Mom's delicate pussy

When I came back from school that day, my mother was changing clothes in the room to prepare for a bath. I sneaked it from the crack in the door as usual, and saw that my mother had faded the old-fashioned 

dress, and the following was still the same.

  Just when I want to look away, I suddenly found a different place, is on the mother with panty wrapped round the hips, I saw a 

Ge line, a line of briefs, under her mother's Spirituality There is another mystery, so I continue to hide from the door and watch it.

  After seeing the mother peeling off the bunch of pants, there was a very narrow sexy briefs underneath, black lace, narrow and small, I 

looked from behind, only wrapped half of the gluteal groove, most of the hips The ditch is exposed. Then she opened the closet and fumbled for something. I did not see 

what Chu, because my mother seems accustomed immediately with clothes wrapped up.

  I finally found out, just strange, my mother's wardrobe I have already rummaged, how have never found this? Could closet ... otherwise I can not find 

the place?

  After the mother entered the bathroom, I couldn't wait to enter her room, open the closet and search carefully. I found out that the bottom plywood of the closet was active. 

Usually, because of the pile of clothes stacked on it, I didn't find it. I immediately opened the splint. After I saw it, my eyes lit up. It was like a treasure. 

There were four or five briefs different from the one she usually wore. Not many, but they were very sexy. And I think that she will wear this sexy underwear 

in the trousers , which is actually a kind of desire, but it is trying to suppress it. Maybe this is the biggest secret of her life!

  With this major discovery, my plan to change the way has renewed the layout, and I feel more and more that it 

is quite simple to seduce my mother and let her take the initiative to seduce me. One important key is to break through one by one. The most important thing is the contraindication of the mother-child relationship.

  My plan started after she had showered.

  Nothing in the evening, she unscrewed the TV as usual to see the boring show. I took the opportunity to sit down beside her.

  "Mom..." "Well, what?" She still stared at the TV.

  "Mom, have you ever thought about it..." "Thought about it?" She looked at me and went back.

  "Have you ever thought again ... have a boyfriend?" "What ... what? Xiaojun, you do not tell mom kidding!" This time she solemnly to 

me to say, but the look seems a bit The same.

  "Mom, I told you really! You have worked hard for half a lifetime, and finally you are finally free. You can safely chase your happiness." 

"Hey! Mom is a young man, what do you want?" "Mom, what age is you, only in your thirties, it is the most mature and beautiful time. If you don't 

grasp the present, it will be even harder to wait until after 40 or 50." "Xiaojun, but ... but ... Oh! Damn that really did not mind it! as long as hello 

good school, be able to find a good girl get married, the mother will be satisfied. mom say ... not beautiful, which, like any company that your father manager, that 

it will dress up. "" Oh! Who says you're not beautiful! is the kind of woman to live on cosmetics, makeup after unloading, there is no half your beautiful, in fact, 

ah! you just dress up a little bit, to ensure that no People can see that we are mother and child, but sisters and brothers, no, brothers and sisters." I try my best to indulge in soup.

  "Little devil, when did you talk so?" Mom finally smiled happily.

  "Mom, I mean it! Let's do it! Pack it on me, clothes, cosmetics, I will help you buy it." "So what? A big boy goes to buy a girl 

's things, not afraid of others laughing." "Mom, You don't have to be old-fashioned. Now no one has this concept. It 

is common for boys to buy cosmetics and even underwear ." "Oh, forget it, okay! Ok, but mom will be himself." Going to buy, don't bother you!" "Really!" "Really... 

But, you are right, mom is a woman, and I hope I can look good, but don't mention it, unless you mention it, unless After you get married, let's talk about 

it!" "That... If I don't marry in my life, then you don't have to live forever." "The little devil, say what, when the man is married, you will 

find a favorite sooner or later ." Girl, then leave her mother." Mom said that she could not help but feel a little confused.

  "Mom, I don't want to get married, I will stay with you all my life?" "Stupid... Yes! You don't marry, you will follow your old mother all your life. Oh, 

talk to be honest!" Mom turned to joke in turn. stand up.

  "No problem, but... Is there a condition?" I saw that my own teasing plan had been a bit of a blow, and went even further.

  "What conditions?" "... that you can not have a boyfriend." "Ha ha! Mom had no such intention, it seems you have to lose Hello! At the old 

man to accompany the old woman over a lifetime ... ah ... ..." Mom suddenly found out that she was a bit wrong.

  "Who said that I am a virgin, I look like a mother, you are like an old virgin! If I am not your son, I must think so." I 

continued to tease her with words in her words.

  "Hey! Nonsense, the more you say it, the more you say it. are not a virgin, lie to me, do you know if you have a girlfriend?" "Oh! 

Mom, say you are old, you still really old-fashioned, one-night stand you heard it? it willingly, it is now very open girl! "" ah ... that ... like what 

what if ... Xiaojun, do you ... "" Oh, you cheat No feelings to do the foundation, it doesn't make sense to do that kind of thing, isn't it?" I used 

her words to appease her while turning the topic to the taboo aspect.

  "Really? That's fine. You don't want to provoke girls who are not three or four, or they will suffer." "Yes, obey, I said no to my girlfriend, 

if you don't worry, you should be me." My girlfriend is good, staring at me every day, I won't be tempted outside, isn't it?" "The little devil, it's getting 

more and more serious, mom is mom, how can you be your girlfriend?" What does it matter? When you dress up and become like my sister, we go out 

and make sure that we think we are a couple." "Okay! If that's the case, Mom will be your girlfriend." Mom followed my jokes and made trouble with me 

. And I am very happy, my mother has begun to change a bit.

  This night, I used words to open my mother's heart, and on the other hand, let the feelings between our mother and child become closer.

  The next morning, my mom was making breakfast in the kitchen. I started the next step. I gently walked into the kitchen and secretly kissed 

her cheek from behind her mother .

  "Ah!" Mom jumped like an electric shock.

  "Early! Mom," I said if nothing happened.

  "Little devil, you want to scare the mother to death! It's going to school, it's still noisy, it's not decent." "Hey! I said yesterday that I want to be a girlfriend, how can I change 

my heart !" I continued to joke with her.

  "Okay! Don't be serious, don't make trouble, eat breakfast quickly." I have been observing the change in her face. Although she doesn't care much, 

I can see that she is being touched by men. Uncomfortable. Success, Mom is being teased by me step by step, and hooks out the secrets in my heart.

  I still did not miss out the door: "Mom, when I come back, you have to change out of a sister to Oh!" "Well hurry gone, late!." So I Discovery 

quickly go out.

  No class in the afternoon, I mentioned some money to the department store to pick up a few mysterious gifts to find a chance to give to my mother, and this gift must be seized at the right time to send.

  In the evening when I got home, only to hear her mother in the room shouted: "Jun, you back yet you wait, mom came out?." I can not help listening dark 

laugh, "You wait, Mom came out "It's a bit confusing."

  After a while, my mother came out of the room. Sure enough, as I expected, my mother was really dressed up and changed into a person.

  "Xiaojun, you... you said, can Mom be like this?" "Wow... Mom... you..." I couldn't help but lean on the past, carefully look at her 

and smell a faint perfume scents.

