Annoying stare

Kirin had taken the lead at guiding the group towards the City Hall.

After 10 minutes of walking, Kaja and Deth could feel eyes staring at them with malicious intent.

"I'll go deal with them, i still need some practice with this human form..." - Kaja whispered to Deth and Kirin.

"Deal with who?" - Kirin asked.

"Annoying guys who want to kill us." - Deth answered.

"What?!" - Kirin was a bit shocked. Then she remembered she was walking with an unprotected princess who had a really hated-by-all father. Although she was a bit more shocked by the fact the she could not detect them, when Kaja and Deth could.

Of course, nobody aside from Kirin would know that Sana was as well protected as anyone could be.

Kaja separated from the group, and entered an alleyway.


A few moments later...

"Your stare was annoying..." - Kaja was behind two guys, who were clearly spying on Sana and the group.

"W-what? When did you get behind us? Wait! You were that girl who was with them!" - one of the assassins said.

"How did you find us? We were not letting a single bit of killing intent or presence come out." - the other assassin said.

"I told you, your stare was annoying." - Kaja answered.

"Well, it doesnt really matter, because you will be dead soon." - the assassin jumped and attacked Kaja with a dagger, but his blade shattered upon impact. Kaja grabbed the man by the neck before he could even react, immeaditely breaking it. She tossed the now dead assassin to the side.

"You are next, make your move." - Kaja looked at the remaining assassin.

Being an expert assassin, the man did not hesitate to run, he knew Kaja far overpowered him.

She could easily follow him, but she was not as skilled as the assassin at keeping a low profile, plus with how clumsy she was with her new human body, she knew she would make a scene.

"Well, he ran away..." - Kaja was looking as the guy who was quickly jumping over rooftops in order to get away. But suddenly, the man fell with an explosion of blood.

[Deth... that guy... he was focusing on the fight all along?] - she looked down and saw Deth walking calmly. - [He really is a monster...] - she thought.

Kaja reunited with the group a couple of minutes later.

"You let one get away." - Deth said, looking at Kaja with a bit of curiosity.

"I did not want to draw any attention." - she simply answered.

"Wait, one of the assassins got away? That's dangerous, they now know about Kaja's power!" - Kirin said.

"Deth dealt with him" - said Kaja.

"What!?!? When?!?" - Kirin was extremely shocked. Deth had never left her side.

"Just a minute ago." - he answered calmly.

"What are you guys talking about?" - Sana wanted to join the conversation.

"Oh, it's nothing you shou-" - Kirin started talking but was interrupted.

"Some people wanted to kill you" - Deth interrupted Kirin.

"Wha- Hey, you shouldn't be so blunt!" - Kirin was pissed at Deth.

"What? People wanted to kill Sana? When?" - Julia said, with Marcus next to her.

"Just now, but i dealt with them." - Kaja answered.

"Right..." - they were both pretty confused, but Sana looked really sad, so they both decided it was not the right time to make questions about it.

"It's always been like that..." - one could tell that Sana was about to cry.

"Dont worry, we are here to protect you! It may not look like it, but these 2 guys are really strong. Especially Deth, as long as you are next to him, nothing will ever happen to you!" - Kirin comforted Sana.

"Thank you..." - Sana was visibly better now, but it looked like she had remembered some bad things about her past.

"Hey Sana, how about we go shopping for some clothes while these guys go get their IDs at the City Hall?" - Julia and Marcus tried to cheer her up.

Sana still had some really worn out clothes from when she was a prisoner.

"Sure!" - a smile formed on her face.

Now that the assassins had been dealt with, Sana was safe for at least a little while.

"We'll meet you guys at the city hall in about an hour!" - Marcus and Julia left with Sana.

[Again, alone with these two... lord have mercy on me... I wonder if Sana will be okay...] - Kirin thought to herself.

"Dont worry, i'll keep an eye on them" - Deth could feel Kirin's worry.

"You can do that?" - Kirin was a bit surprised.

"Yeah" - Deth simply replied.

"Hey, come on, lets go." - said Kaja

And so, they started walking towards the City Hall once again.