The Cold Night Becomes Warmer

After dinner, I help clear the table and bring the dishes to the kitchen sink. "I have a large water heater in place so everyone can take a shower at the same time without running out of hot water." The brothers smile and find their rooms after saying their thanks. May looks at me with a kind smile.

"Thank you for taking in my brother and I... We are originally from Korea but we came here for the National Swords Competition. Everything went wrong and now we're stuck here." She says sighing. I frown and say "If you're from Korea, why are you walking around with Katanas? From what I know Katanas are from Japan..."

May's smile grows as she says "Our Great Grandfather is a grand swordsman from Japan! The art has been passed down the generations ever since. It's an honor in our family to learn the way of the Katana." She beams with pride as her brother looks down at the floor.