At this stage the secret night chronicle was at its highest power . The chronicle has to be safely kept in the royal bloodline or it should be kept in Ayashka .
Ayato in the light of the sacred chronicle looked extremely tempting his perfect jawline his thin lips his sharp eyes all were very clear ,his eyes totally focused on Ayashka he slowly whispered to her "This power belong to you so I am going to return the chronicle to its real owner,by this you shall become very vulnerable as these powers of secret night are hunted by each creature on earth".
Ayashka was the one who was the true descendent of the Sintachi's .Ayato was half Sintachi his mother was a human but still his father was a power full Sintachi. Ayashka had the responsibility to keep the chronicle and pass it on to the next generation and the day she turn 18year old she could use the power's of the chronicle. But this won't be easy the sect was searching for it and now she was their prey the sect wanted the night chronicle they were planing to get the day she turn 18.
This would be the day when the chronicle would come out of her for 1 hour at mid night and it would be the best time for the sect to capture it.
Ayashka raised her head her eyes reflected confidence she looked into his eyes it was clear with out a word that she was ready for this.
This was Ayato's turn to proceed the ceremony further this was not just a ceremony to make the chronicle come to its original form but in the Sintachi family it was how the couple holding the secret get married, this was an act of power sharing and accepting themselves this was a tradition made to pass the secret and to keep Sintachi royal members together so no stranger comes in.
Ayato flashed his blood on to the chronicle and chanted "oh the mighty secreat now you shall remain were you truly belong in the Sintachi bloodline were you shall rest for ever and never be parted you will be kept in the royal vain so the sacrifice doesn't go in vain".
Then the next moment the chronicle entered Ayashka through her flowing blood it was painful and the next moment her wounds healed ,it was the power of the chronicle but it won't effect next time until she opens it on her birthday at mid night.
Now Ayashka and Ayato belonged to each other and had a huge responsibility on their shoulders .
Ayato and Ayashka couldn't stay at the same place anymore as the sent of the chronicle was already all around the place because of the ceremony and it won't be hard for devils to come there .
The next moment they left the place with Monmoru. They travelled to the Darkland were it kept dark with out day .Darkland was cursed by the fallen angel or the true furie as this was the land that made her greedy and as a result she was thrown from hevens.This land had all the prosperity and happiness which made the angel greedy .So she cursed it to be dark for ever like her life was darkened for ever .The furies were descendant of the fallen angel and they were all greedy and had a dark light surrounding them.
Monmoru moved fast . It was easy to hide in the Darkland as it was dark but it was were furies or one of their enemies lived .
It was a challenge to escape the furies who were in the sect .Still they were not as powerful as the vampires and devils.
Sintachi family could still fight and survive among them.