My ex-girlfriend

 My ex-girlfriend and I were introduced by people. I didn't talk about love when I was at school. She was my first girlfriend and my first time.

  At that time, I had been swearing with her, to be together forever, but now she lives in the same city because of her waywardness and my stubborn temper 

. Sometimes I seem to have forgotten her, but whenever I sit alone in the quiet night, her image and voice will come to my attention. I will quietly think, just 

assume that we did not break up. At this time, I always find myself still loving her, and will never forget her. My vows, 

my first contribution, made me difficult to let go.

  The first time we met was a meal together. She gave me the impression that it was a quiet, full-bodied girl. When she was in a hospital doctor than I am 

little 6-year-old, light eyebrows, big eyes, round face, fair complexion, keep common city girl with long hair comb, 1 meter 63 tall, 

covered Meaty.

  In fact, I liked the thin girl at that time, but now I am interested in the fat girl, this may be the performance that I still love her. 

She is an only child, but when she first met, she did not have the arrogance of the only child. This may be the reason why she also served as the secretary of the Communist Youth League in the hospital. Her 

voice is very soft and her speech is very good. After the first meeting, we were all very satisfied with each other, so we started to associate.

  One night after I met two weeks, I went to the hospital to find her. She was working overtime, so we had dinner in the hospital. Relatively close to her home from the hospital because 

of this I made her home, she was polite after a period of time agreed.

  It was just in the early spring, the weather was not very cold, and I walked side by side with her on the sidewalk. The place in her home is in the southern suburbs of the city. Although it is only 9 o'clock 

, there are not many pedestrians. Orange lights shining figure of us, she walked beside me, who exudes a faint scent unique to women, I ban 

could not hand around her waist.

  This is the first time I have been licking the girl's waist. I have never touched a girl at such a distance, so I am very nervous, afraid that she refuses. It is 

glad that she did not push me, but obediently on my shoulder. Her waist soft, and I rely on very tight, my heart sweetly, I really hope the road can 

then longer.

  As we walked and talked, her home was about to arrive. In fact, this distance is still quite long, probably about 3 stops away from the bus. We have 

been walking for nearly an hour, but I really want to go with her for some time.

  Seeing that she is going to her home, she said, "It's not too late, thank you for sending me back. You should go back. I will send you on the bus."

  This time is almost 10:30, the bus is gone, I can only take a taxi back. She sent me to the road outside the community. There are 

fewer street lights here . I suddenly raised a courage. I held her in my arms and said to her, "I really want to be with you forever..."

  She pondered a moment and said: "Now this is not it too early?" My heart sank, quickly explained: "I mean it ah" She bows her 

head slowly and said: "My father said you I live so far, so I am afraid that my friends who are talking about this time will not take too long."

  She said the fact that the road is long, I just work soon, units in the suburbs north of the city, and her home in the south suburbs, I usually come here to assume her sit well 

PDI fastest also need two and a half hours, but not talk in case Go to the traffic jam. It takes about an hour or so to take a taxi. Fortunately, my salary is not low, 

and it is affordable to take a taxi for 200 yuan. In addition, I feel that since I really like her, this distance is not a big deal.

  I said, "Do not worry, I am not too far away from running. I will say that if I can't overcome this difficulty, then I will not tell you what I just said 


  She didn't talk anymore, just gently turned out from my arm. I am a little nervous and I don't know what to add. At this time a taxi drove 

over. After she took me to the taxi, she waved her hand to indicate the safe journey.

  In the car, I am upset. To be honest, I had not the time to go to school is not like girls may not know why people always been the pursuit of 

refusal home. After the work, I also pursued some girls, but the situation did not improve much, so I was not confident in psychology. In fact Personally strip 

pieces, the removal of medium height than I in all aspects should be considered a pretty good level. But this time I have a strange feeling that she 

will definitely promise me.

  I really like the Nancheng where she lives, because I used to like a girl's home during my college days in this place in Nancheng. I was at 

the front have been here before, then here you feel like a closer to a girl's heart, although this is the thing seven years ago, the girl married as early as 

someone's wife, but as long as the kind of intimacy As soon as I arrived here, I seemed to be back in my heart, so I really wanted to continue with her.

  It was already more than 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Suddenly my cell phone rang and her voice passed over:

  "Are you at home? Is the road okay?"

  "It's good, you can rest early!"

  I will answer quickly. Seeing her care so much, the stone in my heart fell to the ground.

  Since then, our relationship has grown by leaps and bounds, and soon I fell in love with her.

  My work at the time was very busy, but as long as I had time, I went to her hospital to find her. Due to relatively far apart indeed, she is also for my sake, usually more 

and more telephone contact. We are usually together on Saturday and Sunday, every time I go to the hospital, she waits for me in their department.

  In her department, she has a dedicated diagnosis room. Every time I go, she will take two movie tickets and invite me to go to the city to watch movies and go shopping. 

The movie tickets were issued internally by the unit, and she was the secretary of the group branch, so it was easy to get one more. When I was watching a movie, I always wanted to get closer to her, 

but since we were taking a group ticket, it was not very convenient to sit.

  That time, we meet a movie, after she took the ticket, I said: "We have been in a normal sitting position, my treat this time, we take the bag 

! Car right." She still looks a little embarrassed, but also No objection, so we sat in the box of the cinema for the first time.

  The compartments of the cinema are well spaced, in fact, it is more convenient to take care of the couple.

  In addition, there are not many people in the box of this movie theater, so it is very suitable for women and men like us.

  After entering the box, I held her tightly around. What I played in the movie was not noticed at all, and all my thoughts were concentrated on her.

  Although we always go hand in hand, she never let me kiss her. I really want to kiss her, but she always avoids it intentionally or unintentionally. Its 

real, I know she had never kissed a girl. This time, though her face has been toward the screen, but I think she's also some shortness of breath, to see 

that she did not mind in the film.

  The light in the box was dim, and this environment gave me the courage. I gently turned her head. She knew what I meant and closed her eyes very obediently. My 

heart is jumping and my lips are attached to her lips. Her lips are wet and soft, and my body feels awkward after I put it on my lips. I don't have 

the experience of kissing , but she doesn't seem to be particularly active. I had to follow her book and suck her tongue.

  Her tongue was easily sucked up, and it was a slippery feeling in her mouth. I tried to suck her tongue, mix it with me, 

and suck the liquid in her mouth. come. After kissing for a while, she suddenly sucked my tongue in the opposite direction, and it was harder than me. It even 

made me feel a little pain, but this feeling gave me an uncontrollable desire in my heart, which made me hug Lived her.

  Her chest is tightly attached to my arms. I think her two breasts are very tall. This is the first time I hold her face to face. I feel that 

the two breasts attached to my chest bring a current. I walked out of my heart and went straight to every part of my body. It was a very lustful feeling. It made me feel like I was 

jumping out of my throat, and my face felt spicy. A long time, our lips and they parted, she has been somewhat out of breath, and I felt hot and 


  She held my neck with my hand and seemed shy.

  "I really should remember this day, my mother must have thought that we are all close to this relationship now." She told me.

  "Have you kissed other people before you kissed me?"

  She asked me again.

  "No! You are the first girl I have ever kissed."

  Looking at my red face, she smiled happily.

  When the movie was finished, I stood up from the seat and found that the pants were already wet.

  After coming out of the cinema, she went to buy iced black tea. I stood behind her and carefully looked at her figure. After living for so long, I now find that she is 

very good. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a yellow sweater on her body. The jeans seemed to have a slender leg and a long hip. The yellow-colored 

sweater set off her waist and was very round and very sexy. When we got on the bus, she leaned against me, and I put my hand around her waist. 

When my hand was on her waist, the bottom was hard and bulging.

  Since I kissed her, I saw her eyes different from the past. Previously if I wanted to pursue a girl, they tend to think of her as a saint, and is now 

in full always wanted to see every part of her body. I started looking for opportunities to get closer to her body.

  (2) Xiang Yue

  One night on Saturday, I walked with her in the garden of her home. The area here is very green, and there are some small pavilions inside. At this time, it is 

early summer, the temperature is not high, the night is dark, and many people have fallen asleep. I walked back along the path with her. We came down from a pavilion, she spoiled 

me and asked me to carry her down the stairs, so I simply kept her back to the entrance of the community. After letting go, she asked me if she was not heavy. "It is even heavier than the pig!"

  I replied.

  "You are so bad! See how I can clean you up!"

  She smiled and tickles in my arms.

  After a while, I held her in my arms. Only the grass around the bug "rustling" and called on the rest of us is breathing and heart 

jump. Her plump breasts were stuck on my chest, and I suddenly said to her:

  "Let me see your breasts?"

  "Oh, don't let me see!"

  "Can you touch it?"

  "No, no!"

  She tried to escape from my arms, but my hand had already stepped in from her neckline.

  "Just touch it!"

  As I assured her, I leaned into her bra.

  Inside the bra is a flexible breast. I held it with my hand and felt it was not enough. I covered my breast with my hands and moved back and forth. She was like at 

instinct like that blocked the mouth shouted:

  "Say it, just a little!"

