I thank God that my daughter is now coming home from almost a week of stay in the hospital. All of us have sleepless nights, but we can now rest.
I thank God that he sustains us in every way, physically and financially.
Yesterday, I have a urinary tract infection. I don't know the cause, but probably due to fatigue. Instead of going to the doctor for a prescription of antibiotics, I chose the home remedies. I drank Rosella tablets and a lot of water. By noon, the pain slowly subsided.
I thank God for healing me.
I also thank God for good progress with my story yesterday.
More characters, more events, new magical animals, clearer directions, and more words written yesterday.
The excitement that was not there the previous days is now back. I'm really glad and thankful to the great story-teller, God, and for giving me wisdom for my story.
It's really different if I won't write my story in a hurry or for daily publishing. Plot holes can be avoided, of which I already saw one, and patched it with no worries if my readers will see it and drop the story.
I also added some good descriptions and rearranged the events in a concise way. I could have missed these things if I published the chapters after writing.
As of now, I'm contented and thankful for the progress of my story. Patience truly brings forth better results.
Let us learn from nature. It takes its course slowly but surely. It is not running against time nor afraid of being delayed but flows through its natural course.
Stories are the same. The author's mind works wonders but could miss some good things for the story if we hurry our writing for daily publishing. Great works took time to finish and the result was satisfactory.
I hope my work is that same in the eyes of the readers. Anyway, I am satisfied with the fruit of my labor.
Inspirational Quotes for the day:
"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." — Lao Tzu
"Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it." — Søren Kierkegaard
"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." — Albert Einstein
"Slow and steady wins the race." — Aesop
"One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life." Chinese proverb
I thank God for the blessings of life. Are you thankful today?
Have a good and fruitful day.