A Cold Night

I watch as Chip and May jump in the Jeep with a frown. "She won't let them hurt him," Jun says in a low soft voice. I give him a small smile and say "He won't let them hurt her either." He nods his head and swings his long leg over the bike.

He stands it up and looks to me, waiting. This was kinda awkward... But my hands really weren't working. "Have you done this before?" I ask in a low voice. He gives me a warm smile and nods his head. I lift my leg and sit behind him.

He cranks the bike but doesn't move. "What's wrong?" I ask leaning forward. He reaches back and grabs my frozen hands. He pauses when he feels them looking back to me with concern. I go to pull my hands back but he pulls me closer and tucks them into the jacket pockets.