  "There is still one that doesn't touch it!"

  I said, and reached out to another breast. Two breasts stroked brought me courage, and I suddenly extending into the hands of her waist, along 

with her belly to touch down.

  She screamed "ah", her hands covered her pants, and she slammed into the ground.

  I felt that I was over-extended and took her from the ground. She still looks very nervous.

  "Don't be afraid, I don't touch it."

  I comforted her.

  "Then are you still leaving tonight?"

  She suddenly asked me this way. Before that, I had to go home no matter how late, and she did not ask me to live in her house. I heard her say so, I feel 

very warm, but I feel that I should not go to her house now.

  I grabbed her and gently said to her that she still had to go back, because it was inconvenient to be so late. But she still insisted that I live in her house, saying that I could sleep in her 

bed, and she could sleep with her parents in the suite inside the house.

  I advised her for a while and finally got on the returning car. Looking at her reluctant figure, I suddenly felt the warmth of home.

  May is coming soon, I have been with her for more than two months, during which time our feelings have been heating up. I once said to her a joke 

about a faulty liver patients there drinking, the nurse saw reminded him: "Little darling!" The patient immediately replied: "! Baby," her 

name has two "heart" of the pronunciation, I said to her: "! you are my little darling up," she liked to call, and secretly put my hands 

on her phone machine name changed to "darling."

  Later, when her phone calls, the word "Heart and Liver" will appear on my mobile phone. Once a group of colleagues were together, the phone rang, they saw 

my mobile phone display, looked at each other, and they all smiled.

  May is a busy month, the unit wants me to go on a business trip, and because of her outstanding work performance, the leaders in the district are ready to inspect her party secretary of the district health bureau. 

But she needs to write a report on her job before she is promoted. She 

felt that her writing was not good, she thought about it, and finally decided to ask me to help her to write , but I was about to leave, so I promised her to wait for me to arrive at the destination, then write a copy for her, and then send it back.

  When I arrived, I was busy writing the report she needed at night. I travel this place is very backward, no place to send e-mail, hostel did not 

have able to play directly over or outgoing calls, all rely on phone contact. Just finished her fight over the phone, said the leadership of the original investigation mentioned in 7 days 

before the day after tomorrow will come.

  She was very anxious to hear on the phone, but I assume that it is too late to send her to express mail by express mail.

  So I read the manuscript to her, but the cell phone signal was not good, she couldn't hear clearly. Finally, she gave up some, said, Well, looks at the situation from 

the play it. I was also very anxious, and my heart suddenly lit up, telling her not to worry, there will be a way tomorrow. She asked me what it was, and I said that you will 

know when you arrive .

  The next day, I bought a train ticket for the return trip, and I also bought the ticket for the first day of the morning at 5 o'clock. It takes 4 hours to get to her by train. 

I planned this way: I finished the day in the afternoon, then returned to her, handed the manuscript to her, helped her to consult again, and then sat at 5 in the morning. The train is 

back. After the end of the afternoon, I went out to the station all the way. When I arrived, I called her and she was still preparing the report. When I 

knocked on the door of her clinic, she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

  Looking at her astonished, I am very proud. After explaining her plan to her, she was very happy, excited and jumping and laughing, like a little girl. I 

put the manuscript on her desk, told her the way I wrote the report, and the touting of her work in the report. She sat next to me and listened to me 

telling her about these things. The big eyes were soft and warm. When I finished talking to her, it was already ten o'clock in the night.

  She asked me what to do tonight? Tomorrow is the train at 5 o'clock in the morning. Where do you live at night? I said, I will go back to the train station now and I can catch the train tomorrow morning. 

She strongly disagreed and said that I must go back to her home. After some controversy, I agreed.

  She began to pick up the information in the clinic. I looked at her. She wore a short-sleeved shirt and skirt today. The high chest was very conspicuous behind the shirt. After cleaning up 

, she went to turn off the lights, and I followed behind her. When she turned off the light, I suddenly hugged her. She seemed to be prepared, and she turned and 

hugged me tightly .

  After a fierce kiss, my hand reached directly into her bra.

  This time she did not dodge, but let me squeeze her breasts. I started to solve her shirt button, she said lowly: "Don't be like this, it's a place to work, 

it's not good..." But it didn't stop my movements, and let me take off her shirt halfway.

  I put her shirt on the table, and at this time she only wore a bra in front of me, as if she was shy, she hugged her arms around her chest. 

I took her arm in front of her and she shook her head in shame. I started her bra strap solution, but also how the solution can not be untied, and finally her own solution 

to open.

  After the bra was removed, her two plump breasts stood in front of me. I first saw the young woman's breasts unabashedly exposed in my face 

before, her throat dry, latent desire for many years while keeping everything burst, so I have some difficult to breathe. I swallowed a saliva, leaned over, and held 

the breast on her right side with both hands . Her breasts are nicely shaped, white and round, with a small half a watermelon.

  "Heart, your breasts are so big!"

  I whispered to her.

  "Well, when I took a shower with others, they also said that I grew up well." She replied gently.

  In the outdoor light, you can see that her two breasts are as white as jade, but the color of the areola is very deep, and the areola is also very large. In some network before 

those of women see the pictures on the station nipples are red, and her nipple is purple, round Alice standing on the breast, the white breast and Zihei 

big nipples giving Stimulation.

  I covered my nipples and sucked hard, while rubbing her whole breasts with her hands. As I suck and caress, she began breathing rapidly, while tightly holding 

my head.

  After sucking for a while, I started sucking the breast on the left side, but this time I used one hand to hold the nipple of her right breast, the other hand rubbed her left breast while 

sucking the left nipple.


  She gave a low voice. I started moving down, took off her skirt, and put it on the table.

  "do not do that!"

  She whispered, her legs were tight. At the same time, she grabbed the only underwear on her body.

  I touched her legs from below, and the thrill of the white thighs made my brain creaking. I picked her up and let her lie on the table, 

with the clothes she took off. She was very obedient, and there was no objectionable action, but the hand still kept her underwear tight, and I didn't take off her 

underwear again .

  After separating her legs, I buried my head in the separation of her legs, and her black pubic hair could be seen through her underwear. The madness of the impulse made me 

unable to put aside the shameful part of her underwear.


  She used her hand to squat, but it was blocked by me. The most mysterious part of her body was finally exposed to me. I would like to know that she is not the first time, but she's in 

front of the girls I had no experience, I do not know how to look is not a virgin. The light in the room was very dark, only to see that her two labia were thicker, 

turned from the middle of the vulva to both sides, and curled very irregularly. The color was particularly dark, and the confluent part of the bottom was filled with a pile of sparkling liquid.

  Is such a vulva a virgin?

  My heart is jumping wildly. This is the scene I have dreamed of for a long time, kissing the most secret part of the woman I love. I leaned down and put her lips on her 

labia. Like a kiss, she put her tongue into the middle of her labia. Her cockroaches began to grow up, twisting her waist, and the oozing 

fluid in the vulva flowed. In my mouth, it smells awkward and still sour.

  I kissed her for a while. I held her in my arms, and she gasped softly, and there was a layer of sweat on her body.

  I feel that my whole body is tense and I am thinking about what to do next. She said softly: "We can go home, this is the office, I always was afraid." Now 

in her seemed so shy, I think she used to be, like me, have not really done, I love her, can not let her be afraid, because she is my heart 

liver ah. Thinking of this, I nodded, let go of her, and helped her get dressed, it was already 11 o'clock.

  Out of the hospital, the night is heavy. We hit a rental. She snuggled up to me and soon went downstairs to her house. In the stairs, I 

hugged her again, kissed her and rubbed her breasts with her hands. She closed her eyes and I felt that our hearts were blending. I think she belongs to me.

  She said softly to me: "Do you know? I am so happy today." My heart is still jumping, and from now on, I will definitely treat her. After 

a while, we went up.

  After entering the house, she explained to her mother that I would catch the train tomorrow morning and live here tonight. Her mother looked very happy and was busy pouring water to entertain me. 

After talking for a while, her mother cleaned up her room and prepared for me to be shackled. Since the time was already late, her mother rested first, leaving me 

and her in the room.

  There was an orange lamp in the room. She put her head in my arms and said softly:

  "How can I see you in the future..."

  I said, "Don't be shy, I will love you forever from now on." She whispered and hugged me tightly. The orange lights illuminate the 

two of us , and they cast the ceiling, and the warm light filled her hut. For a long time, I said to her:

  "Get some rest early, go to work tomorrow morning."

  "Well, then take a break early..."

  She said, reluctantly left the room.

  The lights went out, the room was dark, the starlight sprinkled from the window, and the bed was mottled. I was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt that still had a girl's fragrance. Night 

has been very quiet, but my mind was thinking about something just now in the hospital, and my heart is happy and excited, her plump breasts and black labia always seems 

flashing eyes.

  Is this the body of my girlfriend? She now has endless temptations and I look forward to, when I took the first walk on the street with her hands, can not think 

like this way of closeness now. When I was excited, I saw her mother cleaned up the room for me. There was another feeling of crime in my heart. What will happen next time 


  Thinking about it, slowly, I went to sleep.

