FLASHBACK - One down, one to go

Kate packed up her things and immediately moved out, later in the evening. She didn't know whether this would be permanent or temporary. She had already found a condominium for her team, and it was super large. She could afford this, since she just had received a lot of money. Her mom was still annoyed and even tried locking her up, but who was Kate? A girl with and IQ of 165. A small door lock was nothing to her. She immediately picked it using her hair pin and immediately stormed out of her house without even looking for her mother. She didn't care to tell her, her new address. She had to start working soon since she had only 3 days left.

After moving, she immediately told her team her objectives. Since she was doing everything in a legal way, no one objected. For now, she told them to dig dirt about Jennifer Bloom. Since she was in the showbiz industry, that wasn't too difficult. Her team immediately found out that she was had done a lot of shady deals to get to where she was. Those who caught her, were suppressed by an unknown force. Kate immediately understood that it might be related to what Ashton does. This information also included a sex video. Kate immediately ordered her team to release all the data on the internet through different ID's after changing their IP address. Kate then immediately deleted all of their internet traces as well. In an hour, the entire media were like hyenas. Hungrily tearing apart Jennifer's reputation. Many headlines came up.

'Jennifer Bloom naked with a man!'

'The swan that is actually a Snake! - Jennifer Bloom'

'Jennifer's sultry moves- Watch here!'

Even the netizens were tearing her apart, writing vicious things about her character. Apparently a netizen wrote a comment which immediately boosted this wild fire.

'Actually, I saw Jennifer Bloom at a hospital around a month ago, going to the gynecology department. She had a face mask on and sunglasses, but I could make out that it was her. I even clicked a picture! See!! I loved her so much! She was like an angel for me, but turns out she was just another sl*t!!'

'Oh god! Commenter above, now to think of it, check out the string of pictures I have attached! Jennifer had a little bump in all of them! But in her recent pictures, it isn't there!! Could it be that she got pregnant and went to get and abortion!!??'

'Oh my god! That could be true!!'

'To be honest, I wouldn't even be surprised if she was. She is such a sl*t. She even killed an unborn baby! How horrendous!'

+12,346 and counting....

And just like that, Jennifer Bloom was destroyed. The 'unknown' force was trying real hard from stopping the matter to blow up. But every time it would take down a link, another 10 would pop up. It was as if someone was monitoring them. Jennifer's condition wasn't any good either. Inside her house she was furious. She had broken all the vases and glass crockery. Her house was surrounded by media, furiously trying to get inside her house. The maids at her house was terrified. Inside, of Jennifer and outside, of the media.

Jennifer was screaming at the top of her voice. Her hair was a complete mess, her eyes were blood shot. Tears had made her makeup worse. Her eyeliner and mascara was smudged. Snot running down from her nose, her dress all scrunched up. She couldn't believe that someone dug out the 'skeleton she had been hiding in her closet' all this time. At the same time Kate was checking out the comments at different webpages. She had an evil smile on her face. Her fellow teammates could pee in their pants anytime. She couldn't understand what exactly had Jennifer Bloom done to their boss to destroy her like that. Kate looked at all of them and immediately saw the questioning look in their eyes. It was time. Time to tell them, what exactly made her do all this. She decided to trust them and tell everything that happened - from Susie's death to today. After hearing her story all of her team members immediately felt ashamed for judging her actions. They decided that they'll trust her boss now, no matter what. After today, all of them had immense trust in each other. Their loyalty for Kate increased tremendously.