  "How?" Mom also deliberately turned around.

  " are beautiful...good fragrance!" I sincerely praised her.

  "Really... Really?" "Wow! Mom, I don't think you really can't be my girlfriend." "You see you are coming again." Mom's happy eyes smashed 


  "Mom, you see that your conditions are so good, you should have been dressed up for a long time, and you have wasted your youth for so many years." "Hey, who did you dress up before? 

If you are not free now, I don't have that mood." Mom, but... there are still a few things missing." "I said, can you marry me?" "Okay! 

What's missing ?" "Less... Inner beauty." "What?" "Mom, woman." In addition to the appearance of the makeup, the inside is also the 

source of self-confidence . Mom, in fact, you are so good, you don't have to wear that bunch of waist pants, you can tie yourself like a scorpion. You should wear a little lighter. . "" 

ah! Jun ... you ... you peek at her mother. "" Ouch! mom, you change clothes never lock the door, I grew up seeing big, what it has. "" this ... " 

" Come, Mom, this is for you. Celebrate that you are born again today." When I saw the time was ripe, I handed the packaged things away.

  "What?" "You go into the room to see, I have to eat first. Big...beautiful...female." "The little devil, there are so many tricks." Mom said and went into the room 


  I thought that my mother would see the sexy underwear I sent her, and I would scream, but there was no movement in the room.

  After a while, Mom came out of the room and went to the kitchen. I am already full and ready to take a shower. I also want to continue my next step.

  I filled the bath with water in the bathroom, then stripped off the clothes and put my penis to the limit, then sat in the bathtub and started calling my mother.

  "Mom... I forgot to take my underwear and help me take it." Mom answered aloud outside.

  "Okay, Xiaojun, take it!" Mom said outside the bathroom for a while.

  "Mom, come in! I am in the bathtub." "This..." He only hesitated and the mother pushed the door in, but only extended one hand and 

turned his head to the other side. I am naked in the body.

  "Okay, take it quickly!" "Oh, Mom, come over again, I can't get it." Just as Mom went into the bathroom, I 

took the time to deliberately get up from the bathtub and do the work. I want to go to the underwear that my mother handed over.

  "Ah..." Mom screamed and turned quickly, and my underwear fell to the ground. I believe she has seen 

the penis that I have stood up in the sky and has been soaked by hot water.

  "Mom, what's wrong with you, it's getting wet." "Small Jun... What are you doing..." "Oh! Mom, I am your son, you haven't seen it yet, really." 

She helped again . I took one, and this time I no longer teased her, I know that if I eat too quickly, I will be self-defeating. After washing, I saw that my mother 

still seemed to be in shock, and she was sitting in front of the dressing table in the room.

  "Mom, come out." "What?" Mom left the room.

  "It's rare that you are so beautiful today, you can't just stay at home! Go out and show up!" "What is it! Mom is just..." "Oh! Mom, you are 

called Jinyi Night Walk, for whom to see it! Besides, you don't When I go out for a walk, I have no way to prove what I said. "What?" "Prove that when you 

dress up, you will think that you are my sister." "Poor mouth, come again." Mom a little bit Smiled.

  "In this way, I will take you out to go shopping! You really want to be my girlfriend of the day." "Xiaojun, see you have always been a girlfriend, your girlfriend is short, 

you really want a girlfriend." is not it? "" of course! normal boys who do not want a girlfriend? I'm not gay. "" then how are twenty 

years old, and have not handed over to see you? "" Oh! is not no, is the people despise your young master. "" Do not pick up, there is a good point to add oil! "" in order to 

then speak! mom, you in the end want to do it! "" What you want it? "" when ... when ... "" Okay! Ok! When is it so sticky, 

Mom will be your girlfriend for one night, lest you really can't get a girlfriend in the future." "Really, great." I am happy. Almost jumped up.

  Out the door, my mother bent over to put on high heels, I discovered from behind, wrapped in a white mini skirt mother's hips, showing traces of briefs, the mother has 

been off the panty.

  After leaving the door, I took the initiative to take my mother's hand and really went shopping like a couple. At first, my mother was a little unaccustomed. The hand that I pulled was just a powerless drop 

, let me let go, but slowly she seemed to get used to it. She would take the initiative to hold me with my hand. This made me very happy.

  Around 8 o'clock in the evening, we have been almost in the East District of Taipei. Originally thought of X-zhong theater to see a movie, but the wrong time, have to wait the next one 

to nine. So I took the opportunity to propose to see MTV.

  Mom has never seen MTV, but also a little curious, I promised me.

  In the store, we chose a drama together. The mother almost never watched the movie. Apart from the film played by the fourth one, she 

almost knew nothing about the new movie outside . So at this time I have a bold new plan.

  After we entered the box.

  "Wow, this is MTV!" Mom is obviously very curious about this environment, 72-inch big TV and soft oversized sofa.

  I went to the bathroom for an excuse, and then went outside with the counter for a very passionate third-level film.

  The film was played for ten minutes, and my mother still didn't know it. She didn't feel right until there was a bold scene of passion.

  "Small Jun... well... it seems to be misplaced, isn't it?" "Well... it seems, I am going to ask?" "This... well...but if you can't 

change it, you have been watching it for so long." "Okay." I left the box and deliberately stayed outside for a long time before returning. On the one hand, I want to let her look at it for a long time 

. On the one hand, I pretend that I have been dealing with the store for a long time.

  "Xiaojun, can't you? Isn't it? That's it. If you look at it, just read it!" I didn't answer, because I found out that when my mother was talking to me, my eyes were 

still staring at the scene of making love on the screen.

  I sat down next to me and watched my mother's reaction from time to time. I saw my mother's chest undulating, and my hands were hand-opened from time to time. It can be seen that her 

heart is ups and downs.

  When I saw the time was ripe, I secretly wrapped my hand around my mother and put it on my mother's shoulder. My mother didn't object, I went further and made a little effort to lean my mother on me 


  I think my mother has been confused by those passion scenes, not only did not refuse, but more like a bird, leaning his head directly on my shoulder. I looked down 

to her mother ups and downs in the chest, was surprised to find one pair of plump and almost out of the desire of the breast from her skirt open inside, the extension of the cleavage down, I saw inside her 

bra, and I am excited that The bra worn by my mother is the pink lace style that I sent her today.

  From time to time, I smelled my mother's fragrance and enjoyed the scenery from time to time. Later mother had overwhelmed his hand on my leg, it is not totally 


  I also cooperated with my mother's emotions and took the opportunity to put my mother's thigh on the black stockings. I can feel the slight trembling of my mother, but 

we have not moved.

  I don't know how long it took, the plot of sex on the screen became more and more intense, and I began to stroke back and forth on my mother's thigh.

  "Um..." Mom obviously felt comfortable and didn't object.

  I moved by inch, inch by inch, until my hand had entered her narrow skirt.

  "Well..." Mom closed her eyes from time to time, as if enjoying the unhurried pleasure.

  I slowly secretly sneaked her narrow skirt up and down until it reached the root of the leg. I saw my mother's briefs, the one I gave her 

, the same set of pink as the bra. The color is translucent briefs, and the mother does not seem to notice that she has been exposed to the spring.

