6.Capturing The Cursed.

The furies were not so powerful but they sill had some powers because they were descendent of the fallen angel.

the furie jumped into the air shooting fire balls at Ayato emerging from his finger tip.

Ayato was for a second helpless .Suddenly Ayashka cuts her finger tip and turning her blood into a chain captures the cursed fallen Angela's descendent at that very same time a fire ball flashes onto her her chest but the power of the secret night heels her.

The furie tries to free himself but Ayato cuts off his every effort.

The furie would be very helpful for them in their journey ,the furies had access to the vampire hills .It was necessary to pass it with out being noticed .Ayato with a satisfied smile takes the fire pendent wich gave furies access to the vampire world .Then Ayato took out some sacred water which he had acquired from the holy house of saints who were his friends .Ayato sprays it on the furie ,


The furie was late to complete his words he had been reduced to ash already.

Ayato grabs Ayashka's hands and leave with the fire pendant .

He was ready to march into his next challenge with his Ayashka ,there next goal the vampire hills.