Helping the group

"Brother what's wrong", said, elder ging.

"come outside brother" elder Ming

"why?" elder Ging

"just come outside I need to talk to you in private" elder Ming

They both started to walk outside, and now in the dining room there was only Beat and 2 girls left.

Beat went and sat on the table that was in front of them, then started a conversation with them.

"Which country's princesses are you guys?"

"What do you mean?" Rina said as if she didn't understand what Beat meant.

"Do I look stupid to you".

When Mina heard this she immediately flipped out and felt provoked.

"How dare you speak to my sister like that".

Before anything could come out of Beats mouth Rina said "don't be disrespectful to our guest, I apologise in her instead".

"Ahh, you don't need to apologise, it would be something common for a princess to be mad when she is talked to like a normal person" Beat.

"Well then now, can you guys tell me which country's princesses are you guys".

The younger sibling, Mina felt disrespected from the fact this guy just called her empire a country and immediately tried to show off Beat, "Sorry we are not some country's princess we are princesses from central continent strongest empire".

Her older sister Rina facepalmed herself because of her sister being so stupid to fall into this guy's palm and get provoked so easily.

"Well then now that the cats out of the bag you should act more respectful towards us", Mina.

Beat, " Well, the cat is still in the bag if we think deeply about it".

"what do you mean?", Rina

"I'm talking about your awful the transformation technique you guys are using".

"never, thought you were so capable to the point of being able to notice our disguise so easily".

"Now can you guys tell me what you guys are doing here?"

"Aren't you going to far" Rina

Beat knew he was going a bit too far but he just wanted to try his luck and calm down his curiosity.

Beat started to dig in and immediately sensed 5 different powerful qi appear outside.

The guards outside stopped eating and looked where this huge amount of qi was coming from but the moment they did their heads started to roll on the ground.

The guards that were with this group were pretty weak and were only here to keep away magical beasts.

The two elders already felt the groups qi when they were very far away and now we're getting ready to attack.

Luckily they had kept their qi under control for long enough to launch a surprise attack to lessen their number by 1.

Both of them used their most powerful attack on one of the attackers and were successful to take out one of them.

Beat got out of the carriage and saw the group immediately, one of them immediately tried to attack Beat but before he could do that beat used his lightning step, then went up 100 miles up in the sky then used his flash step again and flew down at a very speed.

With his now lightning body, Beat struck down from the sky and hit the guys body turning him into black charcoal.

It didn't look like he took damage but in reality, his body took damage from the fact his current body being too weak to handle his consciousness powers.

The group saw this and wee immediately taken back by what had happened.

Elder Ming and Ging were not surprised as they knew that he could protect himself.

The elder Ging looked at Beat then said:" young lad, would you be willing to do me a favour".

Best started to think if he should really help them or not.

Elder Ging decided it was good to put some rewards forward, so he can make Beat accept to do what he wanted to do.

"if you are able to take them to the central continent you will be rewarded handsomely once you take them to their empire".

Beat was still thinking if he should or should not do it, after thinking for a while he decided to do so as he didn't want to just waste his time to look for another person to lead him to the central continent.

"Okay, I guess I'll accept your request".

After saying that Beat turned around and went inside the carriage.

He looked at the two princesses and said:" come we are going".

After he said that the two princesses understood what was happening and immediately followed Beat.

Best sped out towards the opposite direction from where the fight was taking place.

The remaining 3 people that were attacking did not chase beat as that would make them lose their advantage in numbers against elder Ming and Ging.

They started to fight and as they were doing that Beat slowed down then told the two princesses two hold his hand.

Both of them were against the suggestion Beat made but Best did not have that much time to waste with them and wasn't going to put this body in danger.

The only reason he was previously able to kill that guy was all thanks to him using his consciousness and powering up his lightning step beyond what his body could handle.

He forcefully grabbed their hands, the moment he did both of them immediately shouted in anger "what are you doing..." but before they could finish their words they felt their body turn into lightning and felt being going way to fast to the point of not even being able to react at all to their surroundings.

Luckily Best was controlling where they were going so they don't have any kind of experience of crushing against some obstacle.

The trio stopped and then the moment they did Beat said: "I need to rest".

Right after that he a hand came out of nowhere and suddenly released a bit of qi, surrounding 100 meters completely.

The girls were shocked at what happened and immediately got into their attack position thinking they might be under attack but after the qi released and made a shield around them it disappeared completely.

After the 10 use of his skill, Beat was tired as heck and had no time to do anything so he passed his consciousness to his main body and built a barrier for himself.

The reason he passed out was cause of him being injured from using his consciousness power on such a weak body and adding the fact that his whole Qi was drained in a second, put his body under hella stress.


okay I'm done with this week's chapters and will only be posting chapters when this novel reaches 10 reviews, 20 reviews and 30 reviews