This exam was meant to test one's potential. Basically, the ability to grow your magical capabilities.
A human with small magical potential would only be able to use a small amount of magic. Even if he trained for his entire lifetime, he would not be able to surpass the limit of his own potential.
That is why this was the first test. Those with little to no magical potential would immediatly fail the exam. So the Academy would not have to waste any resources with them.
Grades were represented by letters. E being the weakest, and SSS being the strongest, though there were only a few people with that amount of magical potential. The principal was one of them.
All great masters were of SS grade. The vice principal was A grade, but that did not matter, because the position of vice principal was not a position given to those with great battle prowess, it was given to people with great intellect.
"The exam shall begin now!" - shouted Garan at all the aspiring students. - "This row will be the first one to be examined. Please come one by one." - he instructed them.
Deth and the others were all in the second row. Jeaime was standing in the first row.
About 100 people were examined in the span of an hour.
"Next!" - Garan shouted.
The next in line was none other than Jeaime.
"Touch the stone." - Garan instructed Jeaime.
As soon as Jeaime touched the stone, it started shining. Although it was nothing impressive.
"You are A grade. Next!" - Garan shouted.
"No, wait! There must be something wrong! I'm a prodigy, i can't be just A rank! I should be at least S!" - Jeaime was unwilling to accept the results.
"To me you are just a pampered kid. I said next!" - Garan didn't even look at Jeaime.
Jeaime left with a bitter expression.
A smile formed on Kirin's face.
[Heh, he deserves that.] - she thought to herself.
A few minutes later, the kid that great master Guje had pointed out, the one that had dark aura around him, stepped forward.
He touched the stone, and immediatly it started glowing extremely bright.
"Oh, would you look at that, we have our first S grade student here." - Garan said, proudly.
The kid left without saying anything.
A few hours later, it was finally Kirin's turn.
She stepped forward, sweating from the nerves.
She touched the stone. It immediatly started glowing really bright.
"Looks like we have our second S grade student! Congratulations." - Garan had a look of approval on his face.
"Thank you!" - Kirin answered. She was visibly excited.
Garan gave Kirin a smile, as he said:
Kaja stepped up.
[I hope she doesn't screw up... she said she would demonstrate about the same potential as me... how is she able to control her potential? Is that even possible? Well, she is a dragon, so i wouldn't know.] - Kirin was thinking to herself. She would be extremely worried, but right now, she was happy for being an S grade.
As soon as Kaja touched the stone, it started glowing far brighter than anyone before her. That would be the glow of a SS grade. But she reacted quickly and regulated her potential, making the stone glow about the same as Kirin. All this happened in a fraction of a second, the only ones to notice were principal Zujeon, and great masters Gina and Runa. Obviously, Deth noticed it as well.
"Oh, impressive! Two S grades in a row!" - Garan was pleasantly surprised, and a bit excited.
Kaja walked away without any signs of being happy.
[That was close...] - she was thinking to herself.
Next was Marcus. He was shaking. At first he was hesitant to touch the stone.
"Go ahead." - Garan hurried him.
Marcus touched the stone.
It started glowing. Not as much as Kaja or Kirin, though.
"You are A grade. Pretty good. Next!" - Garan said.
Marcus was about to cry from happiness.
Julia was next. She walked up to the stone with confidence, although one could tell that she was really nervous.
She touched the stone, and it started glowing.
"A grade. Very good." - Garan told her.
Julia walked away with a huge smile on her face.
Sana was next in the line.
When she walked up to the stone, Deth accompanied her.
"What is this? You are supposed to come one by one." - Garan was a bit confused.
"He does not need to take the exam, he is my personal escort." - Sana told Garan. But her voice was shaky. She was not used to lying.
"I know who you are, but that doesn't mean your escort can become a student just like that." - Garan told her.
"The fact that he is my escort should be more than enough to prove he is worthy of studying here." - Sana replied.
"I'm sorry, but i seriously don't care if he is your escort. Even if you are a princess, i'm going to have to say no." - Garan concluded. - "Hey, you, get back in line. Now." - he said, looking at Deth.
Sana looked at Kirin, with worry in her eyes.
[Oh no... we don't have a plan B. What do we do now...?] - Kirin's head started spinning. She stopped thinking about being an S grade. She was extremely worried right now.
But suddenly, an extremely bright glow interrupted her thinking. It was the stone.
It was glowing incredibly bright.
Garan stood there, thinking for a second.
"SS grade! Incredible! I congratulate you, Sana Valenti. It seems you will become an outstanding magician in the future." - Garan told Sana, with a really big smile on his face. - "Let's hope your escort is just as good." - he concluded, looking directly at Deth.