The Old Tree

Chip's ears go back as the hair on his back instantly stands up. I slowly release his tail and begin stepping forward. Again, I have the feeling of being pulled in... "Mayaaa... What are you doing?" Chip hisses at me as he takes a small step after me.

Even if he was scared, he didn't want to let me go alone. I put my hand out and say "Stay here Chip. I need to get closer. No matter what... if I don't call for you, don't come. Okay?" Chip doesn't look happy about it but he nods his head and stands at alert.

I slowly walk closer to the tree and again look down to my feet standing in the black goo but just like before, nothing happens. I take a shaky breath and begin walking closer to the tree yet again. I stop before the tree but this time, I keep my distance a bit.