  (3) Birthday

  The next day, I returned back on time. Although this day is very tired, as long as I think of her, I want to go to the evening early, so that she can talk to me more. 

Finally returned to the hotel, I dialed the phone number of her home.

  "Are you tired today?"

  She asked with concern.

  "Fortunately, my heart, miss me?"

  I started to tease her.


  "You were really beautiful last night, would you like to be with me?"

  She suddenly stopped and said, "I am willing... Do you think I am really good?" "I want to marry you, can you?"


  She indulged and said, "I have something to tell you, can you accept it?" "Of course, as long as it is what you said, I accept it."

  "Let's tell you when you come back."

  "Hey, what's the matter, is it so mysterious? Is your investigation passed, and has it been promoted?"

  "Not yet, I just praised me today and I have to wait until the documents are available." "I wrote a good report?"

  "They all said yes."

  "Of course, it is my masterpiece!"

  "Don't blow it! Hey..." She was laughing.

  "Heart, what do you feel when you kiss?"

  "It's a shame, how is it so flowing?"

  "Oh, how about that touch?"

  "Don't tell you, it's so flowing!"

  "Heart, I love you, I really love you!"

  "I know..."

  Her voice is awkward, it seems a little intoxicating, I want to hit the iron hot.

  "Heart, give me your virgin body."


  Her voice suddenly hesitated,

  "What's wrong? Don't you?"

  "No, no, yes..."

  It seems that she needs comfort,

  "I promise to marry you!"

  "No, no..."

  She paused and seemed to be thinking about something.

  "You can rest assured that I am willing to take care of you, willing to love you forever, and willing to live with you forever." "I love you too, but I am not already..."

  She murmured.

  I was shaking in my heart. This is really what I didn't expect. I really can't imagine it. She is not a virgin. We 

have been together for so long, I have always felt that she is quiet and dignified, how can it be?

  "No, right?"

  "Yes, I am telling you what is true. Don't take care of me anymore. I am not as good as you think..." Her voice began to choke.

  Listening to the sound of her sobbing, my heart suddenly sounded "I am willing to be with you forever", that is the promise I made to her.

  "Heart, don't cry, okay?"

  "Don't call me any more, I don't deserve it, let me go!"

  No, that's not what I can do. You will always be my heart and soul, will I abandon you because you are not a virgin? I just didn't get mentally prepared, 

I just had some unwillingness in my heart.

  "I won't, I think you are good. Actually, I don't really care... as long as you really love me."

  But can you tell me something in the past? "

  She was still twitching, but still told me her first time.

  That was when I met me three years ago, when she was just 19 years old, she took part in the work and got to know a guy from a foreign country. That person is good to her, but the 

parents at home are against it and feel that he is not reliable. But she felt that the other party was good, she insisted on dealing with him, so her father also beat her. Later he took her to 

a relative's home, and she lost it for the first time.

  "I am stupid, stupid..."

  She is crying. Don't cry, my beloved girl, do you need to pay for your own impulses again and again?

  "Don't be sad, I think that if you really love each other, then there is nothing. Then how did you break up?" I asked.

  She said intermittently, and later she found that this person has many shortcomings, likes money, and always likes to brag about how much she has earned in the stock market. Xi also 

happy to make some people do not like her. Two people often had quarrels, so they took the initiative to split up with him.

  "Do you still have his news now?"

  "No, absolutely no, there is nothing to contact him! I know the people who make money all day!" She said categorically, the ruthlessness in the tone 

surprised me . I am very sensitive to the thoughts of others, and often can perceive some thoughts in one's heart. It seems that she seems to have no feelings about him 


  I secretly thought, no matter what, he is the first man you paid for, no matter what, it should not be so unremarkable to him. Furthermore 

, listening to her problems should not be too big a problem. As long as he really loves you, what can't be forgiven. Here are some that I like the eyes of 

a darling of. I suddenly thought, in the future, will I be evaluated by others in such a tone?

  This thought flashed in my heart and disappeared. I'm still good words to comfort her, gradually, she stopped crying, we went back to immerse swirling love 

among the vortex.

  A month later, I finally came back. Once again, I set foot on the land where my beloved is, making me feel very kind. At the same time, eager to see her thirsty 

looked me directly to her unit. She was waiting for me at the door of the hospital, holding a small basket in her hand and wearing a red short skirt. Seeing that I 

waved to her, she ran straight and I took her hand. I haven't touched her for a long time, and the hand is hot and warm, and it has stirred up 

a desire for desire in my heart .

  She had just washed her hair, her long black hair was on her shoulders, and the breeze blew through her white cheeks, which was very charming. I couldn't help but hug her.

  "Where are you going?"

  She gently drilled out of my arms and pointed to the basket.

  "I am going to rest today, let's go to the park in front."

  "Okay, let's go!"

  I took her hand and walked over to the station.

  When she got on the bus, she pointed me to the building here.

  She grew up here and started living in her grandmother's house, just in the vicinity of the park. Perhaps the environment here has evoked her childhood memories, 

and she is very interested in walking in the park. It's not like the bustling city park, the water in the quiet woods, we laid 

a tablecloth next to a small tree on a meadow .

  I sat down and gave her a piece of the book "The Story in the Bible."

  "Abraham's family left the city of Soma. He remembered the teachings of God and kept moving forward, never looking back.

  But the wife of one of his relatives couldn't help but look back. The direction of Soma City was already white, and she immediately became a wax-like person..."

  The bird sang in the branches of the small tree, seemingly indifferent to the destruction of the city of Soma, and she stood on the branch, listening to the whole mind.

  "and after?"

  She asked with concern.


  I sat on the ground and smiled evilly.

  "What is black?"

  She looked at me inexplicably.

  I jumped up from the ground, hugged her, and pressed close to her ear and said, "Inside the underwear." "Ah, you are so beautiful!"

  Her face was red, knowing that I had been sneaked into the spring under my skirt.

  "I am the pervert you said!"

  I groaned, my hand had reached under her skirt and touched her smooth thigh. Since I knew that she was not a virgin, and 

that I couldn't see anyone around me, I found that my courage has grown a lot. Her breathing began to rush and her eyes closed.

  "Auntie, your skirt is gone!"

  I don't know where to turn out a kid who is about 4 or 5 years old, and kindly reminds her.


  Her face was red and shy, and she quickly picked up the clothes that I was messing with. The child ran away.

  I also felt very embarrassed, so she said in her ear: "Go to the cinema." Out of the park, we drove to the theater. Into the box, 

I hurriedly grabbed her, she put her lips up, I kissed her greedily, and reached into her underwear. Bypassing the dense jungle, I found that 

she had already wet the underwear in a big piece.

  I put my finger into her hot hole and gently moved up and down. The shyness of the current heart and liver is gone. She holds me and puts the breast tightly 

on my chest. I can't help but twist my waist and gasp in my mouth. I simply took off her underwear and leaned her back on the back of the chair, leaning down to kiss 

her secret garden.

  The light in the theater was darker than that in her office that day, and the chair in the box was shaded, so it was not clear what she was looking like. I just 

kept putting my tongue into her hole and exploring the secret of the woman. She snorted softly. It was not until the end of the movie that the lights were on that I let go of 


  From the cinema, she leaned against me softly, and seemed to have lost her strength. I feel that I am still trying to say nothing to her:

  "Go back to my home first, you haven't been there yet."

  "Someone at home? Now airs to see your dad your mother, people really want to die of shame." "Rest assured, now home to home to me and my brother, he was still on 

duty yet." She knew I was going to do But did not raise objections. We got on the bus. It didn't take long before I got to my house. I took her into my room.

  My room is empty, with only a few simple pieces of furniture. The house was just bought, my parents have not moved in. I took her to the bed 

side. She then hooked my neck and I pushed her down on the bed.

  "Let me have a good look at you, can you?"

  I gently asked her.

  "Look, I am yours..."

  Her voice trembled and she closed her eyes.

  I took off her skirt, then the underwear, but did not take off her shirt. Now, she is lying naked in bed, the belly of the white belly is 

round, the bottom of the micro-drum is a thick pubic hair, lined with white thighs, it looks very glaring. I look at this beautiful bed, good desires gush 

like a runaway horse. The light in the room was bright, and I separated her legs again, and the pussy of the heart and the liver showed it in front of her eyes.

  Her buttocks are very round and white. The middle of the two round white buttocks is black with thick pubic hair. The pubic hair grows from above the vulva and 

extends down the outer edge of the labia until it reaches the anus. The entire vulva rises high in the middle of the buttocks, with a black labia in the middle. The portion near the vaginal opening of the labial 

walls are dark purple, but then some of the outwardly became dark black, this part of the labia while thick black, but turned up to all sides, and an outer edge crimped are cluttered 

with, cover Can not live the vagina. It may be that the stimulation in the cinema is too strong, and the white syrup adheres to her perineum, anus and surrounding pubic hair.