  I looked at the roots of the briefs that my mother had exposed, and the parts that covered the private parts had already leaked some traces of water stains. Obviously, my mother was in a state of spring 

. But I tried to restrain the impulse to go deeply moved by the piece off-limits, because I think the time is not yet fully mature. Furthermore, this is not appropriate 

when location.

  The film was finally finished, when the mother seemed to suddenly regain her rationality and hurriedly pulled down the skirt she was picked up.

  "Small... Xiaojun... We should go." "Mom, where do you want to go?" I still stared at my mother.

  "No... no, mom... a little uncomfortable, let's go back!" On the way back, my mother was silent, and it was almost eleven o'clock when I got home 


  "Xiaojun, Mom wants to sleep, don't sleep too late, do you know?" Mom said, she went back to the room, and I was waiting for this moment.

  About twenty minutes later, I entered the mother's room, my mother was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and did not fall asleep.

  "Jun ... What happened?" "Mom ... I could not sleep, Mom is not the same?" "I ... Jun ... you ... what are you thinking?" Mom has a 

bit nervous to ask.

  "No! Just...just..." "Just what?" "Just Mom is my girlfriend tonight, I am very happy, I want to thank Mom." " 

Stupid!" "But...but There is no past, there is still an hour!" "Little devil, what are you thinking about?" "I hope 

my girlfriend will accompany me for a while." "Oh! Really, okay, let's talk! How to accompany? I didn't say that I immediately jumped into bed, picked up the quilt and went inside 

, just before my mother had time to stop, I was already lying next to my mother.

  "I want a girlfriend to accompany me to sleep." "Jun not ... ... ... you can not go fast so ..." My mother was scared by the sudden move 

was at a loss.

  And I met my mother's back in the quilt, as if I didn't feel the texture of the clothes, but... the skin. I entered, and a look, and found the original 

to her mother inside wearing only red underwear set of powder.

  "Mom... I am sorry for..." Mom silently.

  "Mom...sorry, I will leave." I said that I got up and got out of bed, and I couldn't help but blame myself for being anxious.

  "Xiaojun...hey... forget it, Mom promises you, just like this!" I saw my mother saying this, and covered the quilt again, but the atmosphere became very embarrassing.

  We are so silent, for a moment, my mother is lying down to me, still silent. I know that her mood has been complicated by me at the moment, and the 

woman's mood is very elusive, so I dare not act rashly until I can't be sure of her thoughts.

  The time passed by one minute has passed twelve o'clock. I also followed the agreement and prepared to get up and go back to the house.

  Suddenly my mother spoke up:

  "Xiaojun, you can sleep with your mother for a night, don't run around." "Mom, you can sleep! I don't quarrel with you." I lay back again.

  "Xiaojun, do you remember when you were a child?" "Remember some, I remember when I was a child, when Dad was angry, you would run over and sleep with me. 

Actually... I miss the time when my mother was holding me. That warm feeling.

  "Xiaojun... Do you want your mother to hold you?" "Mom...I..." I was so nervous that I didn't know what to say.

  Mom turned to face me at this time, while holding my head on her chest. Although the whole face is attached to my mother's full and full breasts, it is strange 

that I have no desire at the moment, but instead have a kind of warmth in my mother's arms. I also reached out and hugged my mother's naked waist. So, I actually 

ran asleep.

  When I woke up the next day, I couldn't help but be upset myself. I had missed such a great opportunity yesterday. After planning for so long, I finally provoked my mother's lust for a long time, 

but it suddenly vanished. Also let me not know what to do next.

  This day made me very depressed, and the school is still the same after coming back. However, my mother seems to have opened up after my enthusiasm. Today's dress is better than yesterday, 

which makes me feel refreshed.

  After dinner, my mother went to take a shower. My mother washed for a long time. After I came out, I changed in. The bathroom while hazy steam, just as I finished undressing, I suddenly 

were the words on the mirror now, is attached to the use of water vapor above written, the words above makes my heart burst of racing.

  Written: "Hold your mother again." There is no obvious hint, but I don't care anyway, I believe that my mother will not marry me.

  At eleven o'clock in the evening, my mother went to sleep in the advanced room. I waited for about half an hour and gently entered the mother's room.

  Mom still covered the cotton side, only to reveal her face. I slammed into the bed and got into the bed. My mother didn't react. I leaned on my mother's back and 

secretly looked at my mother's body, still wearing underwear, and the style changed.

  After a long time, I couldn't help but stretch my hand and gently touch my mother's back. My mother seemed to tremble. After touching it for a while, I reached over 

and wrapped my ring around my mother's waist. When I saw my mother didn't respond, I was more daring on her abdomen, then slowly moved up and hit the bra. I will slowly go hand 

on the stick above the peaks of the mother, the mother still did not resist. So I assured across that layer of lace, she began to rub up and lips in her mother's back 

on, kissing her skin.

  "Um..." Mom finally got a response.

  I secretly with the other hand to unlock the bra clasp from behind, in front of the original tight lace, once loose off, let my right hand slip smoothly 

into the inside. I hold my mother's breasts firmly, I squat back and forth, pinching my mother's nipple from time to time.

  "Well... um..." Mom's reaction is getting stronger and stronger.

  The lips that kissed my mother's back slowly moved up, kissed her shoulder, and then kissed her neck down, probably touching the sensitive place of 

her mother, and let her body shake. My right hand slowly gave up my mother's breasts and moved down to the lower abdomen. After I stroking the lower abdomen for a while, I 

went down one inch and touched the edge of the briefs. At this time my mouth has kissed behind the mother's ear, and the right hand then dive under the briefs.

  My heart has jumped out, and my right hand touched my mother's pubic hair.

  My mother couldn't help it anymore. "Small Jun... No... Don't... No..." Mom turned and looked at me.

  "Mom ..." At this time I was a little embarrassed, because my mother into his briefs in the whole hand is attached to the pubic hair above, and a middle finger into his mother was already 

inside the cracks, because my mother touched the clitoris, The strong stimulation made her suddenly return to God.

  We stared at each other, and the hand on the mother's vulva didn't know whether to retract or continue. The air seemed to freeze, and our mother and child looked at 

each other's eyes.

  Finally, my mother said: "Small Jun, can't... We are mother and child, can't do this." I know that I can never compromise again at this moment, otherwise everything will 

be abandoned. I did not answer my mother, but answered with an action. I took my mother's breasts and started sucking, and the hands that were attached to the labia also began 

to twitch with my fingers.

  "... ah... Xiaojun... No... No... I'm going to stop... Ah... Xiaojun... Hey... Obedient... Ah... Don't..." I still 

ignore what my mother said, sucking The mouth of the breast was put up and kissed, from the neck up... until the mother's face.

  "No... don't... um... ah... don't..." The mother's voice became finer and even closed her eyes, and I kissed my mother 

's lips while holding it .

  At first, my mother closed her lips and resisted. I kept trying to open it with my tongue. With the twitching of my right finger, my mother's slutty water had flowed 

out and my lips were relaxed. I took my tongue out. Into the mother's mouth.

