The Best and the Worst

"Veronica Savannah Rockhurst, why would the pride of the Rockhurst family even bother to transfer to my school?" Jessica asks with a tick mark and a twitching eye as she glared down at her rival.

"Jessy, we are cousins after all and such good friends. I could not help myself but file for a transfer when I found out you got stationed here. As the Vice-Dean no less, more likely gramps prank. He is such a silly man after all." Savannah said as she giggled at Jessica's misfortune.

"You know by this transfer Rockhurst student body is going to hate you and treat our school like thieves," Jessica stated.

"Haha, why worry over the masses and others' petty jealousy? I'm just the first to transfer. I'm sure the other three schools will be sending their own representatives over soon. Our senior year is after all when we will have the millennial planner competition. As the primary universe we must, after all, win it." Savannah finishes in her knowing tone. Something she enjoyed doing to her blood cousin from her mother's side.

"I am aware, but are you aware that you have delivered yourself on a silver platter to me? As you said earlier I am the Vice-Dean. So I hope you enjoy spending most of your free time in detention." Jessica retorted with a grin that left the other girl speechless for a change. As to not lose the momentum Jessica had just gained she quickly left the stunning girl in her office.

Jessica could not help smiling even more when she heard Savannah say "crap" as the door closed itself. (Yes, today is the best day ever.) Jessica thought to herself as she hummed her favorite tune and skipped down the hall like a little girl.

In a classroom filled mostly with kids of Asian descent, Kaden and the group were watching a movie about the "Journey to the West". It was a documentary covering all the different interpretations of theatrical plays, movies, and tv. It covers books, comics, and cartoons as well and breaks down each character and creature that was depicted.

Kaden was fascinated by how one tale told could create so many possibilities. Even more so when some of his classmates could summon beings from those different works. A combination of heritage and a person's own psyche greatly influenced the world connected to their grimoires.

"Ok class tomorrow we will discuss more on this old tale and also start covering the 108 Heroes of the Suikoden. Mr. Flanagan and Miss Jiang both hold grimoires influenced by those tales. Miss Jiang is more true to the classical tales and Mr. Flanagan takes on a more modern influence. They are prime examples of how ancient beliefs influence modern tales and open up unlimited possibilities. Ok, class time is up, see you all tomorrow morning" Miss Larance said, and soon after the bell rang proving her point.

Jiang Wen was of Chinese descent with dark brown-haired. The girl sported a healthy golden brown tan and had big bright green eyes that look like precious gems. Skinny and long-legged, she could have been a supermodel for any major publisher. Kaden could not help but sigh as to how perfect everybody was in his school.

"Kaden, Lady Jessica just texted me. She called for an impromptu meeting during our second block and needs us to head to the practice field asap, " Hinata said as she showed Kaden her pink compact phone. It was in the shape of a cartoon kitten's head.

"I see she even included a reminder to drag me with you," Kaden said as he finished reading the message. He also had his own phone but it was on his desk in his room as he did not like carrying it everywhere.

"My Man, you know the madam would give you a long lecture over not carrying that thing, " said a cat that magically popped on top of Kaden's head.

"Gigi is not here, is she? I have a whole year before I have to worry about that and she knows I'm currently in class Bee, " Kaden complained as he walked with Hinata down the hall. As Elites the teacher expected them to miss some of their classes.

Kaden and Hinata did not have to check in with Mr. Staine. Jessica should have already informed him. If not, classes were not mandatory to attend in the end. Kaden and Hinata were the last to show up as they had the furthest to travel. Kaden quickly came to a halt when he saw the extra figure standing in the middle of the group.

"Oh no, " He groaned as he quickly decided to turn around and head back to his normally scheduled class. Beelzebub quickly morphed into his human form and caught the boy by his collar, almost causing Kaden to choke himself.

"Let go, you traitor, " Kaden tried his best to say as Hinata watched on with a light grin on her face. She wondered who the new girl was. She was happy at Kaden's reaction and quickly wrote off the girl as a potential threat.

As for Jessica, well both girls had already worked out their differences and Hinata was quite fond of her. Of course, Kaden could not get his way as his little scuffle with the school's dean did not go unnoticed by the rest of the team.

"Oh, Kaden, is that any way to treat your best friend? We have not seen each other in years. The way you're acting might hurt Jessy's feelings." Savannah teased. She could not help but have a big grin on her face knowing just how much fun this year was going to be.

She cared very little about others, but Kaden held a special place in her heart. One that just looked to cause trouble. Maybe because of the stupid blank face he tends to display. It could have been just how annoyingly intelligent he was. But mostly because he was just plain old gullible. After Kaden quit trying to run away, Beelzebub released his hold. The boy fixed his messed-up clothes. As he did he also tried to catch his breath. Only after he was back to his normal stoic self did he reply.

Kaden just nodded at the girl then said, "Glad everybody made it here even if this feels last minute. I'm sure the Dean and Miss Vice Dean can fill everybody in as to what this is all about." He made sure to single his two childhood friends out. Letting them know he was not happy at the moment. Kaden was currently staring daggers at both of them. His sixth sense was currently ringing very loud about upcoming danger.

"As you are all freshmen you probably don't know that every so often an interdimensional tournament between various faction occur. It just so happens that in four years during your senior year such an event is planned. Every organization in this universe is going to pull together to make sure it takes the top place. Our schools are no different. We will participate in the junior competition. Our team was elected via a large vote to be this plane's ambassadors for the junior team competitions. As for the singles, those are fair game for anybody that is interested. We plan to make an announcement to the freshmen body after the first semester up. Your group gets the heads up because Miss Rockhurst decided to transfer earlier than planned." Beelzebub explained.

"Soul Trap, Voidstar, and Thousand Rose will be sending their students over by then too. I know you all are now worried about losing two of your current members. Well, don't as the team size has been bumping up to sixteen. So you guys got 4 more slots to fill, but those four slots will be fought over by the other schools. You guys just have to keep training hard so nobody in your freshmen body replaces you because you fell behind them in your grades." He finished and was glad too as he did not like to talk much if he did not have to.

"Kaden, can you guess who the other three are? I'm betting you can't even if you were given a hundred guesses." Savannah could not help but tease him again. Not caring about the looks the two of the three girls and all the boys gave her.

"Jess a hint and I'll forgive your total failure in giving me a heads up," Kaden said with his boyish grin. The one he used only when he really wanted something.

"New year celebration when we were fi..." Jessica could not finish as Savannah covered her mouth but was too slow from stopping the girl from spoiling the game.

"Ah, the new year's party in Egypt," Kaden said out loud as his mind recalled the event. He also kept an eye on Jessica as she bobbed her head yes as she fought to get out of Savannah's grasp.

"No, you gotta be kidding me not them," Kaden said as he watched as Jessica continued to fight for freedom. She could no longer move her head as Savannah now had the girl in a headlock. All she could do was use one of her free hands to give Kaden a thumbs up.

As Kaden looked around he saw that Ash was currently on the ground laughing. While Hinata hid behind her hands. Every now and again she would sneak a peep. As for the boys they all were drooling at the sight of two supermodel-level beauties fighting it out in a deadlock. Jessica now managed to turn the tide and had Savannah in her own headlock. Kaden just facepalms himself, giving up in frustration. Bee returned to cat form and to his favorite perch (Kaden's head). Kaden could not help but think 'Can this day get any worse.... or weird!'.