  I can't control myself anymore, first licking the labia on her left side, then rubbing the labia on the right side, and sucking the labia with her mouth every time, then 

straighten the curled edge of the labia with her lips, then directly Put your tongue into the vagina.

  Such a kiss is very irritating to the heart and liver. Her waist is constantly rising upwards, her buttocks are also writhing, and her mouth is screaming excitedly. After kissing for a while 

, I opened her labia to the sides with her hands. The purple-red hole was stretched with the labia on both sides, and it kept moving. The vaginal opening was no longer 

said in the book. That layer of film. In fact, I really want to know what the virgin pussy looks like, but unfortunately I can no longer see her as a virgin.

  Just as her pussy was still being kissed, the voice of the key was screwed outside, and I knew that my brother was back. So she rushed to wear clothes and 

let me close the door. But when it is closed, isn't there a silver-free one in this place? Fortunately, I am still dressed, I said: "I will go out first." But she was 

already at a loss, and I was very anxious, but there was no other way to go to the living room.

  When the younger brother opened the door and saw me standing in the hall, he said:

  "You are back on business! Great! When did you arrive?"

  I am perfunctory, looking forward to the heart and quick to get dressed. My brother noticed that there are people in my room. "Hey, who else is there?"

  Heart and liver ran out from the inside, God, she actually did not wear shoes! Looking at her standing on the ground with bare feet, her face turned red, I felt awkward and funny.

  "Ah, brother, this is the girlfriend you told me?"

  She turned and opened her mouth.

  "Well, um... I am!"

  I don't know what she should say.

  Falling out of the house, she complained that I didn't close the door for a while, and complained for a while that I didn't know when the family arrived. In fact, I did not think my brother would mention 

before work, and therefore had to do all the answers explain the worth of consolation, but think of her bare feet standing in the living room look, my heart could not help but secretly want to laugh.

  Finally sent her to the house, breathing the quiet air here, I took a long breath. The cockroaches in the city have disappeared, and the heart is quietly standing in front of 

the window of her hut. Summer sun shines through the glass her, that thick hair, long eyelashes, small nose, round chin, tall chest 

breast and plump waist, was sketched out a golden light exquisite Curve.

  I want to talk to her more, but the clock is already pointing to 6 o'clock. Her mother is going to take the shuttle back. I don't think her mother knows before. 

I stayed alone in the room with her, so she got up. Leave a message to her. Today, so many things happened, and I let her feelings of attachment and thick layer, when this 

moment a long time engraved in my heart, so I can still appreciate to that happy moment.

  (4) Commitment

  Soon after, we arrived at Saturday and we agreed to meet at her house. After greeting the elders and her mother wanted me to take her home as his home, not always so late to 

go back in time, then came back the next day and meet his daughter.

  I am very happy and am very happy.

  After talking for a while, we went out shopping. When we came back from the outside, it was already a light, and her mother had already cooked for dinner. Looking at the table hot 

steaming food, I think this is really my home.

  After dinner, she called and called her mother to go through the door. When her mother left, we both wanted to look at the house.

  It seems that her mother has no regard for me as an outsider and trusts me very much. This may be at ease with the impression I left her with my university teachers' work 

quality related, but she may not know her daughter and I have already done something. The silence in the room is like 

a gunpowder burning for us . When I put her on the sofa, she said:

  "Go to my hut, I will give you everything..."

  Into her hut, we didn't turn on the lights. She gently took the door of the hut, locked it, and then pulled the curtains. I quietly asked:

  "Can an aunt suddenly come back like my brother?"

  "It won't be, who is as likely as your family."

  She remembered the embarrassment that was in my house, her face flushed and kept licking my chest.

  I put her in my arms, her body has become hot, and I finally have the opportunity to be alone with her. When 

I untied her clothes, I felt a shortness of breath again.

  Now she is finally put on the bed by me naked, and when I take off my clothes, I feel a little embarrassed. After all, since I grew up, I have never been 

in front of any woman.

  I climbed into the bed and looked at the woman who was completely naked in front of me for the first time. The dark light sprinkled on her naked body, round breasts, white thighs, and 

the curves of her body were seductive.

  "My heart!"

  I pressed on her and hugged her from above. When her hot skin met me, I felt that the bottom had been raised high and hard, and she took the initiative to 

separate the legs, my penis was directly reached. Her pussy. They were lips clung closely together, my tongue invade her mouth, and she hotter 

strong response with, while the body gently twist, that moist pussy rubbed against me, want an injection of strong The desire rushed to my face and it was black. I control 

myself and know how to hold on.

  I held the penis and slowly inserted it along her wet hole. I felt her vagina tightly wrapped around my penis, the glans did not touch 

any obstacles, and finally the whole penis did not enter her body.

  Her eyes closed and she gasped in a hurry. Her arms held me tightly, her breasts clung to my chest, her legs wide open, and one leg was still on the 

wall inside the bed .

  I started to thrust, her vagina was warm and lubricated, and it seemed that there was a suction that hugged my penis in one strand. After a few insertions, I 

felt the desire to shoot again . I tried to hold back and didn't want to end so soon. Inserted into the vagina tightening sense of power seems more and more, out of a penis every 

time, you are like the roots from the glans to be clenched as forward, they turned up the head of the penis, rubbing it firmly I can't hold it anymore,

  "Ah, my heart..."

  A jet of semen is sprayed in her body. I gasped in a hurry and was sweating.

  "Heart, you are mine, it is mine..."

  I hugged her and kissed her.

  "I know..."

  She felt my shot and said softly.

  "am I pretty?"

  She asked.

  I nodded hard, but suddenly felt a little uneasy.

  "Heart, I didn't insert the wrong hole?"

  "Oh, necrotic! How come! Ah, all out!" she cried,

  "I am going to the bathroom!"

  Said, she turned to bed, put on her shirt and skirt, opened the door and ran into the bathroom. After a while, she came out from the inside and leaned over my ear and 


  "You shot a lot! It all went to the thigh! You touched it, all!" I gave a sigh. I do not know how, when I was suddenly flashed that 

some of the girls I had crushes too, their faces quickly crossed my mind. Goodbye, which I have loved and I loved the girls ah, from now on it 

later, I will only my darling up. An inexplicable, faint sorrow, mixed with the present happiness, rolling in my heart together. I am a non- 

statement of Regret for the Past, along with former and present my desire to meet, and that is the way life must pass through it.

  Seeing that I suddenly became a little silent, my heart seemed to be a little unexpected, she was a little angry:

  "Ah, how are you doing that? I thought you must be particularly happy!" But, do you know, my heart is not unhappy, maybe you can never 

understand my mood at the time, my first pay, from this After one time, no matter what you are doing, I am willing to be with you forever, never to be 

separated from you. I won't think about other girls anymore. I just want to share happiness with you and share my grief. I looked at her insanely.

  "Don't be angry, I love you."

  I fell in her ear and said softly.

  She hugged me tightly,

  "Would you like me in the future?"

  She murmured.

  How can I leave her? She is my heart! She was the first girl to give me the body.

  "I will not leave you, I will love you in this life and in this world."

  "Would you say that I am not good in the future?"

  "Will not."

  "Is it going to be fierce to me?"

  "No, no."

  These words still seem to be still in my ears, maybe the passage of time will dilute all the passion, but my promises have always sounded at the bottom of my heart.

  (5) Desire

  The next day, after breakfast, I wanted to go out with her, but her mother was going to do hair, so I stayed with her at home. When her mother went out, 

she hurriedly untied my pants. "I want..."

  She said, pulling out my penis in my mouth. I used to kiss her before. I didn't expect her to be so active. I felt a little embarrassed, but she 

seemed to be afraid that I couldn't see her expression, and looked at me teasingly, sticking out my tongue and turning. Holding the glans in a circle, while holding the roots of the penis with both hands, 

forcefully pull up and down.

  Her tongue stretched very long, tongue quickly paddled back of the glans, is a desire to bring ejaculation and misfires feeling, this feeling so I really have 

some unbearable. After kissing for a while, she looked up. "Is it comfortable?"

  She asked.

  "Ah, heart, give me!"

  I stripped her naked and hugged her from behind.

  "Let me see your body from behind."

  I said softly to her.

  She nodded, leaned forward, climbed onto the bed, separated her legs, and squatted on the edge of the bed. She put her hands on the bed, put her head and shoulders down, and then 

picked up the plump two buttocks high toward me. This posture made the anus and pussy in the center of her hips exposed to me.

  She is very skilled in all this, and the shyness of the former girl was completely gone at this time. Seen from behind, she looked very white ass big round ass in 

that room desire bushy pubic hair, visual contrast with open pussy and ass white form brought unspeakable.

  I knelt behind her, that woman's vulva and anus glance at this time, two black pussy lips parted to both sides in the middle of the pubic hair, bare purple shade 

crossing, probably due to blowing hot and cold last night, folds of labia even more messy, color seems darker some; her some meat around the anus outside the 

turn, although ass is white, but the color of the anus is black and Purple, set off by two whitening buttocks and thighs, people only one kind of rising to insert all of her holes just 

to meet the feeling.