  "... ah ah ah ... ... ... Zi Zi ... ah ..." mom almost gave resisted, let my tongue welling up in her mouth, not even from 

the Lord's sucking my tongue stretch past. I kissed my mother violently, holding her breasts in one hand and clasping her little hole in the briefs with one hand.

  After a while, my mother suddenly opened my hand and left the lips of the kiss.

  " Xiaojun... No... No..." Mom gasped.

  "Mom...why..." "Small Jun... silly boy, we are mother and child! How can I do this kind of thing?" "Mom... I don't care... I do 

n't care..." I broke free from my mother's hand. Double-handed with the thin elastic band next to her briefs, she will fade her mother's briefs.

  My mother tried to stop it, but it has been strongly faded into the thigh, and my mother's entire small hole has been completely exposed to me.

  "Xiaojun ah ... ... ... good obedient ... ... This is not incest ah ... not ..." "I just want to hug your mom ... ... ... kiss you just 

want to ... as long as I do not ... don't plug in... it's not incest... is it good?" I will perfuse her for the time being.

  "This..." "Mom... I know you need it too... is it right?" Mom thought about it, probably thought it was the end of the matter, so she slowly compromised.

  "Xiaojun...but...mother... Mom is so scared..." "Mom, let go of your scruples! Don't be afraid!" I said, pulling my mother's hand to hold my 


  "Ah... Xiaojun..." Mom exclaimed, but did not let go and obeyed my penis.

  At this time, I have completely removed my mother's underwear. My body will in turn vulva lips close to her mother's open hand poke Na Liangpian juicy labia, starting with tongue 

licked the head.

  "Ah... ah... um... little jun... child..." The mother couldn't help but scream, and began to play with my penis.

  Because I was turned back, the posture was a bit unnatural, so I simply sat on my mother's breasts, licking her little hole, and trying to close the penis to the mother 

's mouth, let the mother use her mouth to contain it.

  My mother has been unhumanized for a long time, and I can withstand the teasing of me. Under the strong stimulation of my sucking, she finally finally let 

me know, and I took my penis and started sucking.

  Once she opened her heart defense, everything was much easier. Soon I left my mother's small hole and turned over. I immediately hugged my mother and kissed 

me , so that she could not stop thinking.

  "Well... um... Xiaojun... well... well... Mom is so comfortable..." "Mom... I make you more comfortable... well..." "Good... good 

... make mom more comfortable." ..." Mom has been puberty, I don't know what I am talking about.

  I secretly held the penis and reached the mother's mouth.

  "Ah... no..." When the mother was shocked, it was too late, and I was desperate to go forward.

  "Zizi", along the mother's lascivious water, all of my penis was completely immersed in the mother's small hole.

  "Ah... Xiaojun... No... ah... Hey... You lied to me... Ming... Xiaojun... You lied to your mother..." Mom was now 

ruined because of her deep-rooted morality. I burst into tears.

  "Mom..." " lied to said no...not plugged in...when it's everything is to do it 

..." "Mom... I'm sorry you do not be sad ... ... things are not so serious it! "I completely stopped all actions, penis still inserted in the mother's female 

indoor inside.

  "Xiaojun... We are incest, you know? Isn't this serious?" "Mom, actually you know? The moral concept of incest is 

only created by the former people to avoid family disputes. Because if a family Some people incest, then his father's son to eat vinegar, father, wife and children do not want 

the child to share, that would be estranged family, and society if all this, it would be chaos, so restrictions have not incest. people used to know what what 

it called eugenics, and cousins, cousins marriage can be considered next of kin incest, incest Chinese people for thousands of years, is also the last ten years, our legal regulations only 

given cousins can not marry, "No?" "But...but..." "Mom, do you know the former strong people? There are many customs 

. After the father died , his son took over and married his mother, like the former Xiongnu. "" Jun ... but ... but we can not get married ah, before is 

before, now is now, no one will agree ah! "" mom, who says we're getting married, old-fashioned Oh hello Sexual relations are not necessarily to get married, 

and incest for our mother, in fact, not hinder, because our family to me and you two, there will be no question of family estrangement, as long as we do not say, 

as we The secret is not all happy?" "Xiaojun, Mom said you are! A lot of reason." Mom said that this has closed his eyes, indicating that 

I have been convinced.

  "Mom... I am coming." I adjusted my posture.

  "Well..." Mom has already got rid of it.

  I then started pumping gently.

  "Well... ah... ah... Xiaojun... ah... Mom..." Mom began to feel comfortable.

  I speeded up again, and then slowed down, teasing her sexuality.

  "Ah... ah... great... Xiaojun... Mom is so comfortable... You... How... It's so powerful... Where did you learn... Ah... Little Jun... Child 

... My little king..." "Mom... don't want anything..." "Don't stop... Ah... Ok... That's it... Ah... 

Little Jun... Kiss me..." I leaned down The body kissed the mother's lips, and the mother responded wildly, sticking out her tongue to let me suck, sucking in the tongue, and greedily 

fooling. So the upper and lower sides of the attack, the entire room "Zizi...zi..." sounds constantly, obscene.

  "Zizi...Zi...ah...ah...xiaojun...good son...Mom for a long time... I haven't made love for a long time... Today... I'm so satisfied... I didn't expect it 

... at the end... or... ah... ...and let you go back...the place you came..." "Yeah...mother...after...I want to go back and see my hometown... 

you...will you lock the door..." "Ah... no ... No... The place you lived in... Anytime... You can come back... Come back and see... Ah 

... Xiaojun... Welcome back..." Mom seems to have completely surrendered to sexual desire. . I am trying hard to make the final sprint.

  "... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... fast... fast... little jun... ah... fast..." 

after the mother screamed , I also vented, a semen shot directly into my mother's womb.

  "" Mom squatted on the bed and kept breathing.

  "Mom..." "Well... shot in..." "Ah...sorry...Mom, I forgot." "It doesn't matter, you can do it today, 

but you should pay attention later." When I heard "after", it was as if I had won the gold medal. It would be no problem to want to have sex with my mother. I count 

plan this has been completely successful.

  "Mom, thank you." I kissed her.

  After a while, Mom said, "Xiaojun... Mom... ask you... I don't want to... go in and see?" Mom wants it again.

  "Think." Of course, I am obliged to roll over my mother's legs and "make" a little bit into my mother's little hole - my hometown.

  This night, we fucked again and again, until the day was bright, and both fell asleep.

  Once the embankment collapsed, the turbulent waves of the rushing rushed like a thousand horses, and they couldn't keep their files. This is the case with the sex of our mother and child.

  Originally, at night, my mother dared to unload my heart defense. Later, when I was at home during the day, my mother would take the initiative to seduce me. Sometimes I used words to tease, 

sometimes I used sexy underwear, sometimes I didn't do anything. I am stripped and waiting for me. This is something I didn't expect.

  Mom often wants me to help her blowjob, this is what I dreamed of. Mother is the kind of beauty who has strong sexual desire. Except for the younger brother, the most tired is the tongue. 

At the beginning, my mother was trembling between my tongues. Later, I often struggled to call my mother.

