The city was huge. Kirin had to ask for directions to some locals a few times.
Around 2 hours later, they arrived. It was still daytime, they had a few hours until dark, so they decided to take a break and grab something to eat before entering Thalius.
They all entered a bar. It looked really fancy, and of course, the prices were high, as one would expect from a bar so close to the world's most important Magic Academy.
"Dont worry guys, i've got you all covered!" - Marcus, being the son of a really important merchant, had money to spare. He invited all of them to whatever they wanted.
They decided not to drink any alcoholic beverages, because they were going to have the entrance exam in an hour or so.
During the time that the food was being prepared, Kirin told Sana the plan of Deth pretending to be her personal bodyguard. She didn't seem to have a problem with it.
"This is weird... this body needs very little amount of food compared to my true form..." - Kaja whispered to Deth. She was surprised at how fast she felt full.
"Must be because of the difference in size." - Deth answered.
"Yeah... aren't you going to eat anything?" - she asked him.
"I don't need to." - he answered.
"Of course... if you dont mind me asking... what exactly are you?" - Kaja took the chance to ask. Of course, she was keeping her voice low so that the others wouldn't hear her. Kirin, Sana, Marcus and Julia were chatting about normal things, of which Kaja nor Deth knew a single thing about.
"I don't really know. I've been called 'something that should't exist' my entire life." - Deth answered Kaja.
"Your parents abused you?" - Kaja was starting to get curious.
"In a way..." - Deth recalled how he felt when he was told the truth by that girl. He had buried that memory deep within his soul. It was a few days before she was killed by God and the Demon King.
This is a memory from a few million years ago.
"მეგობარი, what am i?" - Deth asked.
"You are... special. You see, in this universe there are two rulers. God, ruler of Heaven, and the Demon King, ruler of the Underworld." - the girl answered. - "Their hatred is what keeps the world balanced. If one were to dissappear, the other would dominate the universe and it would become a catastrophe." - she continued to explain. - "They wield unlimited power. They are immortal, thus can't die. Their mere existence holds an unimaginable amount of power. They've been alive for as long as the universe has existed. They are ancient beings who hate each other, yet can't kill each other. They are the rulers of the universe." - she concluded.
"But, what's that got to do with me?" - Deth was puzzled. - "Why does everyone hate me so much? You are the only being who has ever been kind to me..." - he added.
"You are their child." - She answered... - "You were never supposed to exist..." - she concluded.
"Hey, are you okay?" - Deth's memories were interrupted by Kirin, who was told by Kaja that he looked weird.
"Yes." - Deth simply answered.
"If you ever need anything, you know you can tell us. That's what friends are for after all, Deth." - Kirin told him.
[Friends... მეგობარი, i've made new friends... This world is truly beautiful, just as you said] - Deth thought. But he was wrong... this world was in no way "beautiful". He still hadn't seen the dark side of the world. But of course... he would see it soon.
"Hey guys... it's time!" - Sana told them, excited.
"You are right! We should get going!" - Marcus exclaimed.
"Then move, idiot" - Julia said, looking at Marcus, who was still sitting, eating.
"As cold as ever, Julia..." - Marcus made an awkward laugh.
They all got up.
"Well then, Thalius, here we go." - Kirin said to herself.
"Am i the only one feeling really nervous?" - Marcus was clearly shaking from the nerves.
"No. I am as well, i must pass this exam... my whole village depends on it." - Julia was shaking as well.
"How come those two look so relaxed...? I know that even if i fail, i will be given a second chance, because i'm a princess, but still... i feel really nervous." - Sana said, looking at Deth and Kaja.
"Don't worry Sana, you'll do great!" - Kirin comforted her. - "As for those two... don't worry. There's no way they will fail. Though it's better if Deth can skip the exam entirely..." - she added.
"Why do you care so much about him?" - Sana asked.
"I don't know... wait, what??!? I dont really care about him! I'm more worried about the city!" - Kirin quickly responded.
"Hahahaha" - Julia and Marcus, who were listening, started laughing.
"Lets just go!" - Kirin said, as she started walking towards the Academy.
They all followed her. They were clearly excited, and nervous. Deth and Kaja were following a bit further back.
"I forgot to ask you... why do you want to meet the Dragon Ancestor?" - Kaja asked Deth.
"I want to ask him if he's ever met my friend..." - Deth said, looking at the sky.
[Somehow, i get the feeling that he's even older than me...] - Kaja thought to herself.
"We should hurry, we are starting to get behind." - said Deth, and he started picking up the pace.
Kaja followed him.