  "Ah, my heart, I saw your body!"


  She then raised her upper body and asked back.

  "Good stimulation..."

  I replied that the penis is now erect like an iron rod. I slowly stroked the head of the penis from her buttocks and crossed the anus to the 

vulva. When the penis reached the vulva, I tried my best to insert it into the vagina of my heart. She shouted loudly, this time her pussy did not seem to have the same strong 

contraction for the first time , I only felt my own frenzy.

  I hugged her butt from the back, the body was constantly pumping, her body swayed with the pumping, and the breasts could not keep shaking. This 

time is very long. After half an hour, I am still thrusting, and the sound of the heart and the liver is getting bigger and bigger as the inserted motion starts. It may be too long. She ca 

n't support her body and her shoulders are completely Ping was on the bed, and the breasts were attached to the bed, only the butt was still high.

  For a long time, I finally have to shoot it out.

  "Can you shoot? Heart and liver?"

  She muttered and said:

  "Ah, don't shoot inside, shoot outside!"

  I listened to her words, and when I was about to climax, I took the penis out of her vagina. But that feeling is really sad, because it will be shot soon 

. When the penis left her vagina, a thick semen squirted out, all on her ass and back.

  "Ah, my heart!"

  I called her, the semen sprayed very strongly, one, two, and had been shot for more than 10 strands. The heart and the liver were lying on the bed at this time, panting loudly, my ass on the buttocks and 

back, and the whole house was a scent of semen.

  I picked her up from the bed, she turned and hugged me, put the breast on my chest, and kept breathing in my mouth. After a child, she Yang 

played a head,

  "How is this time so long?"

  Heart and liver asked.

  "I don't know, do you like time?"

  "Like, I like it..."

  She said, holding my lower body with my hand.

  "How is it still so big?"

  She crouched down and covered her penis with her mouth.


  I couldn't help but scream because I had just shot it, so it was very sensitive. Her tongue started to move, and the sensitive glans were constantly touched. 

The feeling of excitement spread to the whole body, so that the whole body shook.

  "Do you want it again?"

  She stopped and took my penis with her hand, then leaned back on the bed, let me ride on her chest, and clamped the penis with two full breasts.

  Her breasts are warm and soft, and the entire penis is tightly wrapped.

  Then she clasped her breasts with both hands and began to wrap up and down.

  Breast looked at her two wrapped fluctuations up and down the penis, a short while, I can not help it, beating ejaculation I feel a tremendous sense of Xing 

Fen, semen shot out again, all Sprayed in her two clamped breasts.

  "Do you like this?"

  She got up and rubbed the semen on her breast and asked me.

  "Ah, I can't stand it anymore..."

  I gasped and answered her.

  "But I still want it!"

  She sprinkled her tongue.

  "Oh, what can I do?"

  When I heard her say this, I was really a little overwhelmed.

  "You come to kiss me, I will kiss you too..."

  She said, turned and turned her ass towards me, separating her legs from me, so that her ass was right at my head.

  "Kiss me..."

  She whispered, then she bowed and covered my penis.

  Such a posture I just thought secretly in my heart, thinking of a day and a beautiful woman can kiss each other, but sometimes my heart felt this idea a bit too 

divided, now darling this initiative, the desire of a sudden went back into the body, I Holding her plump ass, her tongue groaned wildly in her pussy, and at the same time, the 

weak penis, hardened by her soft tongue, hardened.

  "Ah, it stands up again, stay ok..."

  The heart and the liver said that the mouth with the penis began to move up and down quickly. I felt her tongue spinning constantly, but this angle 

is different from the direction of her relatives. I don't know how she did it. Knowing an unprecedented pleasure, from the glans of the penis to the whole body, but not so much pleasure, 

it is more difficult to say that it is an unsatisfied feeling of wanting to insert, with the stirring of her tongue, this feeling gradually became frantic a pain, it makes my whole 

body trembled are not even continue to kiss her pussy.

  "Ah, darling, do not do this, I really can not stand ..." She felt my body shake, let go of me, then turned around, riding on my 

face, got into his penis pussy Inside, then hug me, the ass starts to move up and down... "Ah... does it feel better?"

  She groaned as she moved.

  This position and feel her tummy or lying to me are not the same, mainly the vagina so tight, unlike the first two, but her writhing ass paddled circle, with 

the penis before and after the collision around the vagina, Plus her breasts constantly rubbing my chest and listening to her screaming screams, it's a different pleasure.

  "Ah, heart, heart, liver..."

  After moving for a while, her movements began to grow, every time up the ass held high, then suddenly pressed down down, fat white ass hit 

on my thighs, issued a "flap" of sound.

  The scale of her movements is well-prepared, and the height of the hips is raised every time so that the glans and vulva of the penis are in a state of detachment; 

and when her ass is rapidly downward, the glans of the penis can just go up. Open the two labias and insert them into the vagina, and each time an obscene "pump" sounds.

  "Is it exciting?"

  She asked as she swayed her ass.

  "Ah! This is so exciting..."

  I should be combined with her and felt her pussy thrusting up and down the body fluid in which the flow more, have begun to flow to the penis down my scrotum, get it 

in the wet and cool. After a while, her breathing became louder and louder, and her movements began to slow down. It seemed to be very physical, her face had become 

red, and her nose and cheeks were sweating.


  I am holding her and asking.

  "Ah, ah,...",

  She gasped and gasped, resting for a while, saying:

  "I change my posture, do you like it?"

  Said, she opened her legs to the sides, her legs became an M-type, the penis was still inserted in her pussy, and she was a squat posture. She 

leaned back on her upper body and grabbed my legs with both hands behind, thus completely exposing the woman's lower body. In front of me it is white on her lower abdomen a 

direct connection to the thick black pubic hair between soft white legs and a black penis is inserted into the vagina.

  Her ass up and down quickly start Taonong again, this position makes me see clearly led the penis Na Liangpian dark curly cunt labia in the 

case of twitching, her breasts along with the rapid movement of the body, shaking wildly up and down, a few scattered black hair loose on her chest and set off two 

thick black pubic hair only on the white rocking breasts and lower abdomen, so she is very Yinlang.

  I'm with her, when she sat down and down, it is hard to insert up, every time there was a small opening against the head of the penis, a top every 

time she screamed cried, I think that's her cervix, this feeling is not never been in front of her pussy and body fluid seeping more and more, straight 

to all my whole thigh flow.

  "Ah, ah, ah..."

  She groaned and moved faster, and I knew she was going to climax, so she also slammed hard.

  Finally, she gasped and sighed on my chest, shaking my body.

  "Is it climax?" I asked her.


  Her face is red and her body is sweaty.

  "But you haven't shot it yet!"

  she says.

  "Let me plug in a few more times."

  "No, it's too sensitive! It can't be inserted anymore. Let me help you elsewhere." She said, she turned again, her ass facing me, kneeling 

on me, her pussy was placed again. my eyes, two intermediate black labia vaginal opening is fully open at this time, and the white slurry was actually covered half 

ass. I felt that my whole body was boiling, and I couldn't help but hug her buttocks, and my tongue suddenly reached into her vagina.


  She cried,

  "Slightly, it's really sensitive, some can't stand it..." She twisted her ass and then stroked the penis just pulled out of her vagina.

  "Do you know? I like it so much, so big, so clean..." she said, her mouth containing the penis and her hands on the top and bottom.

  With her movements, I also forcefully kissed her pussy, and her hands also speeded up, and with her tongue licking the glans, I couldn't stand 

the hard sucking of the small mouth that contained the glans. The semen is beating and ejecting, and the whole body is twitching.


  She cried, spit out my semen from her mouth.

  "A taste of love!"

  "Like it?"

  I ask her.

  "Oh, I don't like to eat them."

  "But I like you"

  I said to her,

  "I really like, like you all, I love your body." I murmured, continuous ejaculation makes me feel somewhat weak body, eye 

skin dull.

  "Don't sleep."

  She reminded me,

  "Get a shower and put on your clothes. My mother will be back at noon." "If you come back now, you must know that you haven't done anything good." "I can't 

see it after showering."

  "Then I have to wash the bath..."

  "You are a reincarnation!"

  She smiled slyly, I picked her up at once, she screamed and was taken into the bathroom by me.

  After bathing, she crouched down and looked at the penis that I had softened. "Can it still harden now?"

  "I am afraid I have to wait for a while."

  "Then I have to test how long it will take."

  After a while, I will understand how she tested.

  After bathing, I sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV, but after watching it for a while, she slipped under me, pulling my pants down, kissing and sucking the penis. 

I feel very nervous, because I assume that her mother is back at this time, I simply can't get rid of it.

  "Heart, don't do this! Auntie will come back soon, it will be too late!" "No! I want to kiss! I want to kiss!"

  Under the force of her small mouth, slowly, the penis hardened a little bit.

  "Ah, it's hard to be so fast, you are a pervert!"

  Said, she hugged me again...

