
Around 15 minutes later, they had finally arrived at the City Hall. It was pretty busy, but luckily the area where the IDs where issued was near empty.

10 minutes later, Kaja and Deth both had new IDs. Deth wanted a new ID, because his adventurers license said "Death". He told the worker that the guild manager mispelled "Deth" as "Death" when his license was made, and since it was perfectly possible, the city hall worker had no issue making a new ID for Deth.

For Kaja, it was a bit more complicated, but with the help of Kirin, it was possible.

"Looks like we are sisters now... this is weird" - Kirin said

"Don't be mistaken, we simply share the same surname." - Kaja responded.

They still had around 30 minutes until Sana and the others joined them at the City Hall.

"I was thinking... the entrance exam for Thalius consists of two parts. First, they measure your power. Second, they make you show them just how proficient you are with magic. I must admit, im a bit worried about you guys..." - Kirin was visibly nervous.

"Are you saying we are not good enough?" - Kaja was mad.

"No, quite the opposite. You guys might be just TOO much." - answered Kirin.

"You don't have to worry about me. I know how to control my power. I will make sure i show just about the same skills as you." - Kaja reassured Kirin.

"Yeah, but i'm more worried about you, Deth" - Kirin looked at him.

"I will manage." - He answered, calmly.

"Are you sure?" - Kirin was still a bit worried.

"...yes." - Deth answered.

"I see....." - Kirin started to get nervous.

[If he makes a mistake, he could literally destroy this entire city in the blink of an eye... And i'm not exaggerating.] - Kirin's worry could be seen on her face.

"Why don't you pretend to be Sana's bodyguard? They would surely never doubt the personal escort of a princess. Plus, if she tells them you are strong, they would have no other choice other than believing her." - Kaja proposed.

"Wow! That is actually a good plan!!" - Kirin was seriously surprised.

"Why are you so surprised!?!?" - Kaja was offended.

"I guess that's alright." - Deth agreed.

Just as he finished saying that, Deth saw something that made him feel... nostalgic.

It was food.

The same food that girl, his first friend, ever gave to him. It was a fruit.

Kirin noticed.

"Those are called Dragon Apples. They are really ancient fruit, dragon apples are almost extinct now. I'm shocked they are selling them here. It's my first time seeing one in real life." - Kirin told Deth.

Deth kept staring at them.

"I want one." - he said.

"O-okay." - Kirin was a bit confused as to why he was so interested in those Dragon Apples.

They went over to the stall and bought one. "You have good eyes!" the vendor told them.

Deth tasted it. It was the same. It was just like the first time.

[Now that i think about it, it's the first time i see him eating something...] - Both Kirin and Kaja had the same thought.

What happened next really shocked them. A really small smile formed on his face. It was small, but it was still a smile. It was a smile of melancholy.

He looked happy and... nostalgic.

But then, he remembered what happened to the girl and his facial expression suddenly changed. It was that of hatred. Seeing Deth angry was terrifying for Kaja and Kirin. They could not imagine just who was the unfortunate person who made him feel this way.

"Heeeeeey guys!" - a voice could be heard in the distance. It was Sana, shouting at them from the entrance of the City Hall. She was wearing new clothes, they looked really fancy.

"Let's go then, to Thalius" - Deth said as he finished eating the Dragon Apple.

[Why did he look so nostalic... and angry? Dragon Apples are not something anyone would be able to get... Better not to pry too much on his past. He doesnt look like a guy who's had a happy life...] - Kirin was curious, and worried about Deth.

Before she realized, she started caring a lot for him.

[What an idiot i am...] - was her last thought before she started guiding the group towards Thalius.