Team Practice

The training field was sectioned off so each kid had a place to practice. Currently, the elite freshmen team is still fumbling around to learn their new powers. They had along the way to go before actual team-orientated practice could be held. Kaden stood calm with his grimoire open. A green glow enveloped the book as Kaden yelled out "ensnare!". Within three seconds roots shot out in front of the boy's feet and raced to his target. A simple straw human-shaped dummy is one of the common grade practice targets the school provided. As the roots came close to the dummy they turned into vines that sprouted lush leaves. A second later the vines tightly wrap themselves around the target. They covered it from head to toe.

"Thorns and brambles" Kaden commanded. Instantly the vines shot out thin red spikes that slightly curved in different directions. Spiky pods soon grew sticking to the target and dropping to the ground. Menacing was all Kaden could think of as he watched the spell take effect. At the moment those were the only two attacks in his Arsenal. He could also use a spell that created a healing herb that people could ingest. It would provide a light cure to comment ailments, ie head cold, the flu, and other internal sicknesses.

Kaden could not summon his hero star yet. She simply refused to listen to his call. His other summon that was kept in a card had very little use in combat. It was currently deployed back at the penthouse. The girl we're instantly impressed with it. They were happy with the android's manners and the ability to do chores. The boys went nuts over it when they saw that it was an android. They laugh their butts off at the lack of its lethal capabilities.

Today's practice was all about improving each of their mana reserves as well as getting used to using spells on a stationary target. Jessica lectured nonstop for thirty minutes. She also demonstrated her array of lethal spells. Jessica gave each team member individual guidance on how to best use their unique spells and skills. Spells cost mana or internal energy. The more one empties their body of it the more they could hold when it was refilled. Though everybody has a limit to the amount of growth.

The kids all were at the optimum age to grow their mana pools. Skills, on the other hand, exert physical strength and endurance to use up their stamina or internal energy. Jessica explained that both external and internal energy growing together in balance was the proper way to train. This would allow them to be much more powerful than the average summoner. As for summons, she told them it was best to build up their mana reserves first. A grimoire summons was different from the card summons. It took mana lots of mana to maintain the link which allowed for the creature to remain manifested in the real world.

Card summons was like a cheat. The Summoner could use a mana crystal in place of using their mana for a short while. The crystal quality determined the duration of the summons. With the use of an energy transfer device, the creature could be summoned indefinitely. The downside to using the card was the creature could not grow in strength nor would it learn any of its potential spells or skills. The creature would be stuck with its starting skill and spell sets.

Clogsworth was at the maximum quality a card could support. This was due to its support type of nature. But if the butler was an attack-type creature then Kaden would have been forced to use up a page in his book for it. Just like Hinata's Ice Phoenix. The bird was too strong to contain it in a card. The Pegasus was also at the top limit of what the card could contain. Hinata would have to put the flying horse in her book if she wants it to grow into a stronger steed.

After Mr. Toons their teacher found out Hinata had contracted the bird he told her to keep the horse in its card state till she had grown stronger. He did not want her or any of his students to overburden themselves by training more than one book summons at a time. They were, after all, young and inexperienced kids. Mental health played a big part in training with contracted creatures. Mr. Toons might be a bit weird but he cared greatly for each of his charges.

"Training with your newly contracted summons can be dangerous," Jessica said as she adjusted her fake glasses. "At least one-third of all freshmen will visit the nurse's station because of injuries. At least twice before the year ends." She pauses before continuing. "It's time to wrap things up here as dinner should be ready." She finished and walked off the stage she was standing on.

"Jessie you forgot to turn off the P.A. system," Ash yelled out as she put her book away. She, like the rest of the group, was busy wiping themselves down with a towel. The practice period was grueling and they all wanted to hit the showers before having dinner. Except for Bee and Jessica as they both mostly just watch the others exercise.

Elsewhere far away from where the kids were training, a tall man stood in front of a large bay window. At his back was a group of old men. The wrinkly skin each man's face held showed that these seven were ancient. The man by the window looked young other than a slight graying of his hair. He was wide at the shoulders and handsome. The man's raven hair was trimmed short and his navy blue suit was made of the highest quality.

As the tall man stared down at the garden below his eyes were fixated on a lady who was sitting in a wheelchair. He asked, "When will Elsa contact her team?" the man asked. " My lord, we estimate no later than two more days. It seems the other representatives will also arrive around the same time. The exception was Miss Rockhurst as she had already checked in and made contact." one of the fossils reported.

"My lord, rumors hold that the old witch is also on the move because some groups are targeting her boy and his friends. I would like permission to send a team to harass her." ask a man who looked to be the oldest of the group. He truly was the oldest but also the weakest. The strength of his family and the fact he lived such a long life were what granted him his post. Else none of the other elders would be bothered with him.

"Tobias, why must you always try to curry favor by targeting that walking catastrophe? Have we not suffered her wrath enough times already." said another elder. His strength was one of the strongest in the empire. Most of the time he would not bother to attend such a meeting. His favorite student and charge had been sent away so he found himself attending. "Also Adam did you have to send her to participate? Elsa was doing just fine under my watch." He said with none of the respect the other had shown the tall man.

"Marcus, use some decorum, his majesty's name should not be used in such a manner." Tobias quickly said in retort to his most hated rival. A one-sided rivalry that had lasted the better part of a century. "Enough," Adam said as he then politely answered his old mentor's question. "A great prize has been offered this time, Teacher. One that we as a universal whole can't miss out on." He looked back to Tobias with a stern look before adding "Even old feuds will have to wait."

Deep in the void between galaxies, a large dreadnought class starship traveled at hyper-light speeds. In one of the many rooms aboard the vessel was a young man. His well-developed frame put him in his mid-twenties. But in reality, he was much younger. In two more days, he would turn fifteen.

Maximo Kavstan was second in line to lead the family. He was smart and talented even if his face could scare most newborns. His confidence in his ability washed away any self-pity he might have for his scary looks. He was currently hopping up and down in a fighting stance. Two daggers in each hand read to trust or slash.

Metal orbs floated around him. A dozen of those round machines were designed to attack a target. It did so with a blade that spun randomly around the ball. Seeker-Orbs were deadly and mainly used in high-security areas.

Now Maximo used them to train his reflexes and the hardness of his skin. Maximo's main set of spells focuses on physical enhancements. Most of his creatures were also defensive in nature.

"Young Master, we will arrive in an hour," a manservant called out from the side. He held a towel at the ready as he watched with approval over Maximo.

Maximo's movement looked like a choreographed scene one would see in an action flick. Smooth and precise, not wasting any extra energy he swiftly dispatched all twelve Seeker-Orbs.