  It will soon be Monday morning. The mother of the heart is usually very early, because she has to go to work at 6 o'clock. I was sound asleep, suddenly 

and then was awakened by the sound of the sliding door. I thought it was her mother who came over to take things. Quickly close your eyes and sleep. The footsteps moved to the front of the bed. I suddenly felt a 

soft breast sticking to my face. I opened my eyes and saw my heart standing in front of the bed. I only wore a nightgown and had already rolled it up. On the chest 

, two white breasts are exposed.

  I want to get up, but she holds my head and puts the nipple in my mouth.

  "Oh... don't talk, the door is already plugged in, so I like you to kiss me here..." she said lowly, putting the whole breast tightly on my face. 

I sucked in the nipple completely and then used the tongue to move the standing head. With my kiss, she whispered, I sucked her breasts, took her to the 

bed and hugged her body, and the round and hot body aroused my desire again, and she took off me. Panties, a glove holding my penis.

  After sucking nipples, I put her under pressure in the body, she let go of the hand holding the penis, hold me tight, while big legs apart, I followed that negative 

liquid in continuous outflow of households, Inserted into her body. This time, I felt the feeling of tightness in my heart and vagina. The penis twitched in her vagina, and her heart could not help 

but whisper.

  "Heart and liver, I have to shoot!"

  "Don't shoot inside!"

  She reminded.

  When the feeling of beating appeared, I pulled the penis out of her vagina again. But after pulling out, the feeling of ejaculation is gone. I couldn't stand 

it anymore. I couldn't help but look at the heart of my heart. I couldn't help but grind the penis up along her body. When I passed the navel of my heart and liver, I grinded her navel with a glans. 

She whispered. Laugh,

  "You can't even let go of this hole? Come here!" She said, she opened her mouth.

  "Can you put it in? The taste of semen is not good."

  "Well, I want it!"

  Said, she opened her mouth and held the penis, her tongue curled around the glans, and she grabbed my hips. As the penis slowly deepens into her mouth, 

she gets tighter and tighter, and gradually, the entire penis is pushed into the roots.

  When I felt the glans reach her throat, she began to twitch, but she held me close to me, so that I could only do a slight movement before and after, but when 

I inserted it, she forced me tightly while heading Going up, with me, I can get deeper. I followed the action raised her head, trying to insert, felt turtle 

head was wore her throat meat tenderizer, with friction, as if it was yesterday into the feeling of her womb, only a few felt to be shot I wanted to pull the penis out, 

but she held me tighter so that I couldn't pull it out. All the semen shot in her throat.

  "Hey, hey..."

  She muttered, waiting until the shot was finished for a long time before letting me pull the penis out of her mouth. The purple glans pulled out of her throat and brought out a 

long mucus, while the other end of the mucus was still hanging on her. On the edge of my mouth, it looks very lustful.

  "Heart and liver, don't you like semen? Why should you shoot inside?" I gasped and asked her inexplicably.

  "Look at you..."

  She opened her mouth, but she could not see the semen on her tongue.

  "What about semen?" I asked her.

  "It's so deep, it's shot directly into the stomach!" She whispered in my arms and whispered.

  "Assuming that the patient is looking for me today, what is the smell of my body?" I smiled. "Nothing, I said that I got up early!"

  "Ah! Necrosis!", she stared at me.

  (6) Secrets

  This Monday morning is really busy, and after having sex with my heart, I have to rush to work.

  Looking at the morning sun and the rush of people, I really don't want to leave the warm little bed. I have my most beloved woman on the bed, and I want to be 

with her all the time. But is there any way? People have to do other things.

  When I arrived at the unit, I stepped up the stairs step by step and felt some backs and legs. I think that these two days together with my heart and 

soul , I almost have the opportunity to do it. Although my heart seems to be dignified and quiet, it is hard to imagine that she will have such a strong desire. Throughout the day time, I have no intention to do other things, his mind 

faces always darling tall two white and perfectly round ass pursed and that teetered breasts during sex, and she was looking forward to earlier together.

  It's easy to get to the weekend. When I get off work, my heart calls and calls me to go shopping with her.

  I took a taxi and thought that I could be with her again. I felt my heart beat fast. To the hospital, because I it took more than a little road 

time, and her colleagues have been off work, a person of her consulting room, I hugged her, "I miss you, miss you!" I Said to her.

  "It's just a week..." she said slyly.

  I kissed her mouth and told her not to go on.

  "Oh...", her tongue was covered by me, we held it tightly and kissed warmly.

  My hand began to solve her clothes.

  "Don't be so anxious! There are no locks on the door!" She pushed me away and ran to the door, locking the door inside.

  "If someone comes back and sees the trick, it becomes the news of the hospital." "Heart, you are so sweet!"

  "I just took a shower..." she said quietly.

  I started to solve her clothes. She writhed her body. "No! Don't be here, this is a place to see people. It's not good."

  "But my heart, I want it." I hugged her tightly and prevented her from leaving.

  "Then kiss me, I will go outside for a while, okay?" she said.

  Thinking of this is the first place to see her body secrets, and my heart seems to have that kind of impulse. I hugged her from the side, one hand touched 

her breasts, one hand reached into her pants and touched her ass.

  "Heart, I like you very much..."

  My hand walked up the bottom of her ass and gradually reached the middle of the two round buttocks. When through her anus, my heart suddenly raised a wave of desire 


  I took off her coat, peeled off her bra, and the two full breasts of my heart jumped out of my chest.

  I covered the nipple on the breast that had already stood up, while one hand reached under her lower abdomen, touched her pussy, and the other hand rubbed her 

hip from behind .

  "Help me take off my pants..." He was groaning.

  I peeled off her pants, and now she is naked.

  The heart was kicking down, and she pulled my pants down. When my penis stood in front of her, she immediately grasped the penis and greedily contained 

the glans that had been pulled out of the foreskin .

  After kissing the penis for a while, she glared at me, rubbed my body with my breasts up, and then took off the clothes on the top, then her nakedness clung 

to me tightly .

  I homeopathic held her ass, so that the top of the penis in her lower abdomen, while her two broke ass, forced to rub, while the darling seemed happy 

joy this caressing her tightly around I, force my tongue into my mouth.

  "Do you like my posture?" she asked.

  "I like you squatting and licking your ass."

  "You really bad ah!" She giggled, "but that posture like a small animal ..." "But I really like, because that would be in the back 

. To see clearly" "I am now Do it for you."

  In the center of the clinic is a large table where two people can lie down, and the heart and liver climbed onto the table, licking the round buttocks on it. She 

separated her legs lasciviously , looking through the separated legs, and she could see her two huge breasts hanging over her chest; and between the two white ass, the 

anus and the vulva.

  The distance between her anus and the vulva is very close, and underneath the anus are two curled black labia. Tenderloin anus at the callous annular outwardly projecting 

from, the protrusion portion is a deep purple color, and four weeks anus is dark purple folds, anus as a whole has a bottom in the middle of the white significant 

daisy eye purple stamens.

  "Heart, have you used it here?"

  "Ah, don't ask!"

  "Does she belong to me alone?"

  "Yes, it's yours!"

  She groaned.

  I started to kiss her anus, rubbing the tender meat in her anus with her tongue, and inserting her fingers into her pussy, gently twitching back and forth.

  "Ah!...", the stimuli from the front and the back of the hole made her unable to make a cry, her buttocks continually writhing, a large amount of body fluid 

flowing out of the vulva , with the twitching of the fingers in the vagina The voice of "噗噗". After pro for a while, I put my fingers out of her vagina to gently 

put a finger on her anus, then her sexual secretion, I put a finger slowly into her asshole in.

  After the first part of the knuckles inserted into the asshole of the heart and the liver, I felt a ring of muscles hugged my fingers, watching the naked woman licking her ass, and the 

man's fingers were inserted in the asshole , I felt extremely irritating. I forced my finger forward and the whole finger completely fell into her anus. This is my first time to insert a finger 

into the girl's anus, actually the whole hand could not help trembling fingers in her anus warm non-stop twitching.

  I breathe a little screen, fingers began to stir the conscience of the anus, the "ah ..." darling with asshole fingers stir constantly moaned, hips 

Ministry residence is not twisted, pussy shed more body fluid And even flowed down the thigh.

  "Heart, do you like this?" I asked her.

  "It's so exciting! The fingers are still shaking inside! I like you so much," she said.

  "Heart, what is the feeling in the front hole?"

  "She is jealous!"


  "Because she also wants to..." she replied slyly.

  "How can we satisfy her?"

  "Plug in..."

  "Is it not okay now?"

  "Ah, can't stand it..." she said, using one hand to reach from the bottom of her body to the vulva, and with her fingers open two black labia, "Put it in!" 

she said.

  Heart and liver put the labia open, the purple red tender meat inside the vagina is clear, my penis has already been high, and the mad libido makes me 

unable to press again. "Heart and liver, go inside. look. "pride and go around the table to climb a few, where I was able to stay out of the shelter, then I can climb the table 

child, kneeling behind her, pushed down her ass, the erection of the penis of a sudden hard Insert her vagina.

