Every Scene Needs . . .

I slept late last night. I think it was already around 2:30 at dawn. Quite late or too early for the next day. It was because my mind was full of the plot that if I delay writing them, I might forget them and that will be regretful. So, I wrote the plot base on what I have in mind until my brain was totally drained.

I woke up and saw the clock said 6:12 am.

I stood and began writing because of more parts of the plot was stacked in my mind. The desire to move forward is there.

When I'm done, I saw the clock said 10:01 in the morning. I'm dead tired now. But before going back to sleep I want to write my diary entry today. I also opened my emails and others to check for messages. My attention was taken by an article from medium.com daily digest. The title that caught my attention was Every Scene Needs... A Question.

I'm too sleepy to say anything more of it. The only thing I can say is EVERY ASPIRING AUTHOR NEEDS TO READ THIS. I've learned a lot from it and even convicts me to evaluate what I've written so far. However, I really need to go back to sleep. Can't concentrate anymore. I'll do that later.

May the Lord bless you, keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace. Now and forever more. Amen.

Have a good and fruitful day. (Tuck myself to bed and snores.)

P.S. I already published this when I remember to forget to write the link here.

Another P.S. The noise outside is getting to my nerves, snatching me back from dreamland. I need to go down and try to sleep in a noisy living room. But the noise will be from the babies.