
I watch her fall into a deep sleep as I pull her closer. I easily find a way out and glare at Remi. I know good and well he knew how to get out... it's practically ingrained in us to navigate these tunnels and with our sense of smell? It's easy to do...

I look at Maya's state and grow angrier... the bastard could have gotten her out... I look to Chip and he flinches. When I first went down I found her scent and locked on to it with ease. I felt like something in me was screaming with a warning.

Something felt wrong... I couldn't explain it but I knew Maya was in trouble. I ran as fast as I could to find her and when I actually did... I saw red. My mind didn't want to accept what my eyes were telling me but before I could do anything I saw Chip.

He was yelling... he was frantic and seconds from attacking Remi. That's when I realized something was wrong... something was off. I hit Remi hard but when I see her just collapse my heart nearly stops.