Joining the group

When the other four guards saw what happened they immediately got into their fighting position and we're about to attack, Beat but before they could do, the elder said:" guards stand down".

They all backed down when they heard the elder.

The elder looked at Beat and said:" young lad, you can trust us, I'll be willing to take you along with us".

Beat started to think if he should lesson to this guy and waste his time with these people or just go there in under 10 minutes.

After thinking for a while Beat said, "guess I'll follow you guys".

The elder looked at Beat and said "great, come in and seat with us".

Best slowly go up and tried to get in the carriage, the carriage had two seats facing each other.

Each seat could for at least 4 people, with enough for them to lay down and sleep.

Beat got in the carriage and saw two beautiful women sitting across the 2 old men.

He went and sat on the side of the carriage with the two elderly men.

He looked around then said "hello".

After that, he waited for them to reply back, the elder that asked him to come in, immediately replied:" Hello, if you may, can you introduce yourself to us?".

Normal it was a normal person he would isn't it rude to ask for person name with giving yours.

But he was quite bored to do and just said:" Beat, what's your name?"

The elder looked at Beat and said:" my name Gran elder Ging, this is brother Bing these two are princ....."

The elder stopped speaking before continuing "the two are my nephews, Rina and Mina, both of them are twins".

Inside Beats mind, the only thing he was thinking about was that the last part about them beings twins were the most unneeded information he had received in his whole life.

To not be rude Beat looked at them and said:" nice to meet you guys".

The girls just nodded and so did the other elder.

Beat didn't look interested to keep any kind of conversation with this dead looking people so he looked outside and slowly started to learn an eye technique to waste his time.

The skill was called Eyes of truth.

He did not activate his bloodline ability as it would be a just him putting a bit of an intention in his eyes then the skill would be maxed out.

Beat put a bit of qi in his spatial ring then a book appeared in his hand.

The people in the carriage were surprised to see him a low levelled cultivator have a spatial ring.

Only 1 out of the 4 people was not surprised which was the elder that asked him to come in.

They all looked at the book and saw the title of the book "Eyes of truth".

The Elder that was sitting beside Beat, Ming was surprised as the name of the book did not ring a bell to him.

He was a major general of the central continent and almost knew about all techniques in this world but this book he has never heard of.

He was waiting for Beat to open the book so he can see the description of the skill but before he could do anything the book turned into blue light and entered Beats eyes.

They all were surprised and thought that he put the book back in.

Elder Ging looked at beat and asked "young lad would you mind telling me what kind of technique that was, I have never heard of such technique".

"It's an eye technique".

The elder was shocked at the fact that Beat just gave him such an obvious answer.

One of the Rina, one of the girls in the carriage let out a slight smile, that didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

Beat looked at he then smiled back to the fact that she smiled, and then continued with his work.

He started to pour unimaginable amount Qi in his eyes.

Which made his eyes keep on glowing in the daylight.

The moment he did that he was so focused on the skill that the next time he opened his eyes it was right at the dusk of night.

He opened his eyes and the light that was being covered by his eyelids came out, sparking up the whole carriage.

Immediately the elder opened the door to the carriage to see what was happening was, when he entered the carriage he saw Beats eyes shine like a piece of diamond under extreme amounts of light.

The light slowly dimed down and showed Beats eyes that had changed from black pupil to a white shining diamond surrounded by his iris.

"Hmm, seems like you had a breakthrough in your eye technique."

"Yes, I did have a breakthrough".

"Well then it was at the right time come out we are eating our food".

Beat looked around and the moment he did his eyes were observing too much to the point he was on seeing black and white colours and for other colours he would only see the photons trying to travel to his eyes.

Alongside the black and white colours, he was also seeing other people's status, from their weakness to their expertise.

The only reason Beat wanted to learn this skill was so he could use it to react faster but now his eyes were seeing everything that goes at speed of light while he was at the 3rd stage of his cultivation path.

Beat started to walked out and saw all the guards sitting down eating non-stop around a campfire.

Beat started to walk towards so he could eat something, then elder ging said:" where you going we are eating there".

Elder ming was pointing at a house, they had brought this house for eating and sleeping.

Beat had nothing to do so he just followed him in the house.

And the moment they got in the house their was a huge dining table with them sitting all over the table.

Elder ming "where was the light coming from"

Elder Ging "it was just, Mr Beat breaking through in his cultivation path".

Hearing that they all just got back to their work, except elder ming.

He activated his Heavenly Gift.

[Heavenly Gift] A favour given from heaven, it can be an ability, physique, technique, bloodline, or unimaginable talent.

Elder Mings heavenly gift was the ability to check out other people's status.

He activated his skill and read through the status and immediately started choking on the water he was drinking.