as I say "I appreciate it but I think Chip and I will be fine this time." Remi nods but doesn't take his eyes off Chip.

As Chip and I walk past Chip curls his upper lip at Remi causing him to step back in fear. When we were outside and away from Remi I turn to Chip "Was that necessary?" Chip snorts and says "I'm itching to test these bad boys out but don't worry. I won't put any holes in anyone who doesn't deserve it."

I giggle as I throw my leg over the black motorcycle. "You can't ride anymore... Will that be a problem?" Chip gives me a look before saying "Just try and keep up." He turns and takes off at a neck-breaking speed. Damn, he's fast.

I crank up the bike and tear off behind him quickly catching up. As I pull up next to him I look over to find him enjoying every minute of this. His ears are back as he quickly pulls away from me. I smile and accelerate.

As we pull onto the interstate we begin to race. He looks over giving me a smirk before I find myself frowning. The cars on the road were blocking most of the street and only left enough space for one of us at a time up ahead. I look over to Chip to find his grin growing as he accelerates again.

My smile is back as I kick it into another gear. Two can play this game! I won't make it an easy win! We're both neck and neck but as we get closer and closer I begin to worry. I quickly look over to Chip but he just winks. He won't get hurt right?

"Don't go soft on me now Maya!" Chip says as he takes off again. I smile again and accelerate again. Chip's an AI so he should know better than me if he can make it or not so I choose to trust him. As we get closer and closer I speed up as much as possible.

I look over with slight worry as we come up neck to neck at the spot but at the last minute, Chip jumps clearing the cars entirely! "YASSS!" I yell as he lands next to me with a roar. So worth the time and effort!! I find myself laughing with joy as both of us make it into town.

I'd like to see those bastards mess with us now... As we make it into the City I find myself slowing. Street lights were working again making me frown. The cars on the street had even been cleared making it easier to drive.

I decide to pull over and walk the rest of the way with Chip. I wanted to see everything that has changed since the last time I was here. I look around to even find some people walking around. I raise my eyebrows but frown when I see that it's only men.

Chip walks by my side catching the attention of the men but I was happy to see them all keeping a distance. Even the ones clearly carrying the curse were keeping a safe distance. Any time they came too close Chip would turn and give them a throaty growl stopping them in their tracks.

Even though I wanted to stop and ask why there weren't any woman I felt like I would get more answers from Alec. "Chip, do you know where Alec is?" I ask placing my hand on his side. He continues walking and says "Yes, the city has limited internet making it easy to tap into. Follow me."

I frown and wonder why Alec didn't tell me about the internet being up. Why wouldn't he tell me something so important? We make our way to the City hall but as we get closer I see a problem. There are multiple guards walking the streets.

They're carrying weapons that I had never seen before... "Chip... I think we should find a back way in. What do you think?" Chip snorts and says "I can enter any way you want to Maya. You just let me know." I give him a small nod as we make our way to the front door.