FLASHBACK - Trust issues

Why did Kate deal with Jennifer? This was because it was Jennifer who was supposed to organize and get men for her 'surprise'. So Kate decided to 'surprise' her first before she could. And apparently it helped, just as Kate thought. Jennifer's house was surrounded by the media. They weren't going to let her go just like that. So Jennifer had no option but to stay at her house. Even Ashton could do nothing about it and just grit his teeth in anger.

Ashton called Jennifer a lot of times but apparently she didn't pick up, probably with fear of facing his wrath. This annoyed him even more. She was becoming more and more of a headache for him. Probably if she wasn't useful he would have 'dealt' with her long back. Taking the chance, Kate immediately called Ashton up.



"Are you alright? I heard the news about... about your.. your sister. Is she okay?"

"Not really."

"Who would do such a thing? Did she offend someone she shouldn't have?"

"I don't think so."

"Then do you think... she might have known something about someone she shouldn't have and that person is trying to ruin her this way, so that his or her secret doesn't come out?" Kate deliberately such things so that Ashton could feel a sense of fear. Since his mind was not exactly at his best right now he immediately thought about the possibility. 'What if any of our client get any information or maybe she was trying to sell some information?' As Ashton was thinking of the possibility Kate immediately said -

"Baby, I think she offended someone, she was not really herself this week. She seemed distracted. Or what if she took some trade secrets from her agency for another agency, just like one of the post mentioned?"

Ashton immediately paled. What if Jennifer had taken any files or documents from his side? Though he was very careful around everyone, he couldn't deny the fact that he had let down his guard around Jennifer. What if she was the loose end he was trying to find all this time? All those people, his clients and their information, if it fell into someone's hands he wasn't sure if he could ever see daylight. The thought of it made him shudder. Then his eyes immediately turned cold, finally deciding something. On the other side Kate was smirking. She already knew what Ashton was thinking. All he needed was a bit of push and he would immediately believe anything right now.

"Baby? You there?"

"Huh? Oh yeah"

Ashton came out from his daze.

"Baby, I think someone is deliberately creating trouble for your sister. I don't think she would have done all these things. She is a very nice person. Don't worry, time will bring out the truth."

It seemed as if she was assuring him but at the same time she was also threatening him by saying 'Time will bring out the truth.'

"Kate, I'll talk to you later. I'm quite busy right now. I gotta go. Bye."

"Okay baby. Take care of yourself and your sister. Bye!"

"Yes, bye."

Ashton hung up with a worried expression on his face while on the other side Kate couldn't stop herself from smirking. Seemed like finally she was finally the game master while Ashton and Jennifer her pawns. She then praised her team and dispersed them. She herself then closed her laptop and took a shower and then dozed off, re -energizing herself for another long day.

Three more days to go. This time, for Ashton instead.