  "Ah!" The heart and the liver screamed with the insertion of the penis, shouting:

  "Inserted into the finger should be! Chrysanthemums into the back of the cave, there also!" Once again, I put a finger into her anus, vagina and anus darling 

between the door seems thin wall separated by a layer The finger in the anus can clearly feel the penis inserted into the vagina. I put my fingers to press down anus with 

the penis on the pressure fingers in her vagina thrusting hard with.

  "Ah! Hey!..." The heart and the liver seemed to be very excited. This two-pronged twitch, she made a loud noise. So, in this way, I used 

both the front and the back of her hole to insert the fingers and the penis at the same time. Without prolonged insertion, the lascivious water in the heart and the liver formed a thick white 

slurry around the penis .

  The swaying of the fingers in the assholes of the heart and the thrust in the vagina made me feel the ejaculation soon. When I felt that I was about to shoot, I 

pulled my fingers out of her anus .

  "Oh!" The heart of the heart made a short scream as the fingers in the asshole pulled out.

  The fingers that were pulled out were very clean and didn't even have any odor.

  "Heart, do you like it?" I asked her.

  "Ah! It's still in the hole! Don't pull it out!" she muttered.

  "But it's going to shoot, is it going to shoot inside?"

  She shouted:

  "Do not shoot in front, shot in the back of the cave! Plug daisy! Plug daisy!" I pulled the penis from the vagina, purple penis before ejaculation is at most 

as a coarse state, the entire penis are covered with darling vagina In the white slurry oozing out, I held the penis and pointed the enlarged glans to the anus of the heart.

  "Heart and liver, take your butt up again."

  She obediently licked her ass, my penis from the top against her anus, a little downward force, the glans opened the purple tender meat protruding from the anus, and fell 

into her asshole.

  "Ah!", the heart screamed with the entry of the penis in the anus. I felt a ring-shaped muscle hoop that dominated the glans, which was a 

completely different feeling from being inserted into the vagina.

  Looking at my big glans has been inserted into her asshole, I feel excited and nervous, and my heart is beating wildly.

  "Heart and liver, the head has gone in..."

  "Slow down, it's still dry now," she gasped.

  My penis began to slowly penetrate into her anus, and because the penis was covered with the kinky liquid in her vagina, it did not feel 

very dry when propelled in the anus . In fact, her anus is not as difficult to enter as originally thought. The glans is the thickest part of the entire penis. When I inserted 

the asshole from the outside , I didn't feel much resistance. In addition, from the shape and color of her anus, I secretly suspect that her anus should have 

been inserted frequently before .

  Gradually, my whole penis did not enter her anus, and Qigen was inserted into her asshole.

  "Ah, oh ..." darling with anus penis deep sensuality cried, around the same time ass began to take the initiative to shake up and down, with the penis in the anus 

twitch door. I felt her anal sphincter hoops the middle of the penis and started to gently twist the buttocks. After a while, her movements began to grow. 

First , the hips were twisted down and the buttocks were pushed down. From then on, only the penis The glans part is still stuck in the anus, then she pulls her butt back hard, 

letting the glans open the tighter part of her anus and insert it into the depth of the asshole, so that each glans is greatly affected at the anus. Rubbing, I 

couldn't control the feeling of ejaculation again in a few moments. I only felt dizzy in my mind. I put the penis in the deepest part of her anus, and then I felt that the whole penis 

was violently in her anus. Bounced, the semen spurted out, and the semen that had accumulated for a week all shot into the innermost part of the asshole of the heart.

  I gasped loudly, in a woman's ass ejaculation excited to make my whole body was trembling ,, long penis was stopped beating and did not immediately soft 


  I drew from her anus of the penis, with the extract, meat tenderizer purple heart and liver at the anus and immediately surrounded up, perhaps shot when inserted too 

deep, and she was kneeling posture climb, and did not see The semen flows out of the asshole.

  "Heart and liver, so exciting! Satisfied?" I gasped and asked her.

  "Ah ... but they chrysanthemums hole also want it!" She turned around, knelt in my body, black hair tumbling over the white shoulder, two large breast milk in a 

provocative front, his mouth still breathing The hand has already held the penis that has just been shot. She raised her head and looked at me with two eyes.

  "But I have already shot inside! How can I satisfy her?" "There is still something to do! Come again, let me help you harden it!" 

She began to shake her hands before and after. After softening the penis, after a few squats, she began to put the glans in her mouth and ate it hard. Seeing that the heart and the liver 

had just pulled the penis out of her own asshole into her mouth, I felt a great tremor rushing from the lower body, and the penis suddenly 

hardened in her mouth.

  After discovering that I was erect again, she spit out the penis from her mouth, and put out her tongue and carefully rubbed around the glans, and my body shook. " 

Ah, heart, I want you!" I shouted involuntarily.

  Get down her body again, after the separation of the legs pushed out of snow-white ass, "Come on into the chrysanthemum." I held erect penis, glans pointed at the white 

purple tender ass anal middle, together again The roots are inserted. Perhaps due to the impact of the previously inserted, so she's no longer just inside the anus that 

what astringent, seems not so tight.

  After plugging in for a while, she said, "Try it in another position." She asked me to lay the whole person on the table, and then she was riding on my legs separately, 

just like the kind of female sex of the past. The posture, but this time she did not put the penis into the vagina, but first squatted on me, put the penis into 

the anus by hand , and then separated the legs, as the last time, divided into "m" type, At the same time, hold my legs behind my back and sit down slowly. In this way, my 

penis is completely inserted into the anus of the heart and liver without any hindrance.

  The heart and the liver tilted the body back. She held my legs with my hands and the waist began to move up and down. In this way, I could clearly see my penis 

twitching up and down in her anus , and her two black curly labia were along with the twitch of the penis and anus are kept together Xi led the chest two pairs of big milk 

room along with sharp movements up and down with.

  After thrusting in this position for a while, the semen that had just shot in the depths of her ass began to flow down, gathering in the anus of the heart and liver, and with 

the thrust of the penis in the anus, it was similar to thrusting. The sound of the water of the vagina. At the same time, I also saw that there was a 

lot of lascivious water in the vulva in front of her , and it flowed down the labia to the asshole. As the penis was inserted in the anus, it was mixed with the semen that had just been injected. Her anus ran 

down and mixed into a white, viscous slurry at the base of my penis.

  In the role of these mucus, and perhaps will be like heartless anal vagina that can secrete liquid itself, absolutely no time now thrusts in her anus 

with tight astringent sense of just, I just hugged her body from below while thrusting penis at a faster rate in the anus darling, the air is filled with heart 

liver kind of confusion of sounds kinky lewd, lascivious Choucha think this is the sound that when her anus This kind of cry is more exciting to my nerves.

  "Heart, what is the feeling of the hole in front?"

  "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she yelled as she screamed with the powerful cock in the asshole.

  "The hole in front is still taboo!"


  "Because she wants that too!"

  "How can we satisfy the front?"

  "You can change to the original position, but you have to insert it deeper." "Take it to the original position."

  I stopped, and she quickly changed to the squatting posture at the beginning, letting me plug into the anus again from behind. But this time her hand didn't 

hold her shoulders up, but the upper body went straight to the table, and the legs were even bigger. She picked up her butt again, and then I crossed her from the back to her 

ass. The penis was inserted into her anus from the top to the bottom, until it was completely plunged into her asshole.

  Since the vulva and anus of the heart and the liver are very close, in this position, when the penis is inserted into the root of the anus, my two scrotum can hit 

the two labia below her anus, and each time A very loud impact sound was produced. After a while, my two scrotum were covered with a 

thick slurry that oozes from the vulva below .

  Time passed, as the twitching penis in her anus, darling gasps and moans growing, my sweat soaked body, drop a 

drop fell on her back after. The air was filled crash flesh "pops" and lustful moans darling, finally, I once again shot in her anus 

fine, but the feeling is stronger than the last few, penis in her The asshole violently beats again and again.

  "Ah! Heart, liver, my heart..." I couldn't help but call her, and her body was shaking with it. After a while, 

after the ejaculation stopped, I pulled out the penis from her anus, and my heart screamed with a "ah". I saw her asshole 

was completely extended after the glans were pulled out. original purple meat tenderizer protruding at the anus are flipped outwardly out of the band, the whole ass wide open, exposing the anus 

inside the door red meat tenderizer, with a portion of a viscous yellow semen flows along ass It came out and went down the perineum to the vulva.

  "Ah..." The heart gasped and gasped. She squatted down on the table and lifted her butt to the outside of the table. The semen remaining in the anus began to flow 

out. A pool of semen was piled up on the ground below the table.

  "You shot a lot!" muttered. At this time, I had already stood under the table, watching her squatting on the edge of the table. Under the 

round waist, the butt under the heart was round and big. I hugged from behind her back, hands rubbing it in front of huge breasts, her back 

too far, to our lips together, her tongue send my lips, think of this woman all the body can be inserted into the holes are paid Gave me, I can't help but 

suck her tongue. Long time, I let go of her, crouch down, from below stroking her buttocks, but also want to look Look from below had just been thrusting female 

's anus.

