FLASHBACK - The time has come

Kate had to rest in the hospital for a few more days so in the meantime she studied more books related to programming. Since Ashton was busy according to him, and won't come for a week, Kate had no reason to buy those stupid romance novels, so she spent the extra money on other books. One thing that kept bugging her was the man who paid for all the hospital fees. Just who was he? And why did he pay her hospital fees? And then he also asked the hospital authority not to disclose his identity. Another thing was, she just had hormonal imbalance then why was she being kept in the hospital for so long. In the span of 4 days, they had conducted several tests on her. This included a CRI scan as well. Why would they conduct a CRI scan? How was hormonal imbalance related to the brain? All of this was not letting her brain work. Suddenly a nurse came in.

"Ms. Kate, you'll be free to leave tomorrow, all the tests conducted showed positive results. In any case you feel any discomfort, do let us know. The gentleman that day took care of it. "

"Took care of it? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. Just that all your future treatments are free. Here take this card. Also here is a contact card of your personal doctor."

"What? My personal doctor?"

"Yes. That's all. Another nurse will come later to take care of your belongings. Are you feeling discomfort anywhere right now?"

"No, thank you"

"Okay. Then I'll leave" Kate nodded, and the nurse left her ward.

'Finally I can work on my computer skills and find out more about Susie's death.' Kate thought to herself.

The day passed on like usual. Kate was still thinking about how Ashton might be connected to Susie's death.

The next day, a nurse came and started packing all of Kate's belongings, a car and a driver were already called in for Kate. This made her even more curious as to who was doing all this for her. The driver dropped her at her house. Kate stood below the building staring at her apartment. In the 4 days in which she was admitted at the hospital, her mom only called her once, asking where she was, and after knowing that she was admitted at the hospital she didn't say anything and just hung up. After that day she didn't even call once to check on her. Sometimes Kate really doubted whether her mother was really her's.

Kate went to her room and changed her clothes and directly opened her laptop. It was now time for her to start. It was actually a good thing since she could finally think things through because of getting enough rest and looking at everything with a different perspective. Kate had decided to make a system that would record all of Ash's and his sister's conversation. But so as to install the system in their phones, Kate had to install it in either of their phones. Once one of the phone has the application, then it could be passed on to the other user's phone through a call or message and install without the user getting notified, just like a virus. It'll only activate when it's producer, that is Kate wants it to. This meant that Kate could control which calls to record. This was supposed to be Kate's original plan but then she realized she might get more intel if she could just check the contents of their phones without them knowing, so she decided to upgrade her system to one which could literally copy all the data on their phone and send it to her. This way she could have more proof against them incase she gets anything. Keeping this in mind she started upgrading her application. She didn't even realize that it was 3 AM of the next day already. She checked the time only because her stomach started growling. She went to the kitchen and made herself some instant noodles. After eating she went to the bath tub and soaked for half an hour in hot water while massaging her head. Then she changed to some fresh clothes and then went off to her bed. Starting tomorrow her life was going to get very busy.