  Hey! Get up quickly! My mother cried... I rode on me, my legs clenched around my waist and almost suffocated me.

  I deliberately pretended not to hear, I want to see what she has to do.

  Suddenly, the front of the eyes was dark and the tip of the nose touched soft.

  Ok, you pretend to die, right? Mother lifted her ass and lifted her leg across my face, she was riding on my face.

  The asshole is just on my nose. I am struggling to beg for mercy, but her two ass eggs are like the two meat mountains and die on my face to taste my 

fart! Mother is suffocating! I put a big fart. Fragrant incense?

  Well, good scent... I will please my mother.

  Like to smell? Well, I will put a few farts to smell it for you! Mom said oh! puff! The ground was connected and put a few farts.

  Mother shook her ass and said: I have enough to play with you... Hey! Well, I heard my mother's asshole pressed my nose tightly.

  My nose was wrapped tightly under her file, and the mother's fart was sucked out. I struggled painfully under my mother's buttocks. My mother 

saw that I had difficulty breathing before I removed my butt and gave me a triumphant smile.

  Mom's ass is beautiful! My hand caressed, and the current pleasure is as good as the smooth fat fat, which also shocks my mother. 

The two petals have been secretly opened, and the wet labia slowly moved closer to my mouth, and a lot of warm sluts flowed out of my face. My 

face is next to her wonderful honey nest. I gently kissed the mother's petals. I kissed it gently, then licked my mother's little sweet beans.

  I tried to stick the whole piece of my tongue on my mother's delicate pussy, and brushed it up and down evenly. Gradually I felt my mother's vagina creeping up, 

it forced his tongue very up, depth of licking, though separated panties, I can still feel my mother's clitoris change its incredible up big, I opened my mouth with 

live It sucks it hard, I hope it will feel my love.

  The naughty pubic hair came out from both sides of the underwear and was stuck in my nostrils, so I couldn't help but sneeze. I quickly put my nose close to the 

place where my mother's genitals were sunken . At this time, my mother is probably about to arrive. The slender legs are tightly gripping my head, and I am eager to move my ass. I started to 

have difficulty breathing. Fortunately, it soon passed, and my mother's vagina sprayed a thick yin. fine, along the white thigh flow out, I quickly eat clean, good taste, to be honest, my mother belongs 

to the kind of sensitive constitution, it is easy to emotional and very easy to meet.

  My mother twisted her buttocks and smiled: I will punish you once again. After she finished, she hugged her ass with both hands and pulled her red lips.

  My mother sat on my mouth, sometimes moving my hips from side to side, and pressed my mouth from time to time. One will work in my mouth and face were covered with photon flower 

petals in the sweet nectar. In this way, I spent more than half an hour listening to her shallow snoring under my mother's hips. My mother got a great satisfaction, 

and because of my pleasure , I felt like I was going to burst out in the lower body... My mother's white buttocks still squirmed on my face. I started to kiss her ass, 

my mouth was gentle and warm, and I fell into a happy situation of dizziness. Then her fingers gently rubbing her back out into the anal verge: You do not want to kiss my ass 

eyes do? Mom may have just taken a shower, and the anus still has a faint scent.

  Pro here... She spoiled her white ass... My mouth began to explore the pink ass in front of her face, which felt like 

she was kissing a woman's mouth, and she sighed softly.

  Then, my tongue stuck in, and her ass squirmed with my tongue back and forth. Soon Mom lush ass severe bulging, swing 

moving, vagina, like sucking like quivering. what! No! I am coming again...coming... I heard my mother's snoring, and I quickly turned my tongue to 

the bud of the asshole.

  She twisted her ass to reach a climax of ecstasy.

  My mother is a woman with a lot of lascivious water. The lascivious water is like a urinary rush, flowing to my nose and mouth, almost drowning me.

  Her white legs clasped my face, and the vagina couldn't help but twitch, and a sullen water sprayed onto my face.

  My nose and lips are sucking on the labia and anus and close to being unable to breathe.

  I tried to squeeze my mouth: call... and give you a break, I will drown!

  Mom laughed up in a big way: Xiaojun, you are dead, and you don't have any strength. You don't have breakfast today. Mother turned her head and 

kissed Fenglong's warm lips to my mouth.

  I looked at the watch, it was already more than eleven o'clock in the morning, and my mother went to play with my dick from time to time.

  I poured a glass of red wine and a few mouthfuls. Seeing that my mother was teasing her own penis, she said: Baby, do you want to drink soy milk?

  Mom laughed and said: What time is it now, where is the soy milk to drink?

  I said: Yes, it is my own. I drank a bit of red wine and pointed at my penis.

  Mom said: Ok! Then do you want a cup?

  I smiled and didn't answer, and took another sip of red wine, my mother's little mouth, my straight, thick big cock had fallen into her mouth.

  While sucking with gloves, sucking. With the hair around her head up and down torsion, and scattered on the white face, beautiful pair of Dan Fengyan pretty 

skin intoxicated aim at my face. Zhang's big lips screamed and smeared her delicious body fluid on the meat stick.

  The setting sun is infinitely good, and the tourists at the seaside in the evening are still squatting on this charming beach, and the evening winds are refreshing. This is a famous 

tourist attraction. Every Sunday holiday, the tourists who come here will be like waves. Although some Western mothers build a more sudden than her on the beach 

out, but she was not a clear flawless skin.

  The white pearl necklace that I bought for her mother's neck, she shines brightly, it is like the luster of the jade, and it is matched with her beautiful beauty like the fairy, 

and the blow is so delicate and delicate. The snowy muscles of the skin; a black and black hair like a cloud, naturally spread freely behind the shoulders, only with a white string of flowers in the neck 

tied together, the body gives a loose and moderate, light and warm The romantic combination of charm, almost unadorned, exudes a strong and stunning 


  It is a mature woman unique charming style, with the girl at the unique feminine beauty, a perfect blend together the dream of the United States, a provoke more 

human light mysterious beauty pity honey love.

  Dear, tired, tired? Mom asked a little tired. Well, okay... you are tired! I am going back to you?

  I said diligently. My mother said: Ok, I want to ride you back. I lowered my waist and put my head into my mother's cross. She was happy to hold my head and ride 

me. I got up and ran to the beach house. Driving! Mom giggled on my shoulder like a proud and beautiful princess. A pair of white thigh tight 

tight grip on my head.

  When I arrived at the villa, my mother refused to come down and spoiled and said: Xiaojun, Your Majesty, I want to ride a Malaysian horse. I had to kneel down at her feet again, she moved from her shoulder to my 

back, and the full, smooth buttocks sat on me. Hands twisted my ears, laughing and shouting, driving... I listened quickly and smoothly. Under 

the traction of her hand, I climbed two laps in the living room, then took her to the bedroom, climbed to the bed, and sent her to bed.

  Mom is lying on my playfulness: Xiaojun, you are so nice, it will make me happy. Must be tired? I am really old and can't move, I am joking.

  Mother turned over and ride on my body and said: Since you are old, I will crush you now, as if who likes you.

  It's not that easy to murder my husband. I put her hands on her, and she squatted on my face, my face just buried in her breasts.

