After a few minutes of walking, the group was standing right in front of the Academy's entrance.
The place was completely full of people. At least a thousand men and women were standing in front of the entrance.
"Woah, this place is really full of people. I guess it's the world's most acclaimed Magic Academy for a reason..." - Sana was a bit shocked by the amount of people.
A few seconds later, someone shouted:
"All those who are here to take the entrance exam in order to become students, come this way"
The huge group of people started walking towards the voice
"Looks like we made it just in time..." - said Kirin with a relieved expression.
Naturally, some people were from the Valente empire and could recognize Sana right away.
These people were giving the group a look of envy and jealousy.
[Who do they think they are? Walking so casually next to the princess!" - one of these people thought.
"There are some annoying idiots all over this place..." - said Kaja, who could feel al these looks.
"Yes, but they don't seem to have any bad intentions, so don't kill them yet." - Deth replied.
[Yet...?????"] - Kirin was a bit worried by that word.
The aspiring students were taken to a huge room with a crystal the size of 4 men in the center.
"First, we will start with the Potential examination. On this instance, you will simply have to touch this Magic Stone. If you manage to make it light up, you will be immediatly accepted, but depending on the intensity of the glow, you will be put into different classes. In order to activate the stone, you will need to have a big amount of magic potential, so don't get your hopes up." - the person who had led the aspiring students said. - "My name is Garan, i will be the one who manages this Exam. Do your best, because the principal, and other higher-ups are looking." - he concluded.
The principal was an old looking man. He was seating far away, on the other end of the room, on an upper floor. He had a clear view of the entirety of the room.
Alongside him, were 6 people: The vice principal, and the 5 great masters.
The vice principal was a woman, she looked young and mature. She was around 35 years old. The position of vice principal was given to a person of outstanding intellect, not neccesarily powerful in combat.
The 5 great masters were the most powerful people within the academy. They were known all around the world for their great strength. They were also one of the reasons why Thalos was the most powerful nation.
"Hooo, there will be some pretty outstanding students this year... right, principal Zujeon?" - said the vice principal, to principal Zujeon, looking directly at Sana, Kirin, and Kaja.
"You are right, vice principal Yeria." - said one of the great masters, who was big and looked like a muscle head. - "However... i think you are looking in the wrong direction." - he said, pointing towards a single boy, who was alone. The boy was emmitting really dark aura all around him.
"There is nothing skilled about just letting your aura go wild, master Guje" - replied another of the great masters. This time a female, who was short, and looked really young. - "Look at that girl over there, she seems to be holding back a ton of aura..." - she said, looking straight at Kaja.
"Your senses are as sharp as ever, little Gina. Though i must admit, you are right." - another great master replied. She was a mature looking woman. She was also wearing really flashy clothes. - "What do you guys think, Kira and Rajel?" - she asked the 2 remaining great masters.
"That Valente princess... she may not have the strongest of auras right now, but she has incredible potential, Runa..." - Rajel answered.
"..." - Kira remained silent.
The principal was also silent. He was looking straight at Deth. Without even blinking.
"Why are you looking at that kid? He has no aura whatsoever. He will certainly fail this exam..." - vice principal Yeria asked to principal Zujeon, curious.
However, the principal did not say a single word. His gaze was focused entirely on Deth.
[That old man up there... what is he trying to do? He keeps trying to supress me with his aura, incrementing the pressure every second...] - Deth thought to himself.
The principal was almost a legendary figure. He could be said to be one of the most powerful entities in the entire world. He was said to bring down a dragon by himself, without any help.
Right now, that man, was looking straight at Deth. He felt something was off when he saw him, so he tried suppressing him with his aura, just to see how Deth would react. His aura was focused entirely towards Deth, so nobody else could feel it.
At first, he was shocked. Deth showed no reaction at all. So he started using more and more of his aura.
Right now, principal Zujeon was using an incredible amount of aura.
[This amount of aura would be more than enough to bring all of the great masters to their knees... let alone a mere kid... who is he?] - the principal was extremely curious.
[This is starting to get annoying...] - meanwhile, Deth was standing there as if nothing. Of course, the principal's aura had no effect on him, because in terms of power, Deth was infinitely more powerful than the principal. But being such a powerful aura, Deth could still feel it, and it started annoying him.
Deth lifted his eyes. He was a bit pissed.
He looked up, and his eyes met the principal's.
At that moment, the principal felt his heart skipped a beat. When Deth's eyes met his, an intense sense of fear invaded his organism. His mind was still curious, but every inch of his body was telling him to stop looking as soon as possible. He lowered his face.
[What? It looks like my body acted on pure instinct... How can a kid like him have such a powerful look on him? He was not even emmitting any aura... it was just his gaze that made my body act on its own, completely scared...] - the principal had trouble understanding what had just happened.
The vice principal and the great masters all noticed this, and immeaditely asked him:
"Principal Zujeon! Are you okay!?!?"
"Yes, i'm fine..." - He simply answered. The look on his face was extremely weird, it was a mix of curiosity and complete confusion.
"Okay now, form three rows. The exam will begin now." - Garan, the teacher in charge of the Exam, shouted.
"Finally, i was starting to lose patience..." - Kaja said.