5.The Darkland and the furies

After travelling for 4hours they finally reached the Darkland . Now the challenge was to escape the furies and hide there for a day .

The Darkland was always dark but it was a developed place their were furie houses shops and everything their were fire balls floating in a series to provide light making the place extremely beautiful .

Ayashka and Ayato asked Monmoru to enter with out them . Ayashka and Ayato advanced slowly into the furie crowd hiding themselves slightly ,the furies looked no different from humans so they wont identify them easily .

Still Sintachi family members had a different aura so if someone from sect lead comes near it would be a disadvantage for Sintachi bloodline .

Ayato sprayed a drop of Monmoru's blood on them so furies wont get their aura.

They both walked into the dark forest were there was an abandoned palace were the furies won't enter that easily. It was the place were the first furie fell from heaven it was the cursed palace ,the only safe place for them on this land .

They walked through the dark with nearly no clue were the palace was . After an hour they saw fire balls floating it was like the fox fire but actually it was the furie fire if the fire is touched by an angle it would make the angel cursed as a result angle wold turn into a low furie or the undesirable furie as it is not born from furies.

Ayashka slowly entered the palace ,Ayato checked the surroundings he said "all clear".

They closed the doors and found Monmoru inside . Ayashka hugged him and in a seductive tone said "I am heading to go take a bath would you like to come or guard the room" .Ayato turned red he didn't speak.

The moment the blood from Monmoru rinsed

off her her aura was back ,Ayato took a while but as soon as he understood the fact that her aura was back he ran into the bathroom .Sadly he was late a furie was there near the window trying to slowly catch Ayashka who was currently in the tub and enjoying herself and her eyes were closed .

Bang Ayato manipulated his blood and cot the furies hands witj no time Ayashka suddenly opened her eyes and saw the furies hand in her tub ,in reflex she ran out and hugged Ayato .Ayato's throat tightened seeing Ayashka in such a vulnerable state his desires lit up but he covered her with a towel and fought back with the furie as his hand was grown back . The furies should be stamped in their heart or else they won't die.