  My mouth twitched on her chest and soon found her breasts, opened her mouth with her small breasts, her tongue licking her nipples, sucking it, not 


  Xiaojun, is my chest smaller than others? Don't suck, there is no milk there. She ground naughty, more aroused my interest in sex, small your chest, because 

as it is still a virgin land has not been developed, since it no milk, I have to find 'milk' the place to go.

  I put my hands under her thighs and lifted them forward, moving her to my face, my face facing her cross.

  No, Xiaojun, I haven't showered today, it's dirty, she cried.

  I grabbed her with both hands, and it just happened to wash your little ass with my big tongue, isn't it! I put my tongue out of my mouth and repeated it between her legs 

, she still called.

  Everything about you belongs to me. In my eyes everything in you is pure and sacred. I know, I speeded up the movement of my tongue.

  I will deliberately tease her for a while, well, I will wash it for you. Do you want to check it out and see if it is clean and not clean.

  She shouted again, I stretched her hand, did you think I didn't wash you clean, well, then I will wash you.

  This time my mouth, lips and tongue were used together, in my beautiful private place, kissing, sucking and squatting.

  Do you know, Mom, your beautiful place like flowers, sweet honey from the heart, I don't lie to you, it's really sweet, there is a touch 

of sweetness, like honey in your mouth. Mother rides on my face, no longer struggling, she begins to seriously enjoy all the happiness that I bring to her. When I was a long 

time between licking her, she smiled, and then licking a while, I have to pee, and be careful I'll give you face. Her voice is as obsessed as the magic sound.

  If you come out of the urine, I will drink it all and pee. My mouth is round and sticks to her urination.

  No, there really isn't, she thinks the jokes are a bit big.

  I am serious, no, who makes you tease me, I have to, I will help you suck, must suck your urine out.

  I gently sucked, and she began to writh her body uneasy.

  Really no, don't make trouble, by the twist of her body, my tongue licked her asshole.

  Ok, I am going to have a baby here. Itchy, itchy, then itching you, my tongue is deeper and deeper in the tight place.

  Mom took the opportunity to press her hole against my mouth. I straightened my tongue and held her ass back and forth, left and right, and up and down. Soon she will know that 

he himself made the how, but she also firmly grip the hip, pressed my face in a circle. My nose is buried in her pubic hair. I lifted my chin and allowed 

myself to have a breathing space so that I could hold on for a longer period of time. Slowly, my mouth was filled with more and more liquid. I have a bite to 

them exhaustively absorbed her mother's actions faster and faster, like a sudden she did not like the bones, more forced to sit heavy on my face, but she soon will the United States and 

Korea from my hip face lifted to drill into my arms, I am pretending to understand the question: how not to sit, you just make a big effort, I is not afraid of pressure 

bad, rest assured, you are not Xiaojun Mud pinched. Are you not sitting still in the morning?

  Ok...! You are bad! The sound of the nasal sound made her even more charming. Her hands down my chest to my lower body crossed out, gently hold my male 

sex roots. Ah, how to forget you, hey, it's crying, don't cry, let me marry you. She is talking to it. After just Xing 

interest, and if it did not respond to that very odd! It's not a cry, it's a drooling. I am telling her. After gently caressing it for a while, my mother moved my 

body with my hand . I didn't move there, but I lifted her up and let her cross me again.

  Mom walked over my head, sat down with my legs and sat down on my face, then slowly crouched down. I stared at the bottom and look closer and closer to the front of her mother's 

Roufeng surface. When the mother squats hard, the curled petals separate to the left and right, revealing bright pieces of meat from the inside. I hugged my mother's ass at the same time and put my face 

between my legs.

  I gently opened her two lips with both hands, and then the tongue licked her slit, her lips sucking her small nucleus. My mother kept shuddering, and 

unconsciously, she was crazy when I induced sexual desire.

  Her hand hugged my head, pressed hard, opened her mouth slightly, and greedily enjoyed the pleasure I brought to her.

  I smugly moved up and looked up, her hands clinging to her chest, matching the ups and downs of her body, violently pinching her own breasts and 

playing with nipples.

  You are so embarrassed, I really have to pee. Mom smirked with a smile.

  I listened to her saying that she sucked her beautiful little hole and rubbed her tongue back and forth in the vagina.

  You are necrotic! Don't you suck so hard... um... ah... um! Ah... Mom's buttocks can't help but swing back and forth. I'm seeing this jitter, and I'm 

more aggressive. Her delicate buttocks are undulating and undulating in my face, and the nectar is getting more and more.

  Mom really wants to pee, I hold her ass tightly so that she can't get down from my face.

  My mother couldn't help me, but I had to pee in my mouth: Ah... I couldn't help myself.

  With her gentle voice, a small stream of water emerged from the middle of her lustful lips, pouring into my face.

  I was busy stretching my head to the mouth of the urethra and drinking all the urine.

  When the water flow was interrupted and it became a drop of drop, I continued to use my mouth to lean against the wet and drenched meat.

  Ah... so comfortable, hard. The excited mother separated her legs more and pressed the secret canyon against my face.

  My nose was buried in the black grass, sticking out my tongue and desperately cracking the crack between the petals. My mother could no longer continue to take a kneeling position and sat on my face.

  I was so pressured that I couldn't breathe, so I had to hold her white and rich fragrant buttocks with my hands. The tongue slammed hard, the nose swayed up and down, looking for 

air in the crack .

  Mother sat hard on my face and slowly moved down. With my help, my mother gently put my "little brother" into her beautiful hole 

and slowly sat on my legs.

  She rode on me and after a while she found the feeling. I started to drive her with all her passion and trepidation. All her ecstasy and cheers 

accompanied me with my shackles, and I rushed around in our lacquer-like body, and finally thrived. Meet quickly and integrate into my heart.

  At this time, we didn't sleep, and we felt the sweaty body on both sides. I said to her: Let's take a shower and have a good rest. You are tired for a day today. 

I adjust the water temperature and don't want to get up in bed. She "rushed" into the bathroom, looking at her standing under the lotus head, I was rising again, I gently walked behind 

her, holding her arms wide open, bowed her head and kissed her hair, neck, her back all the way down to kiss her waist, her hips, her thighs, and then cross-legged seat 

to sit, help her horse on my shoulder, put her feet on my lap, my mother, as long as I this special chair since you can not stand that 

it was tired of the shower, Jun, you really make me spoiled, her sweet voice said to me.

  I just want to spoil you, let all the women marry you, and you have a good little monarch. I looked up and saw a little of her hair in her care, her two 

legs gently grip my head, body rocking back and forth, I followed the direction of her body with her rhythmically rocking back and forth.

  I am thirsty, give me a glass of water!

  Are you thirsty? it is good! Mom is here to feed you! You close your eyes and open your mouth.

  So I closed my eyes and opened my mouth waiting for her. When I want to peek, suddenly, there is a rapid flow in front of me!

  It turned out that my mother was using her beautiful little hole to urinate with me, and the spring water fell directly into my mouth: Hey! I don't think you have enough to drink... I was caught off guard, and 

my face was full of mother's spring water. I immediately came back and wanted to remove, but my mother pressed it down, and the sweet spring water poured into my mouth.