  Heart and liver are very suitable for my movements. She squats on the edge of the table with her legs and probes the butt out of the table. This is also the first time I 

look at her hidden part under her body when she is kneeling down.

  In the center of the white buttocks, the anus that had been opened because of the strong thrusting has slowly closed, but the purple 

tender meat that was turned out by the anus in the asshole has not been recovered, in the middle of the heart and the buttocks. Like a purple open mouth. The front of the anus is 

the vaginal opening in the middle of two open black labia. I couldn't help but stick out my tongue and go to the purple tender meat that turned out of my heart, and my heart immediately responded. "Ah! Don't kiss now! It's 

too sensitive!"

  I stopped licking, gently stroking the soft and rounded buttocks of my heart, and began to look carefully at each part of her. In fact, I have always 

felt that this part of the heart and the liver is a big temptation for men, so the white buttocks have so black labia, which gives people a 

double feeling of angels and women .

  My eyes are still on the anus behind the heart and liver. In fact, the color here is not lighter than the color of the labia. If you look carefully at the 

purple tender meat that is now out of the anus, you will find these tender meats. The color of the edges has turned into a dark black sauce purple color. Although I only take 

contact through a darling woman, but according to others say, generally a woman's anus is difficult to insert, but the darling of the anus is not the case, said that only regular 

anal sex so the woman can. In addition, I faintly feel that even after dozens of anal sex frictions, the color of the edges of the tender meat inside the anus 

does not seem to be so deep, and it will not be the shape of the current protrusion.

  But I don't want to think so, because after all, she is just 22 years old, think about her doctor's working environment, and her embarrassment with her first date, I 

can't imagine how untold the past. Besides, she is now my beloved woman, no matter what, I will always love her as I do now. 

But I don't know why, in my mind, there is a scene of heart and liver and other men making love. Is she also screaming like this? I even imagined 

that she would also have anal sex with other men like now. This kind of thought made me feel very exciting, but more of it is a nameless embarrassment. Think of the most 

early to know her shy, and now daring sex, she thought she would be so strongly desire.

  I love her from the heart, but I now there is a desire to want to know more about her past, she said it was really only had one boyfriend, and 

and paid a virgin past it ? For me, is that really a secret that must be known?

  (7) Blurred

  The night is already very deep, but in the darkness, the voice of the woman's "ah, ah, ah!" is heard from time to time. It's a woman's 

involuntary embarrassment when she is in a fierce sex, and sometimes she lives very quickly, sometimes However, it seems to be mixed with a kind of pain; in the silence around, the snoring sounds big and small, 

and stimulates the nerves of the people heard.

  This is a very small room. In the middle of the room is a mat and a mat. On the mat, a young woman is naked. The round and white 

body is sandwiched between two men. "Fucking." Looking from the back, the woman fell on the man below, 

the pussy and anus in the middle of the white ass were being inserted by the puss of two men at the same time, and the woman's hands were on the mat, and the man with the white waist was covered by the man. hold 

the chest two big breasts with the back of the body and two men Choucha shake, thick and black hair loose in the back and white face.

  The distance between the woman's anus and the vagina is very close. It seems to be a bit difficult to insert together. But the two men who 

thrust her asshole and the pussy are well matched. When the penis in the vagina is pushed in, it is inserted in the asshole of the woman. The penis is pulled out, and when the penis in the vagina is pulled out, the penis in the asshole enters the roots 

; as the penis turns and the woman's mouth emits more and more slutty, her perineum has been stained. Filled with white pulp in the vagina and 

yellow intestines squeezed out of the penis in the anus . These liquids adhered to the dense pubic hair around the woman's asshole and on the labia as the two penis collided.

  The penis inserted in the woman's anus is very thick. It sucks the woman's asshole from above, and the two fat women's labia below the asshole greedily 

wrap another penis, curled labia, pink The tender meat was carried out constantly.

  Suddenly, the woman "ah" moans turned into loud shouting, the original, the two men no longer turns into her ass and pussy, but two female 

when extracting stem, forming an obtuse angle up and down, up and down with force Inserted into her anus and vagina; and a man appeared in front of the woman, he 

grabbed the woman's hair with her hand , lifted her head, the penis was inserted into the woman's mouth, and the woman's shouting immediately became The sound of "呜呜" should be that 

the penis in the mouth has been inserted into her throat. The men began to frantically pull in and out of the upper and lower body of the woman's body. Looking forward to a loose long black 

hair of a young woman, naked plump white ass break off, while the two men were thrusting penis in the anus and vulva in, and this woman 

's mouth stuck in third The man's penis, this kind of scene is an unspeakable stimulus.

  This woman's body is very similar to my heart and liver, but the color of the genitals looks more pink than the heart, but the rich waist, rounded buttocks, 

dark long hair, is exactly the same as her.

  After a while, the man who thrusts the woman's anus stopped first, and he gasped heavily, then forced the penis out of the woman's asshole. 

"Oh...", as the big penis is pulled out of his asshole, the woman can only make a ambiguous cockroach because her mouth still contains another man 

's penis.

  But almost at the same time, the man in front shot semen in her mouth and the penis pulled out of her mouth.


  The woman finally screamed, and the man in front also let go of the hand that grabbed her hair. The woman's head turned to the side and saw that the 

semen flowed down the corner of her mouth, and she was also open. The mouth gasped in a hurry and the body trembled.

  The purple tender meat in the woman's asshole was completely turned out by the thick penis, and it was constantly shrunk and closed, and the 

semen injected inside was squeezed out one by one; in this case also thrusts the vagina the penis back out, a woman's labia pink wide open, the above ass extruded refined 

liquid flowed down her perineal opening pussy, vagina and also flows out of the semen, Follow the thick pubic hair on the woman's haze.

  This obscene scene is even more unspeakable to me. When a woman turns her head, let me recognize that she is my heart. This is the 

end of what time? Is it now? I just feel the lower body of the penis high in Alice Li, at the same time, a gentle mouth kept Taonong it, I could stand it 

live, semen rush off out.

  "Ah!" The feeling of ejaculation and the squeaky voice of the woman in the ear made me seem to be transferred to another world. I suddenly felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning, and the surrounding 

scenery kept changing. where is this place? I tried to open my eyes and found myself in the heart of the hut, lying naked on her bed, and my 

heart was naked between my legs, one hand holding my penis, the other The semen that the hand is pouring out from the mouth.

  "You are so bad!" she said screamingly. "It's all shot in the mouth of others!" I suddenly remembered it. It should be the early morning of Saturday. I should 

be at home in the heart of the liver, on Friday. After we made love in the hospital, we returned to her home. And the rest of her family went on an outing on Friday, so I 

slept with her at night.

  "You must have sex with other women in your dreams!" He said to me with dissatisfaction.

  "No!" I hurriedly told her.

  "I still said no, when I woke up, you were tall and sweaty, and if you didn't kiss you, you shot, and definitely didn't dream!"

  "Then you didn't do good things. When you wake up at night, you have a man's cock!" I deliberately spurred her with swear words.

  "Ah, you are really hooligan!" The heart screamed, but I knew that she really liked the stimuli brought by these swear words, and as soon as she heard it, her underneath would get wet.

  I took her body and touched it in the cave under her. Sure enough, the wet hands were sticky, and it was the liquid leaking from her pussy.

  "I also said that I was drooling and seeing what you are like!" I shook my hand full of her lasciviousness to her lips.

  "Ah! You are disgusting!" cried his heart and shook his head.

  "Say, do you like me to use that posture to fuck you?" I grabbed her, touched the two full breasts and continued to ask her with swear words.

  "You are rude!" The heart is struggling in my arms. "Isn't it all shot now? It must be no longer!"

  In fact, the ejaculation just did not make my libido diminish. Since I broke my virgin body in my heart and liver, I feel that my sexual ability 

is getting stronger and stronger. Now a ejaculation is nothing to me at all, as long as the penis will harden again for a little while. Thinking of the first 

anal intercourse with the heart and the liver last night , she squatted on the hospital table, pulled out her ass and let me see the asshole that had just been inserted from below. The scene seemed to be back to the scene:

  "Do you see enough?" The heart was groaning on the table.

  "Let me see it again!" I replied.

  "After reading for so long, people's legs began to numb!" The heart was shaking his white buttocks.

  "Is the chrysanthemum hole broken? The tender meat inside seems to be unable to get back." "It doesn't matter, it will go back after a while."

  Listening to the answer from the heart and the heart, I felt a shake in my heart. It seems that the guess was just not wrong. Her anus was also opened by other men, 

otherwise she would not say so.

  The thought of all this can be inserted where women who have been developed over the others, my heart can not help but mix a complex feeling, that sense of 

feel a little lost and unwilling, but feel very exciting. Thinking of her lying on the bed, licking her ass and being sucked by other men, how old is that anus 

, or how many penis have entered?

  Thinking of this, I feel a strong desire to come up. Last night scenes and just the kind of dreams seems to fit together, and she really more than 

men at the same time had sex?
