Ashton stopped the car in front of Kate's house and opened her seat belt. Then he got out and opened the door for her. "~ Here you go princess"

"What the f*ck? I'm wearing a dress does not mean I will act like a princess okay?."

"Lol. There's the stupid girl, back again."


Suddenly, Kate's phone rung. It was her mom. She immediately looked towards the window, thinking her mom saw her with Ashton. When she saw no one, she heaved a sigh of relief. Then she picked up her call. "Yes mom?"

"I won't be home today and tomorrow. I am at a relative's place."


Her mom then hung up directly without asking her to take care of herself or asking where she was or what she was doing. But Kate didn't feel bad, she was used to her mom's behavior. Suddenly Ashton hugged her from behind and kissed on her nape. She struggled a bit and then came out his grip.

"umm.. my mom is not coming back today. You want to join for dinner?"

Ashton suddenly became a bit surprised but then he immediately agreed. He held her hand and both of them went to her house. Kate's heart was beating faster and faster as she was approaching her door. 'Did I take the right decision?' was all that was going on inside her head

Soon they were inside her home.

I'll go and take a bath and change. I'll cook after that. You can watch the TV in the meantime. You can take a bath after I'm done, if you want to.


Kate nodded and went inside. She went to the bathroom and opened the zipper of her dress. Suddenly she remembered that she forgot to bring a towel. So she tried pulling up her zipper again so that she could go out and get her towel but in vain. She then peeped out of her bathroom door and saw Ashton was in the hall watching the TV so she quietly tip - toed and went inside her room and opened her wardrobe. She tried finding her towel but she wasn't able to, she went to the other drawer and she found it. As she turned around she saw Ashton standing inside her room.

"Omg! Ashton what are you doing here!!????"

Ashton looked at Kate and felt his throat run dry. Kate was standing with her back towards him when he entered the room and the zipper of her dress was open, so he could clearly see her white pearl like skin till her lower waist. At that very moment Kate turned around and asked him so his mind couldn't concentrate on what she was asking. When she turned around she had a towel in her hand. As the zipper was open, her dress was falling off from her breast and she had held it in place using her hands. Ashton tried to calm himself by closing his eyes but then again....

"Ash! What are you doing in here!?"

He opened his eyes.

"Umm.. I was looking for the kitchen to get some water. Sorry, I should've knocked, I didn't know this was your room"

Kate heaved causing her breasts to move a bit. Ashton saw this and his eyes darkened. He took long steps and strode towards Kate and caught her lips in his. This time it wasn't the usual soft kisses, this time they were dominating, full of lust. He then pinned her to the wall and held her hands above her head using his left hand. By this time Kate was already savoring Ashton's lip's taste. He kept on kissing her and twirling his tongue inside her and started licking her lips. He moved his right hand down to her hand which was holding the towel and covering her cleavage. He held her hand for a while to feel her reaction. Kate left the towel in her hand and stopped covering her breasts. On feeling this reaction he kissed her deeper.....