  Mother riding in my head urinary opened, after the end of my mother's urethra carefully lick the urine over a very smooth mom met with a smile, tease me: hi 

Huan it? Hehe... well, wow you! I really spoiled you. I gently bite my mother's white thigh root.

  Damn...! Hate you ... see her lovely appearance, extremely adorable, I could not help but kiss her for a while, her Jiaoqu hold up, slowly walked 

to the bedroom.

  Another beautiful evening, the evening breeze blows off the white curtains, and the setting sun shines on the log floor, like a beautiful, quiet picture.

  Back in the bedroom, my mother lay there, let me gently take off the clothes on her body, a delicate body appeared in front of my eyes, her 

skin like jade , so sacred, my hand gently Putting her on her back and stroking her, slowly handing my hand to her chest, holding her breasts 

with her hands, the fingertips caressing with the curves of the breasts, I take care of my head and bite the nipples with my lips. ,are you ready? I asked her close at hand, my mother grabbed my head and 

pressed her lips against my lips. I opened my mouth slightly to greet her sweet, tender tongue and tightly contained it. I was careful. the ground was shaking her gently 

flat, began to seriously kiss her, kiss her hair, her ears, kiss her brow, her eyes, her nose, kiss her hot face down her body 

body On the beautiful curve.

  I once again contained her nipples, my tongue sucked on it, my tongue tipped on the nipple, and kissed her belly button, waist and hip joints, 

my tongue tipped down her thigh all the way, staying On the tip of her toes, kissing one by one, biting her toes, and finally opening her mouth to 

put them in the mouth , she stopped shaking, I put her feet together, her face pressed against her Between the feet, the elongated tongue swiped between the feet; my tongue was like 

a soft cloth, scrubbed repeatedly on her cool feet, and when my tongue stretched over her body again, she walked to her legs. During the time, my mother 

put one hand on the shackle, the other hand jade finger separated the petals, and the waist went forward quite. I followed her a little.

  I crouched between her legs, showing her charming kobe in front of my eyes, covered with a layer of fine hair, I carefully separated them with the tip of my tongue, finally 

revealing a thick and soft labia, I will double the mother's The leg curled up and buried my head deeply. My tongue twitched her cracks back and forth. The love liquid flowing out 

filled my mouth. I didn't hesitate to swallow them. I felt in my mouth. There is a trace of sweetness, this silky sweetness arouses my strong desire. 

I put my tongue on her crack, kiss her, kiss her, marry her, first gently, then gradually increase, when I when the tongue to separate her labia majora, I feel 

that she is completely open, so my tongue down her beautiful pussy licking up and down.

  Then my mother can not help but loudly Shen Ling up, when I felt her whole body tense hips arched into the air, I immediately made the lip-shaped ring, her yin 

pedicle in her mouth as she moved. My mouth should never leave her body, like a part of her body, trying to contain her clitoris, sucking 

her delicate clitoris, and after she eased a little, my tongue continued to squat down. She started in her flower-like as attractive dens and out, when she opened again 

when the start twisting the body, I broke into her flower, I am excited, I could not bring myself to stop, only to surge of heat from my body Spray out.

  For a moment, she put it into my glans with a warm and moist lips, flexing it with the tip of her tongue at the umbrella of the glans, turning around, and then 

imitating the labia with her lips after a while, sliding up and down on the meat stick.

  If you are not tired, can you come again?

  Hey! Mom, you... still want it!

  How do you do it? Nothing to disturb people, people are coming... You can't... I don't care... She bites for a few minutes, then gets up and sits on 

my penis, hands clinging to my abdomen and starting to move. Mom's movement is not big, but every shot is very close, she is tight* On 

my lower body, the intense friction causes her nucleus to produce a lot of sexy current, and a lot of secreted juice damps our body hair. so reducing friction to most 


  After a while, my mother leaned back and raised her upper body with her hands. Her legs also propped up her lower body slightly, and began to violently undulate her beautiful buttocks, 

making her meat wall more intensely rubbed against my meat stick. The mother's breasts swaying up and down, and the sound of the tender buttocks hitting the thighs is so wonderful that I am deeply 

intoxicated by this wave of shock.

  Hey... Pro... Dear... Do you like this...? My mother was out of breath, and she said vaguely, and she was very fierce.

  Um... ah... Wei began to exaggerately called out. I rolled over and pressed her to the ground, pushed her feet away, and became completely dominated by me, then 

began to thrust. My mother glared at me tightly, and the beautiful face continued to show excitement and twist, and the satisfaction was embarrassing.

  On Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, the air was lazily solidified, and the pastoral symphony of Beethoven was floating in a vague way. Tables 

filled with snacks on the child, the Northeast sunflower seeds, spiced peanuts, potato chips, Shandong, Allah Bo Songzi, letters cookies, brownies Hershey, transparent glass filled with 

boiled water I put on Fentun hand kneading her Soft butt, I can feel the plump and fat, my meat stick starts to grow, and it is on her lower abdomen 

; her tongue is also responding to my sucking, from time to time into my mouth, both breasts also I kept squatting on my chest, though I 

could still feel the firmness and bulging of the milky peaks through the clothes and the bra. I should stretch after a hand lifted the hem of her skirt, the other in the hand press her wearing 

the underwear with a little ass, first touch for a while children in the hip joints, again Next, along the hip seam, the finger touched the 

labia that had been raised between her legs . The tentacles were soft and full, although two layers of labia had been felt through a layer of underwear. moist. My mother's cheeks were faint, gently 

twisting my little butt, trying to get rid of my fingers, and my mouth was vague and said: No... No... I was already bloody, with one hand from the 

hem of her hem. Stretched in, she touched her tender milk, and kept pinching it; the hand touching the labia was released, grabbed one of her hands and pressed it on the 

top of the trousers that was raised by the meat stick. .

  After a while, her hand began to gently touch, I slowly untied her clothes, picked her up, put her on the table, kissed her 

breasts with her mouth , the tip of the milk was under my kiss The blood has been bulging. I separated my legs and pulled the panties covering the vulva to the side, revealing her cute 

kitten. I couldn't take care of it too much. I tried to put the whole genitals in my mouth. As I do every time for her oral sex, the tip of my tongue 

is coming in and out from time to time in the vagina that is full of mucus. After a while, she was paralyzed and a large amount of liquid was secreted in the vagina. She had reached a climax. After a while Tiannong, mom 

mom two plump labia kept pinch; four weeks labia pubic hair covered with black, but since the glittering stained sexual secretion; pink Roudong also small micro 

micro be opened The small mouth discharges the lascivious water, the slutty water is already full of the buttocks, and even the anus is wet. The pink anus is also slightly combined. My mouth 

Pakistan conspire mother's side of the anus, licked out his tongue like a daisy on pink anus wrinkles.

  The tongue just touched the flesh, and my mother's body trembled fiercely: don't! Don't worry about it... Xiaojun, people haven't washed it yet, it's so dirty.

  I put my mouth on my mother's full labia and blows on the charming little hole. A bite of hot air blows my mother to shudder, can't help but 

keep lifting up the white buttocks. I took the opportunity to hold the rounded buttocks, one finger pressed the mother's red buttocks, with the mouth in the mouth The labia and the meat hole slammed on the hole 

, sucking my mother's body for a while, and the lascivious water kept flowing. I put my tongue into the meat hole and turned it around on the inner wall of the vagina.

  Mom can't help but breathe and swear: ah ah... oh... itch... itch is dead, ah... you... you are stunned... beautiful... um 

... ah... itch... ...the little hole of the family is good... Itchy... Fast... Quick stop... Hey... People can't stand it... Listening to my mother's waves, my meat sticks are 

red and hard, and the small hole in the center of the glans Some mucus also flowed out of it. I firmly held Xiaoli's big buttocks, and my head was deeply buried in my mother's bed. The 

whole mouth was attached to the vulva, containing her clitoris and squatting back and forth with her tongue. My mother's clitoris swelled under my teasing, more than twice as big as the original 


  My mother was also in a madness at this moment, and the waves shouted: Ah... Ah... so comfortable... fast! Hard ... hard ... I looked up at her mother's breast and 

sucking on a few rooms, was leaning against the thick cock pussy Hongnen sent into it.

  I only think that the meat stick is surrounded by warm and moist tender meat. The shrinking juicy meat wall gives me unlimited pleasure. I keep pumping, my mother's 

legs are hung around my waist, white and white. The round jade hip swings from side to side. When I inserted, the two fattened labia continued to stimulate the roots of my meat sticks 

; when I pulled out, I brought out a little lascivious water every time.

  My mother can't help but groan: Oh, ah... ah... oh... people can't do it... I just think that my mother's meat wall is 

biting a clip of her own cock and suddenly shrinking hard. After all, a bubble-like rush hits the glans of his own. I can not help it, a whole body shaking with 

the force to withstand the dick at the mouth of the uterus of the mother, a Unit of heat flow toward the womb. I was soaked by my semen and I was unable to lie in bed. A good 

while, I was drawn from the mother's Roudong has diminished cock, his face flush Xiaoli has not subsided, our eyes met, I said to her: Mom, eat 

yet? Mom said shyly: You were fierce just now, and everyone was almost killed by you! I smiled and said: I am fierce? You have just been a slut 


  After a while, my mother came back from the bathroom to be a good mother, and in front of me, the scented white buttocks were upright. The fragrant asshole is facing my mouth.

  I kissed him: Good mother, what do you want to play?

  You like to lick my ass, come on! I have washed you for you.

  I looked at her secret smile and continued to tease her: such a beautiful asshole, of course, to taste!

  Mother put the white and plump ass higher, and her hands sewed her ass, and saw the brown ass eyes like chrysanthemum buds. I climbed to my mother two 

legs, knees and gently clinging to her mother's ass, try to stretch the tongue, licking her mother's small bud. She suddenly swing from that seductive ass, to meet with my thick 

solid, warm and greedy big tongue, when my tongue chrysanthemum bud stab her, she could not help but Yaotouhuangnao up, the mouth comfortable luscious Oh, 

I saw the tip of my tongue further into her anus. I only listened to my mother's cool and I didn't know what to say. A beautiful and white ass 

shook like a tambourine; the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus in the asshole Rich and fragrant, my tongue stretched out inward and stretched into my mother's small flower buds. The thicker sweet-scented osmanthus scent spread from the tip of my tongue to my 

mouth. My mother must have washed it with honey. I tasted it with an intoxicating expression, as if it could not be described. Delicious. The tongue was evenly stretched all the way into her scented 

asshole, playing with the smooth, fragrant asshole inner wall, and squeezing the flowers there into her mouth.

  Ah... delicious, I prepared it for you. Tickling ... ah ... I'll take a licking tongue children slipped for a moment on that butt joints, a tongue will be 

the tip of chrysanthemum bud wore a brown asshole that round round all the time to lick, lick mom Kneeling at the bed, shaking the white buttocks, screaming in the mouth: Itchy... 

Ah... Hey... It's... Going in... Hey... I'm getting her asshole open, My mother knew that I was looking at the tender meat in her asshole, and then 

forced the butt to open outwards so that he could see more and deeper places in the asshole. My mother's asshole is like a pink rose on the snowy jade hip. 

I am on the pink rose, sniffing and licking, and getting into the flower, plucking its nectar, and forgetting it. It is an anus!

  Mother tongue feeling drill licking ass meat, Relax abnormal, so the spit asshole forced Zhang to facilitate deeper into the tongue, anus seems as if the small mom 

mom, one of a breath. Her mouth sweetly endless: Xiaojun, ah, well lick ass itch deep ... ... mother died sides enjoying the thrill I brought her the same 

time, side by Yu Zhi slender knead her own pussy.

  Ah... ah... too comfortable!

  In this way, she masturbated while letting my tongue lick her anus, and soon it would not stop.

  The honey juice came out of the small hole and ran down her thighs. Mom stepped forward and pulled my tongue out of the asshole and turned around. Putting 

the pussy with the urine beads on my nose, I quickly licked the lascivious water on her thigh with my tongue, and slid along the thighs to the small hole to avoid getting wet.

  Mother's pussy was already burst, and I went over to the mouth, sucking hard, then knocks Aiye drinking, such as drinking nectar-like expression Jiaoma 

mom freaked out.

  Mother opened her labia with her fingers and made my tongue deeper. My tongue rubbed back and forth on the inner wall of my mother's vagina, making her feel itchy and 

unspeakable. I rubbed my tongue hard and rubbed. My mother was picked up by my pink buttocks, and I screamed quickly.

  Ah, ah, ah... With my excitement yelling, my mother's twisted body finally reached its climax. She felt that my tongue was not strong enough, and I held my 

head, swaying in tandem, so that my tongue would pull back and forth in her little hole. Finally, my mother forced a bunch of thick honey juice into my mouth. 

She was a little weak* on the wall, smugly watching me drink her honey. I lie between her legs, cherishing the honey on her labia and on her legs.

  We were all tired, and I was too lazy to move, and fell asleep on the base of her thigh.

  In the morning, my mother and I wandered on the beach. My mother said to me in my arms: Xiaojun, if I am taller than you, why?

  If I longer than you, I can hug you in my arms, not like now that you hold me, I looked up and just have a pile in front of 

the child buried in the sand, exposing half, before I took her to the stake, come, you go up, go up to do, she asked me to stand up there, you must be taller than me, which is 

kind of small wish not to meet you yet. I pointed to the pile and said to her.

  Mom really stood up, the plane on the pile was very small, and she could only put down one foot. I held her with one hand, for fear that she would accidentally fall down, ah! I am finally 

taller than you, seeing you come to me. She stroked her hand, but if I was so tall, no one would dare to ask me, isn't it! Mom, no one wants, 

I want. Go easy, not easy to down, and after than too low, I reached out to hold her down, she crouched down, I thought she was going to jump off, then back 

at her, one hand holding her hand, so she I can lie on my back and then come down. Who knows that my mother is naughty and puts a leg on my shoulder, and gently 

jumps and rides on my neck, I will hold her hand With both legs, she rides steady on my neck, I am so happy, I like her riding on 
